Understand transition owners and criteria

Understand transition owners and criteria

Transition owner

Transition owners are the users who can view and perform the transition. Based on the requirements, each transition can have one or more transition owners. You can choose individual users, profiles, and user fields as the transition owners. The transition owners can be

  • Users
    Users refer to application users. The application users are the individuals to whom the application has been shared. You can choose one or more users as transition owners.
  • Permissions
    The transition owner can be set as a user associated with a specific permission. The Selected users  drop down will list the permissions. Selecting a permission enables all the users associated with the permission to view and perform transition.
  • Fields
    Field refers to the Users field in your form. All Users fields in your form will be listed as transition owners. Selecting a specific field enables the users listed on the field to view and perform transition.


Transition owners should have access to the records to perform the transitions

Transition criteria

Transition criteria is the condition which determines when the transition owner can perform the transition. You can set the criteria for the transition by choosing a value for a particular field. You can also set logic between criteria using OR and AND expressions. For 'AND', every criteria must be true and for 'OR', only one of the criteria must be true.

Note: Transition button

Only when the transition owner and transition criteria are satisfied the transition button will be made visible to the transition owners.

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