AddMonitor API

This API allows the user to configure monitors in Applications Manager. The different monitors supported are:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator

Request Parameters

The common parameters involved in the API request are described below:

apikey * The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the Settings tab.
displayname * The display name of the monitor.
subnet The subnet where the server is running. The default value is
pollInterval The interval at which the server needs to be polled. This variable is optional. If no value is mentioned, the default value of 5 minutes will be taken.
groupID (haid) The id of the monitor group. In Applications Manager, you can find the groupID of a monitor group using the following method:
  • Click on the Group Name in the Monitor Groups table. This will open the Monitor Group details page
  • The URL of the Monitor Group details page will be in the following format:


  • The haid in the URL is the Group ID that you require, in this case, 10000040.
resolvedns The value can be 'True' or 'False'. Do not resolve DNS name when you have multiple system IP addresses configured with single DNS name.
credentialID A unique identifier set by Applications Manager for a credential.
label Assign labels for a resource.

* mandatory

Adding a new monitor as a Delegated Admin user

When adding a new monitor as a Delegated Admin user, the following parameters should be appended in the API URL:

addToGroup * Denotes if the monitor should be added to monitor group. Value is either true or false.
groupID * The group ID of the monitor group to which the monitor is to be added.

* mandatory

Sample Request


Adding a new monitor from an Central Server in the Enterprise Edition

When adding a new monitor from an Central Server in the Enterprise Edition, the user can select the Probe Server of his preference. To do so, the following parameters should be appended in the API URL:

ManagedServerID * The new monitor will be added in the Probe Server of which the ID is specified.
ManagedServerGroupName * The new monitor will be added in a Probe Server in the specified Group.

* If these parameters are not specified, the Probe Server will be selected based on the load-factor.


URL encoding will be required for parameters with special characters (like display name or password). For example, if a password contains a special character like &, ", # , & , % or + , it should be replaced with the corresponding string as below while passing the password in the REST API:

  • # should be replaced with %23
  • & should be replaced with %26
  • % should be replaced with %25
  • + should be replaced with %2B

For More information about URL encoding, refer here.

Invoking the Add Monitor API will change the display name for existing monitors.

Sample Request

This example helps you add a Windows server to Applications Manager:


Example Output

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor">
      <response response-code="4000">
         <message>Monitor added successfully.</message>

Sample Error

If the API is not executed correctly, the request will fail and errors will be thrown as shown below:

<Apm-response uri="/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor">
      <response response-code="4225">
         <message>The Transaction mentioned in the request URL should be yes or no.</message>

Samples for adding a new monitor from an Central Server


http://app-windows:9090/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=627b1432529fbace2867388e6abf15e&type=ms sql&displayname=mssql&username=sa&host=hostname&password=password@123&port=1433&instance=&authentication=SQL&ManagedServerID=2


http://app-windows:9090/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=627bce9dvsdv0db9fbace2867388e6abf15e&type=ms sql&displayname=mssql&username=sa&host=hostname&password=password@123&port=1433&instance=&authentication=SQL&ManagedServerGroupName=WIN4

Note: Sometimes, API executions could result in error conditions. In case of an error, the error information would be sent in the response body. The response body will have <error> as the child node along with the appropriate error code. To know more about the list of common error conditions, refer here.

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