Oracle E-Business Suite Monitoring

Oracle EBS - An Overview

Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS) monitor allows you to monitor the availability and performance of Oracle EBS from a centralized web console. Data of Oracle E-Business Suite are collected using DMS stands for Dynamic Monitoring Service (a web application which get data from the fusion middleware components). Data that is created and updated by DMS-enabled applications and components is accessible through the DMS Spy Servlet. Only users having administrator rights can access this servlet.

Creating a new Oracle EBS monitor

Oracle EBS Versions Supported: R11i, R12.0, R12.1.3, R12.2.0, R12.2.5 & above.

Prerequisites for monitoring Oracle EBS: Applications Manager uses the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) provided by Oracle Application Server to monitor the same. For this reason, the DMS Servlet has to be made accessible to the system where the Applications Manager is running. Refer Prerequisites Section.

Using the REST API to add a new Oracle EBS monitor: Click here

Follow the steps given below to create a new Oracle EBS monitor in Applications Manager:

  1. Go to New Monitor. Click on Oracle EBS.
  2. Enter Display Name.
  3. Provide Host Name & Port.
  4. Select the EBS Server Version - R11i, R12.0, R12.1.3, R12.2.0, 12.2.5 & above.
  5. If you select Version R12.2.0/R12.1.3/R12.2.5 & above, a username and password details are mandatory. You can enter your own credential details or select preconfigured credentials details in Credentials Manager. If you wish to enter your own credentials, specify username and password details for this monitor.
  6. For version R12.1.3, you will have to specify whether SSL is enabled, the instance name(service name) and concurrent request filter. Concurrent request filter can be selected from the drop down list which holds values such as pending, running and inactive.
  7. Choose SSL Enabled checkbox if SSL authentication is enabled on the server connection channel.
  8. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  9. If you are adding a new monitor from an Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  10. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box to which you want to associate the Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  11. Click Add Monitor(s). Upon adding the Oracle EBS monitor, you can view the details of the newly added Oracle monitor.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Oracle EBS under the ERP Table. Displayed is the Oracle EBS bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:

For Oracle E-Business Suite R11i:

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.0:

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.0, R12.2.5 & above:

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1.3:

For Oracle E-Business Suite R11.0

Performance Overview

Name The name of Oracle EBS monitor.
Health The health (Clear, Warning, Critical) of the server
Type The type you are monitoring.
Last Polled at The time at which the last poll was performed.
Next Poll at The time at which the next poll is scheduled.
Availability The current status of the server - available or not available.
Connection Statistics
Connections per Minute Number of times an HTTP connection was established.
Active Connections Number of connections that are active.
Requests Statistics
Active Requests Number of requests that are active
Completed Requests per min Number of HTTP request completed per minute
Response Time
Average Response Time Average Response time of the request
Minimum Response Time Minimum Response time for the request
Maximum Response Time Maximum Response time for the request
Process Stats
Process Name Name of the process like BDMSProcess
Heap Size Heap memory size of the process

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.0

Performance Overview

Active Requests Number of child servers currently in the request processing phase.
Completed Requests per min Number of HTTP request completed per minute
Average Response Time Average time required to service an HTTP request
Min Response Time Minimum time required to service an HTTP request
Max Response Time Maximum time required to service an HTTP request
Active Connections Number of connections currently open
Connections per Minute Number of times an HTTP connection was established.
Virtual Host Processes
Virtual Host Name Specifies Virtual host name.
Active Requests Total time spent processing requests for this virtual host.
Completed Requests Per Minute Number of requests processed completely per minute.
Average Response Time Average time spent processing requests for this virtual host.


Applications Requests
Applications The echo of the value specified as the path for OC4J Mount directive in mod_oc4j.conf.
Success Requests per Minute Specifies the number of requests per minute, both session and non-session together, that mod_oc4j successfully routed to an OC4J instance.
Error Requests per Minute The number of requests per minute, both session and non-session, that mod_oc4j failed to route to an OC4J.
Sessions Success Requests per Minute Specifies the number of session requests per minute that mod_oc4j successfully routed to an OC4J instance.
Sessions Error Requests per Minute The number of session requests per minute that mod_oc4j failed to route to an OC4J.
Non-Sessions Success Requests per Minute Specifies the number of non-session requests per minute that mod_oc4j successfully routed to an OC4J instance.
Non-Sessions Error Requests per Minute The number of non-session requests per minute that mod_oc4j failed to route to an OC4J.

Process Information

Process Details
Process ID The process ID for the process.
Process Name The process name.
Heap Size The heap size of the process in MB.

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.0, R12.2.5 & above

Performance Overview

Server Name The name of the Server.
Process Name of the process. For eg, opmn:/EBS_web_VIS_OHS.
Min Response Time (ms) Minimum time required to service an HTTP request.
Max Response Time (ms) Maximum time required to service an HTTP request.
Average Response Time (ms) Average time required to service an HTTP request.
Active Requests Child servers currently in the request processing phase.
Completed Requests per minute Number of HTTP request completed per minute.
Active Connections Number of connections currently open
Connections per Minute Number of times an HTTP connection was established.
Virtual Hosts Process Stats
Virtual Host Name Host name of the virtual host.
Server Name The name of the Server.
Active Requests Number of requests currently being processed by this host.
Average Response Time Average time spent processing requests for this virtual host
Completed Requests Per Minute Number of requests processed completely per minute

Process Information

Process Details
Process Name of the process. For eg, opmn:/EBS_web_VIS_OHS.
Host Name The name of the host where the process is running.
Server name The name of the Server.
Heap Size The heap size of the process.


Cluster Statistics
Cluster Name Specifies Cluster Name
Running Servers Number of probe servers in running state. Servers in the following states are taken as running servers:
Shutdown Servers Number of probe servers in shutdown state. Servers in the following states are taken as Shutdown servers:
Failed Servers Number of probe servers in failed state
Server Status
Server Name Specifies Server Name
Server State Specifies state of the server. Possible States are:
  • Starting - During the STARTING state, a WebLogic Server instance transitions from SHUTDOWN to STANDBY, as a result of a Start, Start in Admin, or Start in Standby command.
  • Resuming - The WebLogic Server performs the operations required to move itself from the STANDBY or ADMIN state to the RUNNING state.
  • Running -The WebLogic Server is fully functional, offers its services to clients, and can operate as a full member of a cluster.
  • Admin - In the ADMIN state, WebLogic Server is up and running, but available only for administration operations, allowing you to perform server and application-level administration tasks.
  • StandBy - The WebLogic Server instance transitions from SHUTDOWN to STANDBY. A server instance in STANDBY does not process any request—its regular Listen Port is closed.
  • Suspending - The WebLogic Server performs the operations required to place itself in the ADMIN state, suspending a subset of WebLogic Server subsystems and services, and completing a predefined portion of the application work currently in process
  • Force_Suspending - The WebLogic Server performs the operations required to place itself in the ADMIN state, suspending a subset of WebLogic Server subsystems and services in an ordered fashion. During the FORCE_SUSPENDING state, WebLogic Server does not complete in-flight work; application work in progress is abandoned.
  • Shutdown - The WebLogic Server instance is configured but inactive. The WebLogic Server completes the suspension of subsystems and services and does not accept application or administration requests.
  • Shutting_Down - The WebLogic Server is in the process of shutting down.
  • Failed - A running server instance can fail as a result of out-of-memory exceptions or stuck application threads, or if one or more critical services become dysfunctional.
Cluster Name Name of the cluster


Threads in JVM
Server Name The name of the Server.
Active Threads The number of active threads.
Daemon Threads The number of daemon threads.
Deadlock Threads The number of threads which are deadlock.
Self-Tuning Thread Pool
Server Name The name of the Server.
Hogged Threads The number of threads that are being held by a request right now.
Idle Threads The number of idle threads in the pool.
Pending Requests The number of pending user requests in the priority queue.
StandBy Threads The number of threads in the standby pool.
Active Threads The total number of threads in the pool.
Server Login Rate
Server Name Specifies the server where metrics come
Success Logins Percentage of successful logins
Failed Logins Percentage of failed logins
Blocked Logins Percentage of blocked logins
Forms Resource Usage
Server Name The name of the Server.
Instance Name The name of the FMW instance home.
CPU Usage The Percentage of CPU space used.
Memory Usage Percentage of Total Memory Used.
Private Memory Usage The total private memory used by the run-time process in MB.
Resource Usage of Forms JVM
Server Name Specifies server name from where metrics come
CPU Usage by JVM Percentage of CPU used by form's JVM processes
Memory Usage by JVM Memory used by form's JVM processes in MB.


Applications Status
Server Name The name of the Server.
Applications The name of the cluster application
Cluster Name The name of the cluster in which the application is deployed
Status The current status of the application


Form Application Details
Server Name The name of the Server.
Form Applications The name of the Forms Application.
Instance Name The name of the FMW instance home.
Process The process where metrics come.
Number of Sessions The total number of sessions in the application.
Status The status of the application.

Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server

OPMN Components Resource Usage
Server Name The name of the Server.
Component Name The name of the component in server.
Memory Usage The percentage of memory space used by component.
CPU Usage The percentage of CPU used by the component.

Web Cache

WebCache Performance
Server Name The name of the Server.
Process Name The processes where metrics are monitored.
Average Latency The average amount of time for client requests forwarded by Oracle Web Cache to be resolved.
Processed Requests Per Minute The number of client requests forwarded by Oracle Web Cache processed by origin server
Failed Requests Per Minute The number of client requests forwarded by Oracle Web Cache that resulted in an error.
WebCache Requests Filter
Site Name The name of the website
Server Name The processes where metrics are monitored.
Instance Name The name of the instance
Cache Size The size of the objects currently stored in the cache
Hit Rate The percentage of requests resolved by cache content
Denied Request Per Minute The number of requests denied by request filters.
Served Request Per Minute The number of requests that Oracle Web Cache has served.

For Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1.3

Performance Overview

Session Details
Active Sessions Number of Active Sessions
Inactive Sessions Number of Inactive Sessions
Session Usage Sessions Usage in %
Concurrent Request Count Details
Pending Concurrent Request Number of Concurrent Requests which are pending
Running Concurrent Request Number of Concurrent Requests which are running
Inactive Concurrent Request Number of Concurrent Requests which are inactive
Notification Mailer Count Details
Pending Notification Mailer Request Number of Notification Mailer Requests which are pending
Running Notification Mailer Request Number of Notification Mailer Requests which are running
Inactive Notification Mailer Request Number of Notification Mailer Requests which are inactive
Database Details(Average)
Name Name of the Database attribute
Value Data value
Unsuccessful Login Unsuccesful login attempt details


Application Details
Application ID Application ID
Application Name Name of the application
Application Code Application code
Basepath Basepath
Product Code Product Code
Created By ID of the user who created the application
Creation Time Time at which the application was created
Last Updated By ID of the user who modified the application recently
Last Update Time Time at which the application was modified recently

Forms Details

Forms Details
Form Id Form ID
Form Name Name of the form
User Form Name Name of the form which is displayed to the users
Last Updated Time Time at which the Form was modified recently
Description Details about the form

Workflow Manager

Workflow Manager
Component Name Name of component
Component Type Type of component
Component Status Status of the component
StartUp Mode Mode of start up
Last Update Time Time at which it was updated recently
Creation Time Time at which it was created

Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager
Concurrent Manager Name Name of the Concurrent Manager
Concurrent Queue Name Name of the Concurrent Queue
Actual Processes Number of actual processes running
Target Processes Number of target processes which are supposed to run
Minimum Process Minimum number of processes which are supposed to run
Cache Size Size of the cache
Sleep Seconds No of seconds it can rest
Manager Type Type of manager
Running Status Status of the Manager- shows whether it's running or not

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