Install APM Insight Java Agent via system Environment

  • This approach is suitable for monitoring a single Java application on a machine using our APM Insight Java Agent.
  • Ensure that the specified host, port, application name, license key, and server port are configured correctly based on your APM Insight account details. Adjust the examples accordingly.
  • For monitoring multiple applications or additional configurations, consult the appropriate Application servers documentation.
  • Download latest the APM Insight java agent zip file ( here.
  • Extract the zip file contents to the below appropriate path to find agent jar.
    • For Windows: C:\ManageEngine\
    • For Linux: \opt\ManageEngine\
  • Configure the following agent configuration keys with appropriate value
    • For Windows: Open System properties → Advanced → Environment Variables → Add System variables like below.
      • Variable Name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
      • Variable Value:
        -javaagent:C:\ManageEngine\apminsight-javaagent\apminsight-javaagent.jar]:[PORT] -"[APPLICATION NAME]" -Dapminsight.license.key=[LICENSE KEY] -Dapminsight.agent.server.port=8080
      • Example:
        -javaagent:C:\ManageEngine\apminsight-javaagent\apminsight-javaagent.jar -"My Application" -
        Dapminsight.license.key=APMI_d04e6cf87bc6e4b9429c03426c485dd4f1edd1f813bd332b45955c6b0ef70d59 -


  • For Linux: Open ~/.bashrc and add below variables like given in the last line.
    • export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/opt/ManageEngine/apminsight-javaagent/apminsight-javaagent.jar -]:[PORT]'[APPLICATION NAME]' -Dapminsight.license.key=[LICENSE KEY] -
    • Example:
      export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/opt/ManageEngine/apminsight-javaagent/apminsight-javaagent.jar -'My Application' -
      Dapminsight.license.key=APMI_d04e6cf87bc6e4b9429c03426c485dd4f1edd1f813bd332b45955c6b0ef70d59 -
    • Execute "source ~/.bashrc" to apply changes.



  • Restart the appropriate Java Application to take effect