AppManagerDataExporter for Linux

The AppManagerDataExporter is an independent process that communicates application metrics and traces to the Applications Manager server.

Installing the AppManagerDataExporter

The AppManagerDataExporter can be installed using any of the following methods:-

Set options using the command-line interface

Follow the steps below to set options using the command-line interface:

  1. Download the installation script.

    wget -O

  2. Execute the installation command with the required options.

    sudo sh -lk "licensekey" -ah "appmanager host name" -ap "appmanager SSL Port"


    sudo sh -lk "licensekey" "applications manager host name" -apm.port "SSL port of applications manager"


The list of other available options is given below:

-lk, -license.key APPMANAGER APMInsight License Key
-bp, -behind.proxy The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Set to true or false)
-pu, -proxy.url Complete proxy URL
-asp, -agent.status.port Inter Process Communication status port number
-adp, Inter Process Communication data port number
-ah, Name of the host or IPV4 address where the server is installed and running.
-ap, -apm.port Port number of the host where the server is installed and running.
-aph, -apm.protocol.https Whether the data to the server should be sent through HTTPS protocol.

Set options using the Environmental Variables

Follow the steps below to set options using the environmental variables:

  1. Download the installation script.

    wget -O

  2. Set the required options.

    export APM_LICENSE_KEY="licensekey"

    export APM_HOST="appmanager hostname"

    export APM_PORT="appmanager SSL PORT"


    The list of other available options is given below:

    BEHIND_PROXY The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Set to true or false)
    PROXY_URL Complete proxy URL
    AGENT_STATUS_PORT Inter Process Communication status port number
    AGENT_DATA_PORT Inter Process Communication data port number
  3. Execute the installation command.

    sudo -E sh

Installing the AppManagerDataExporter without Internet Access

If the machine has no internet access, kindly follow the steps below to install AppManagerDataExporter:

  • Download the Exporter in the application server you want to monitor. Perform checksum verification to verify the integrity of the downloaded exporter file.
  • Extract the downloaded Agent in the opt directory by executing the following command.

cd /opt
sudo unzip <exporter_file_name>

Navigate to the bin folder which is present under the Agent Extracted path and execute the following command

sudo sh install -license.key [license.key] [] -apm.port [apm.port]


The list of other available options is given below:

[] Host of Applications Manager
[apm.port] SSL Port of Applications Manager
[licenseKey] The license key. To copy License key, navigate APM → Add monitor page → Python
[behind.proxy] The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Set to true or false)
[proxy.url] Complete proxy URL
[agent.status.port] Inter Process Communication status port number
[] Inter Process Communication data port number
[apm.protocol.https] Whether the data to the server should be sent through HTTPS protocol.

Uninstalling the AppManagerDataExporter

Execute the below uninstallation command to uninstall the AppManagerDataExporter.

sudo sh /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/bin/ uninstall

Changing the configuration after installing the AppManagerDataExporter

Modify the configuration.json file located in the /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/conf directory.

Note: The installation path depends on the directory specified during setup (e.g., /opt/AppManagerDataExporter).

Option Description
license.key APMInsight license key (APM Tab → Add Monitor → click on the respective agent → copy the license key)
behind.proxy The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Enter true or false)
proxy.url Complete proxy URL
agent.status.port Inter Process Communication status port number (Restarting AppManagerDataExporter is required) Inter Process Communication data port number (Restarting AppManagerDataExporter is required)
service.log.dir The path to the directory where logs will be stored
service.log.level The logging level (Possible values are INFO, WARNING, DEBUG, and NOLOG)
service.log.size Log size limit before rotating the log file (Enter the size in bytes)

Commands to manage AppManagerDataExporter

Following are the commands for managing AppManagerDataExporter:

  • To start AppManagerDataExporter

    service AppManagerDataExporter start


    sh /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/bin/ start

  • To stop AppManagerDataExporter

    service AppManagerDataExporter stop


    sh /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/bin/ stop

  • To restart AppManagerDataExporter

    service AppManagerDataExporter restart


    sh /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/bin/ restart

  • To check the status ofAppManagerDataExporter

    service AppManagerDataExporter status


    sh /opt/AppManagerDataExporter/bin/ status

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