Python Agent Configuration Options

The APM Insight Python Agent Configuration file helps you fine tune the configuration for tracking web based transactions. These settings can be configured from the web client.

Editing the configuration settings

These settings can be configured using the edit option available in the web client.

Browse through the following topics to view the agent configuration profile for the respective categories of Python agent:

Basic configuration profiles

Name Key Description Default value

Capture database SQL Queries


  • Enabling this option will listen to all SQL Queries which gets executed.

  • If this option is disabled, no Database Metrics will be collected.


Obfuscate SQL Parameters


  • Enabling this option will parameterize all SQL Queries in Slow Transaction Traces. (if sql.capture.enabled set to true & transaction.trace.enabled set to true)

  • Disabling this option will give you the real query (with parameters).

  • It is recommended to enable this option if there are queries getting executed using confidential parameters like credit card number, passwords, etc.


Stacktrace threshold for SQLs in transaction trace


  • Enabling this option will collect the stacktrace whenever any sql query executed above this threshold time value.


Display Instance Port number


  • Port number of application instances will be shown, if this option is enabled.


List of URL extensions to be skipped from tracking


  • Web transactions of the specified URL patterns will be skipped while tracking

  • Use comma(,) to separate multiple entries

    Example: transaction.skip.listening=*.jpeg, will skip listening to transactions ending with .jpeg

*.css, *.js, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.png, *.ico, *.properties, *.jsf, *.ttf, *.woff, *.woff2, *.otf, *.svg, *.webp

Normalize DB Operation Names  
  • Replaces alphanumeric values in the DB operation names with a question mark (*), if enabled.

Web transaction configurations

Name Key Description Default value

Apdex Threshold


  • Application Performance Index (simply called Apdex) is measurement of an Application's Performance ranging from 0 to 1.

  • Detailed information about Apdex can be found at

  • If any transaction response time scores values below the apdex.threshold value, the transaction is labeled as Satisfied.

  • If any transaction response time scores above four times the apdex.threshold, the transaction is labeled as Frustrated.

  • If it is exactly equal to apdex.threshold or in between satisfied and frustrated threshold value it is labeled as Tolerating.

0.5 (seconds)

Sampling factor


  • Sampling factor helps in tracking sampled transactions.

  • If set to 5, APMInsight tracks only 1 in 5 requests of the same kind

1(request) or 10(seconds)

Enable transaction tracing


  • Enabling this option will construct Trace for Slow Transactions.

  • You can view the traces collected in APM Insight Page by selecting Traces tab.


List of HTTP error codes to be ignored from tracking


  • This is the list of HTTP error codes, like 400, 401, and 500, that will not be tracked.


Capture CPU Time per Transaction?


  • Record CPU time for every HTTP request, if enabled.
