Custom Fields

As you monitor your applications and servers using Applications Manager, you may come across situations where certain important server-related data is not captured by the default fields present in Applications Manager. In such situations, you may want to add extra field types to capture that information. The 'Custom Fields' option allows you to configure these extra field types as per your business requirements.

Configuring Custom Fields

Click the Custom Fields button in the Monitor Information section of the monitor details page. This will open the Custom Fields section immediately below, where you can modify existing fields or add new fields.

There are 3 different tabs in the ‘Custom Fields’ section.

  • Custom Fields: In this tab, there are some preset fields such as Label, Impact, etc. You can edit the fields and specify their values as necessary. Apart from the default fields, you can add custom fields of your own if required. Just click the icon in the right-hand corner of the ‘Custom Fields’ tab. This will open the ‘Add/Remove Custom Fields’ popup window where you can add new fields, edit current fields or remove unwanted fields.

Mark as PII: PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information. In Custom fields, the user can enter any details that might contain PII. On doing this, the field will be encrypted and stored in the database. Since Location is a PII, it will be encrypted and stored by default.
  • User/Owner: This tab allows you to associate users to the particular monitor or monitor group. All types of user roles such as user, operator, administrator, and manager are supported.

  • Location: In this tab, you can specify information pertaining to the physical location of the server. The available fields include Location Name, Floor, building, city, state, country, postal code and zip code.

Note: The default values for custom fields of a monitor are inherited from the parent monitor group.

Custom Fields in Enterprise Edition

Although the custom fields option is available in both Professional and Enterprise editions of Applications Manager, there are a few minor differences in the way they can be configured in the Enterprise edition.

  • From the central server, you can add new fields, enable/disable fields, values, etc. for the monitors of the central server. You will have full control over the monitors of the central server.

  • You cannot create or edit new fields in a probe server. You can only assign values to existing fields.


  • Custom fields cannot be configured for external device monitors (i.e. monitors from ManageEngine OpManager such as routers and switches). However, they can be assigned to a monitor group.
  • You can assign multiple values for certain fields such as label and user.


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