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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Overview

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an orchestration service from Amazon which is used for deploying and scaling applications that orchestrates various AWS services like EC2, S3, Simple Notification Service (SNS), CloudWatch, AutoScaling, and Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). With Elastic Beanstalk, you can deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that is needed for those applications.

Creating a new AWS Elastic Beanstalk monitor

To learn how to create a new AWS Elastic Beanstalk monitor, refer here.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the Elastic Beanstalk instance available under Amazon in the Cloud Apps section. Displayed is the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

By clicking a monitor from the list, you will be taken to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk dashboard. It has 7 tabs:


Parameter Description
Environment Status Status of the environment. (Aborting, Launching, Updating, LinkingFrom,LinkingTo, Ready, Terminating, or Terminated)
Environment Health Status Shows the health status of the environment. (Ok, Info, Unknown, No data, Warning, Degraded, Severe, Pending, or Suspended)
Instances OK Number of instances with 'OK' health status.
Instances Degraded Number of instances with 'Degraded' health status.
Instances Severe Number of instances with 'Severe' health status.
Instances Unknown Number of instances with 'Unknown' health status.
Instances Info Number of instances with 'Info' health status.
Instances Pending Number of instances with 'Pending' health status.
Instances Warning Number of instances with 'Warning' health status.
Instances No Data Number of instances with 'No Data' health status.
Number of EC2 Instances Number of EC2 instances present in the environment.
Number of AutoScaling Groups Number of AutoScaling Groups present in the environment.
Number of SQS Queues Number of SQS Queues present in the environment.
Number of Launch Configurations Number of Launch Configurations present in the environment.
Number of Templates Number of Templates present in the environment.
Number of Load Balancers Number of Load Balancers present in the environment.


Parameter Description
CPU Utilization Amount of CPU utilized by the AutoScaling Group (in percentage).
Disk Read Rate Rate at which data is read from the disk in the environment (in MB/s).
Disk Write Rate Rate at which data is written to the disk in the environment (in MB/s).
Disk Read Ops. Number of I/O read operations performed on the disk per second in the environment.
Disk Write Ops. Number of I/O written operations performed on the disk per second in the environment.
Incoming Traffic Rate at which the network receives data in the environment (in MB/s).
Outgoing Traffic Rate at which the network sends data in the environment (in MB/s).
Packets Received Number of packets received by the AutoScaling Group per second.
Packets Transmitted Number of packets transmitted from the AutoScaling Group per second.


Parameter Description
Requests per minute Number of requests processed per minute in the environment.
Total Requests Total number of requests completed in the environment.
2xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 2xx code in the environment.
3xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 3xx code in the environment.
4xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 4xx code in the environment.
5xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 5xx code in the environment.
Top 5 Instances with Max Requests: Provides a graphical representation of the request details of top 5 instances with respect to maximum number of total requests in the environment.
Top 5 Instances with Error Requests: Provides a graphical representation of the request details of top 5 instances with respect to number of requests completed for various error response codes in the environment.
Instance Request Details
Instance ID Instance ID of the AWS Beanstalk instance.
Total Requests Total number of requests completed by the instance or environment.
2xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 2xx code.
3xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 3xx code.
4xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 4xx code.
5xx Responses Number of requests completed with a 5xx code.


Parameter Description
Application Latency P99 Average time taken by the application to complete 99% of requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Application Latency P90 Average time taken by the application to complete 90% of requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Application Latency P75 Average time taken by the application to complete 75% of requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Application Latency P50 Average time taken by the application to complete 50% of requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Application Latency P10 Average time taken by the application to complete 10% of requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Top 5 Instance Latency: Provides a graphical representation of the latency details of top 5 instances with respect to various latency requests in the environment (in milliseconds).
Instance Latency Details
Instance ID Instance ID of the AWS Beanstalk instance.
Instance Latency P99 Average time taken by the instance to complete 99% of requests (in milliseconds).
Instance Latency P90 Average time taken by the instance to complete 90% of requests (in milliseconds).
Instance Latency P75 Average time taken by the instance to complete 75% of requests (in milliseconds).
Instance Latency P50 Average time taken by the instance to complete 50% of requests (in milliseconds).
Instance Latency P10 Average time taken by the instance to complete 10% of requests (in milliseconds).


Parameter Description
CPU Usage of Instances: Provides a graphical representation of the CPU Usage of Instances with respect to various time details such as User Time and Idle Time in the environment (in percentage).
High Disk Usage of Instances: Provides a graphical representation of the Disk Usage of Instances with maximum Used Storage in the environment (in percentage).
High Avg. Load of Instances (1 min): Provides a graphical representation of the Avg. Load of Instances with maximum CPU load over the last 1 minute in the environment.
High Avg. Load of Instances (5 min): Provides a graphical representation of the Avg. Load of Instances with maximum CPU load over the last 5 minutes in the environment.
Linux Instance Performance Details
Instance ID Instance ID of the Linux EC2 instance in the environment.
Instance Health Health status of the Linux EC2 instance in the environment. Possible values are:
  • 0 - OK
  • 1 - Info
  • 5 - Unknown
  • 10 - No data
  • 15 - Warning
  • 20 - Degraded
  • 25 - Severe
Average Load (1 min) Average CPU load over the last one minute in the instance.
Average Load (5 min) Average CPU load over the last five minutes in the instance.
Disk Usage Amount of disk space utilized by the instance in the instance (in percentage).
User Time Amount of time spent by the CPU to execute user level processes in the instance (in percentage).
System Time Amount of time spent by the CPU to execute system (Kernel) level processes in the instance (in percentage).
I/O Wait Time Amount of time for which the CPU is waiting for a process to complete in the instance (in percentage).
Idle Time Amount of time for which the CPU is in idle state in the instance (in percentage).
Windows Instance Performance Details
Instance ID Instance ID of the Windows EC2 instance in the environment.
Instance Health Health status of the Windows EC2 instance in the environment. Possible values are:
  • 0 - OK
  • 1 - Info
  • 5 - Unknown
  • 10 - No data
  • 15 - Warning
  • 20 - Degraded
  • 25 - Severe
User Time Amount of time spent by the CPU to execute user level processes in the instance (in percentage).
Idle Time Amount of time for which the CPU is in idle state in the instance (in percentage).
System Time Amount of time (Privileged Time) for which the CPU has spent in Kernel mode over the last minute in the instance (in percentage).


Parameter Description
Environment ID ID of the current environment.
Region Code The AWS region where the environment is running.
Tier Name Name of the tier. Indicates whether it is a WebServer or a Worker environment.
LoadBalancer Name Name of the Load Balancer.
Abortable Option In Progress Indicates whether there is an in-progress configuration update or application version deployment.
Application Name Name of the application where the environment is deployed.
Version Name Version of the application that is deployed in the environment.
Solution Stack Name Name of the web server, operating system and architecture.
Description Description of the environment.
Endpoint URL Indicates the Endpoint URL of the environment. For load-balanced environment, it is the URL of the load-balancer. For Single instance environment, it is the IP address of the instance.
Environment ARN Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the environment.
Platform ARN Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the platform.
Template Name Name of the configuration template used to launch the environment, if any.
Environment Created Time Date and Time at which the environment was created.
Environment Updated Time Date and Time at which the environment was modified.
Autoscaling Group Name Name of the AutoScaling Group.
Autoscaling Group ARN Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AutoScaling Group.
Health Check Type Service used for the health checks. Possible values are EC2 and ELB.
Launch Configuration Name Name of the associated Launch Configuration.
VPC Zone Identifier List of VPC subnet IDs separated by commas.
Service Linked Role ARN Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service-linked role that the Auto Scaling group uses to call other AWS services.
Availability Zones List of availability zones for the group.
Autoscaling Created Time Date and time at which AutoScaling Group was created.
Default Cooldown Duration of the default cooldown period (in seconds).
Desired Capacity The desired size of the group.
HealthCheck Grace Period The amount of time (in seconds) that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service.
Maximum Instances The maximum number of instances available in the group.
Minimum Instances The minimum number of instances available in the group.


This tab displays the list of the most recent events that have occurred in the environment and its resources.

Parameter Description
Event Details
Generated Time Date and time at which the event was generated.
Status Severity status of the event. (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL)
Message Indicates the message shown for the event.
  • Metrics under 'Events' tab are mapped under Settings → Performance Polling.
  • By default, number of events fetched in the table after every poll interval is 20. However, it can be modified by specifying the value in 'Number of events to fetch' textbox found under Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection.
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