Configuring Real User Monitoring

The V2 RUM includes a simpler and smoother onboarding process by allowing users to skip the manual installation of the RUM Agent by offering users a script that downloads the latest compatible RUM Agent for the Applications Manager version, install the agent, starts it and maps it to the tool.

Browse through the following topics to learn more about configuring V2 RUM:

Creating a new Real User Monitor

To create a new Real User Monitor, navigate to Add New Monitor → Web Server/Services → Real User Monitor, and enter the following details:

  1. Basic Details
    • Enter the website URL to be monitored.
    • Choose a name for the monitor of the website.
    • Specify Apdex Threshold (in ms) to be used to calculate the Apdex score and determine user experience.
    • Click on Next.
  2. Agent Configuration
    • Associate monitor instance with RUM Agent of your choice.
    • To deploy the RUM agent click on the Want to deploy agent? option.
    • Choose between Windows and Linux as the OS in which you wish to deploy the agent.
    • Download the script file to be executed on the server where you want to install the RUM Agent. The script will automatically start the RUM Agent. If necessary, users can also choose to change the installation path before downloading it.
      • For Windows:
        Open Powershell and run the following sample command


      • For Linux:
        Open command terminal and run the following sample command


      If you encounter any issues, please refer to this page.
    • Click on Next to successfully complete monitor addition and move to the RUM Script Injection details.
  3. JS injection
    • Select Application: Select the application framework type (Node.js, PHP, .NET, Java, or others).
    • Application Types: Select the application subtype for the selected application (Eg: Subtypes for Node.js - Express and Pug, Express and Swig, Hap.js and Handlebar, or others).
    • Script File: Copy the code snippet displayed and paste it in your html file to complete the script injection. Refer to this help page to learn more.
    • Click on Complete.
    • On successfully completeing the script injection, the page will be automatically redirected to the monitor details page.

Starting the RUM agent


  • Open command terminal from the newly-installed <RUMAgent_Home> directory. (Eg: C:\Program File\ManageEngine\RUMAgent)
  • Execute the StartServer.bat command in the terminal to start the RUM Agent.
  • Upon executing the command, the RUM agent will start and a new window will be opened in the browser displaying all RUM Agent related information such as it's agent version, hostname, port, and the connectivity status of the agent with the Applications Manager console.
  • You can stop the agent by executing the StopServer.bat -force command from command prompt.
  • Above steps are for non-service installations alone. In the case of Service installations, you can start the RUM agent directly by starting the ManageEngine Real User Monitoring Agent service from Windows services.
  • In case you want to change Application Manager's instance details in RUM Agent after installation, refer here.


  • Open command terminal from the newly-installed <RUMAgent_Home> directory. (Eg: \home\test\ManageEngine\RUMAgent)
  • Execute the sh command in the terminal to start the RUM Agent.
  • Upon executing the command, the RUM agent will be started and a new window will be opened in the browser displaying RUM Agent information such as agent version, hostname, port, and the connectivity status of the agent with the Applications Manager console.
  • You can stop the agent by executing the sh -force command from command terminal.
Note: To change Application Manager's instance details in the RUM Agent after installation, refer here.

Uninstalling the RUM agent

Note: Before uninstalling the agent, exit the command prompt and close all the files and folders opened in the <RUM Agent Home> directory. If the RUM agent is running, stop the agent before uninstalling it to remove all related files completely.


  • If the RUM agent is running, you should stop the agent before uninstalling it. You can stop the agent by executing the StopServer.bat -force command from command prompt.
  • Open Control Panel → Uninstall Program → right click on Applications Manager - RUM Agent → Click Uninstall. Then follow the instructions shown on screen to uninstall the agent.


  • If the RUM agent is running, you should stop the agent before uninstalling it. You can stop the agent by executing the sh -force command from command terminal.
  • Open terminal from <RUM Agent Home>/_Applications Manager - RUM Agent_installation directory and execute "./Change\ Applications\ Manager\ -\ RUM\ Agent\ Installation" and follow the process.