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Amazon Web Services Monitoring

Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Overview

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform from Amazon. AWS offers an array of cloud computing services to build on from data centers spread across availability zones in regions across the world. However, you would still need a proper AWS monitoring software to be able to monitor and understand what is going on when you deploy and consume such a wide-ranging set of services.

From your infrastructure and applications to your end-user experience, Applications Manager's AWS monitoring provides robust monitoring of several core Amazon Web Services under your Amazon account. With all-in-one AWS cloud monitoring tools like Applications Manager in place, users can obtain a single pane view over various AWS services like:

Supported Services

CategorySupported ServicesHelp pages

Applications Load Balancer Amazon Applications Load Balancer Monitoring
EC2 Instances Amazon EC2 Instance Monitoring
Elastic Beanstalk Environments Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring
Gateway Load Balancers Amazon Gateway Load Balancer Monitoring
Lambda Amazon Lambda Monitoring
Network Load Balancers Amazon Network Load Balancers Monitoring

ECS Clusters Amazon ECS Monitoring
EKS Clusters Amazon EKS Clusters Monitoring
Elastic Container Registry Amazon Elastic Container Registry Monitoring

RDS Instances Amazon RDS Monitoring
DynamoDB Tables Amazon DynamoDB Tables Monitoring
DynamoDB Account Limits Amazon DynamoDB Account Limits Monitoring

ActiveMQ Brokers Amazon ActiveMQ Monitoring
RabbitMQ Brokers Amazon RabbitMQ Monitoring
SQS Amazon SQS Monitoring

Migration & Transfer
File Transfer Family Amazon File Transfer Family Monitoring
DMS Replication Instances Amazon DMS Replication Instance Monitoring
DMS Replication Tasks Amazon DMS Replication Task Monitoring

API Gateway HTTP APIs Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs Monitoring
API Gateway REST APIs Amazon API Gateway REST APIs Monitoring
API Gateway WebSocket APIs Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs Monitoring
CloudFront Distributions Amazon CloudFront Monitoring
Direct Connect Amazon Direct Connect Monitoring
NAT Gateways Amazon NAT Gateways Monitoring
Route 53 Health Checks Amazon Route 53 Health Checks Monitoring

Elastic File Systems Amazon Elastic File Systems Monitoring
FSx File Cache Amazon FSx File Cache Monitoring
S3 Buckets Storage Statistics  
Storage Gateways Amazon Storage Gateway Monitoring
Storage Gateway File Shares Amazon Storage Gateway File Share Monitoring
Storage Gateway Volumes Amazon Storage Gateway Volume Monitoring

CloudHSM Clusters Amazon CloudHSM Monitoring
Key Management Service Amazon Key Management Monitoring
Secrets Manager Amazon Secrets Manager Monitoring
Web Application Firewalls (ACLs) Amazon Web Application Firewall Monitoring
SNS Service SNS Services Amazon Simple Notification Service Monitoring

In this help document, you will learn how to get started with AWS performance monitoring, along with the list of parameters that are monitored using Applications Manager.

Supported Regions

You can collect metrics, visualize resource usage and alert on operational behavior for all supported services across your AWS cloud environment for the following regions:

Creating a new Amazon monitor

Prerequisites for setting up Amazon performance monitoring: Click here.

Using the REST API to add a new Amazon monitor: Click here

To create a new Amazon monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select Amazon under Cloud Apps category.
  3. Specify the Display Name of the Amazon server
  4. Select the Amazon Services you wish to discover and monitor from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the Access Key Id of the AWS for accessing the AWS through the API. The access key has 20 alpha-numeric characters.
  6. Enter the Secret Access Key of the AWS. The secret key should be 40 alpha-numeric characters long.
  7. Choose the Account Type. The default account type when adding a new Amazon monitor is AWS Global. Choose AWS China as the Account Type to monitor services in the AWS China regions, or choose AWS Gov Cloud to monitor services in the AWS GovCloud regions.
  8. Based on the Account Type chosen, select the regions to monitor from either Global Regions, China Regions, or Gov Cloud Regions drop-down menu.*
  9. Select a Child Discovery option using any of the following option:*
    • Do not discover: Adds amazon monitor and discovery will not happen.
    • Discover and unmanage: Discovers and unmanage all the child monitors.
    • Discover and monitor child monitors: Discovers and monitors all the child monitors.
  10. If you enable the Advanced Settings option, specify the following details: *
    • Action on Deleted Resources: Select the action you want to perform on deleted resources using any one of the following options:
        • Continue Alerting: The option will keep the deleted instances in the console and deleted alerts will be shown in the child and parent monitor.
        • Stop Alerting: The option will not affect the health of the deleted instances.
        • Unmanage Resource: The option will unmanage the deleted resources and stop the polling for the same.
        • Delete Resource: The option will delete the monitors which are deleted in the AWS console.
      Note: EC2 instance will be deleted or unmanaged only after it is deleted in the AWS console.
    • Regex to filter EC2 instances name: Specify the input for regex to filter EC2 instances and add the instances that match the regex alone. Regex may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen(-), underscore(_) and period(.). To ignore characters, specify .* at the beginning/end/middle one or more times.
    • Stop discovery: Enable this option to prevent you from discovering resources under a particular service. Use Services to stop discovery option to choose the services to stop discovering.
  11. Specify the Discovery Interval in minutes for the automatic discovery and monitoring of child monitors.
  12. Specify the Polling interval in minutes.
  13. If you are adding a new monitor from Central server, select a Probe server.
  14. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Amazon monitor to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  15. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the Amazon server from the network and starts monitoring it.
  • To connect to cloud services and access external data, make sure your internet connection is active. If a proxy server is needed in your environment to reach external websites, configure theses proxy settings in the Settings tab.
  • Refer here to know the hosts used for Amazon monitoring in Applications Manager.
  • Parameters marked with a * have been added from Applications Manager version 15180 onwards.

Amazon Data Collection Settings

You can configure data collection settings for your Amazon monitor by going to the Settings tab, selecting Performance Polling under Discovery and then the Cloud tab.

Note: In build versions prior to 174200, this tab was named Amazon instead of Cloud.

Here are the settings that you can customize for AWS performance monitoring in Applications Manager:

  • You can set the Unique Identifier for EC2 instances to be either the instance ID or a Instance name/Tag name.

    Caution: Once set, changing the Unique Identifier will result in the existing monitors being deleted. In AWS Console, if a new instance is launched with same name as of an already terminated instance, it will be merged with the existing monitor in Applications Manager. While merging, existing unmanaged EC2 instances will be automatically changed to "Manage" status, from Applications Manager Version 16360.

  • Enabling the Collect S3 Storage Statistics via CloudWatch API option allows you to fetch S3 Storage metrics using CloudWatch APIs.

Note: The option Tag name will be retained as it is for Applications Manager Versions till v16350. Renaming as Instance name will be applicable only from Applications Manager Version 16360.

For Applications Manager versions till 15170:

Alert for Terminated EC2 Instance Option to receive notification when an EC2 instance is stopped.
Remove terminated EC2 Instances & Lambda Functions Option to completely remove terminated EC2 Instances and Lambda functions from the Applications Manager console in the consecutiv next poll.
Remove deleted DynamoDB tables Option to completely remove deleted DynamoDB tables from the Applications Manager console in the next poll.
Remove deleted Elastic Load Balancers Option to completely remove terminated Elastic Beanstalk Environments from the Applications Manager console in the next poll if the environment is terminated.
Remove inactive ECS clusters Option to completely remove terminated/deleted ECS clusters from the Applications Manager console in the next poll if the cluster is terminated/deleted.

For Applications Manager versions 15180 onwards:

Enable Auto Scaling alerts for EC2 instances Option to receive alerts whenever an EC2 Instance is created/deleted.
Set health severity as Option to set Amazon monitor's health severity as Critical or Warning whenever a new EC2 Instance is created or deleted.
Raise autoscaling alerts when EC2 instances are Option to configure when an alert has to be recieved (When an EC2 Instance is created/deleted/both)

Monitored Parameters

Amazon accounts are monitored based on the parameters or the attributes listed below. These attributes provide detailed information about the functioning of the Amazon account. You can also configure thresholds to the numerical attributes based on these details and get notified when the thresholds are violated.

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the Amazon monitor under the Cloud Apps Table. Displayed is the Amazon bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab displays the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab displays the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days along with key performance indicators of the Amazon account such as Total EC2 Instances running and Total RDS Instances along with heat charts for these attributes.
  • List view tab enables you to perform bulk admin configurations and displays all the Amazon instances along with an overall idea of their availability and health status.
  • Each Amazon monitor instance is considered a basic monitor.
  • Each service instances (except S3, SNS and Billing information) running in your Amazon monitor is considered a basic monitor.

For more information, refer here.


Number of Application Load Balancers The total number of Application Load Balancers present in the account.
Number of Elastic Beanstalk Environments The total number of Elastic Beanstalk Environments present in the account.
Number of EC2 Instances Running The total number of EC2 Instances present in the account.
Number of Gateway Load Balancers The total number of Gateway Load Balancers present in the account.
Number of Lambda Functions The total number of Lambda Functions present in the account.
Number of Network Load Balancers The total number of Network Load Balancers present in the account.
Number of ECS Clusters The total number of ECS Clusters present in the account.
Number of EKS Clusters The total number of EKS Clusters present in the account.
Number of ECR Private Repositories The total number of ECR Private Repositories present in the account.
Number of DynamoDB Tables The total number of DynamoDB Tables present in the account.
Number of RDS Instances The total number of RDS Instances present in the account.
Number of ActiveMQ Brokers The total number of ActiveMQ Brokers present in the account.
Number of RabbitMQ Brokers The total number of RabbitMQ Brokers present in the account.
Number of SNS Topics The total number of SNS Topics present in the account.
Number of SQS Queues The total number of SQS Queues present in the account.
Number of File Transfer Family Servers The total number of File Transfer Family servers present in the account.
Number of DMS Replication Instances The total number of DMS Replication Instances present in the account.
Number of DMS Replication Tasks The total number of DMS Replication Tasks present in the account.
Number of API Gateway HTTP APIs The total number of API Gateway HTTP APIs present in the account.
Number of API Gateway REST APIs The total number of API Gateway REST APIs present in the account.
Number of API Gateway WebSocket APIs The total number of API Gateway WebSocket APIs present in the account.
Number of CloudFront Distributions The total number of CloudFront Distributions present in the account.
Number of Direct Connect Resources The total number of Direct Connect Resources present in the account.
Number of NAT Gateways The total number of NAT Gateways present in the account.
Number of Route 53 Health Checks The total number of Route 53 Health Checks present in the account.
Number of CloudHSM Clusters The total number of CloudHSM Clusters present in the account.
Number of Key Management Service Keys The total number of Key Management Service Keys present in the account.
Number of Secrets Manager Secrets The total number of Secrets Manager Secrets present in the account.
Number of Web Application Firewalls The total number of Web Application Firewalls present in the account.
Number of EBS Volumes in use The total number of EBS Volumes present in the account.
Number of Elastic File Systems The total number of Elastic File Systems present in the account.
Number of FSx File Caches The total number of FSx File Caches present in the account.
Number of S3 Buckets The total number of S3 Buckets present in the account.
Number of Storage Gateways The total number of Storage Gateways present in the account.
Number of Storage Gateway File Shares The total number of Storage Gateway File Shares present in the account.
Number of Storage Gateway Volumes The total number of Storage Gateway Volumes present in the account.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the 'Compute' tab:

Application Load Balancers

This table provides details about the Application Load Balancers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Application Load Balancers Monitoring

Name The name of the Application Load Balancer
Region The AWS region in which the load balancer is configured. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
State The state of the load balancer - active | provisioning | active_impaired | failed.
Availability zones The Availability Zones for the load balancer.
VPC ID The ID of the VPC for the load balancer.
Creation time The date and time the load balancer was created.

EC2 Instances

This table provides details about the EC2 instances present in the Amazon account. Learn more about EC2 Monitoring

EC2 Instances
Instance ID The unique identifier of the EC2 instance
Region Name The region where this EC2 instance is running. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
State The current state of the instance. The values include running, stopped, shutdown and terminated
Platform The OS on which the instance is running
Monitoring Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.
Public DNS Name The DNS name associated with the instance.
System Log Displays the system log of the instance.

You can perform the following admin actions on the EC2 instances:

  • Delete: Delete the EC2 instance from Applications Manager.
  • Assign Platform: Assign platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, etc. to instances.
  • Start Instances: Option to start the EC2 instance from Applications Manager.
  • Stop Instances: Option to stop EC2 instances from Applications Manager.
  • Reboot Instances: Option to reboot the EC2 instances from within Applications Manager.

Elastic Beanstalk Environments

This table provides details about the Elastic Beanstalk environments present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Elastic Beanstalk Environments

Elastic Beanstalk Environments
Environment Name Name of the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
Region Code The region where the Elastic Beanstalk environment is running. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
Tier Name Name of the tier. Indicates whether it is a WebServer or a Worker environment.
Environment Status Status of the environment. (Ready, Launching, Updating, Terminating, or Terminated)
Environment Health Status Shows the health status of the environment. (OK, Info, Unknown, No data, Warning, Degraded, or Severe)

Gateway Load Balancers

This table provides details about the Gateway Load Balancers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Gateway Load Balancers.

Gateway Load Balancers
Name Name of the balancer.
State The state of the of the balancer.
Availability Zones The Availability Zones for the load balancer.
VPC ID The ID of the VPC where the load balancer is deployed.
Creation Time The date and time the load balancer was created.


This table provides details about the Lambda functions present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Lambda functions

Function Name of the Lambda function.
Region Name The region where this Lambda function is running. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
Version Version of the Lambda function.
Runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
Deployed Code Size (MB) Size of deployment package of the function (in MB).
Timeout The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it (in seconds).
Last Modified Time Date and time at which the function was last modified.

Network Load Balancers

This table provides details about the Network Load Balancers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Network Load Balancers Monitoring

Name The name of the Network Load Balancer
Region The AWS region in which the load balancer is configured. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
State The state of the load balancer - active | provisioning | active_impaired | failed.
Availability zones The Availability Zones for the load balancer.
VPC ID The ID of the VPC for the load balancer.
Creation time The date and time the load balancer was created.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the Containers tab:

ECS Clusters

This tab provides details about the ECS clusters present in the Amazon account. Learn more about ECS clusters

ECS Clusters
ClusterName Name of the ECS cluster.
Registered Container Instances The number of containers instances registered to the cluster.
Active Services The number of active services running in the cluster.
Running Tasks The number of tasks that are in RUNNING state.

EKS Clusters

This tab provides details about the EKS clusters present in the Amazon account. Learn more about EKS clusters

EKS Clusters
ClusterName Name of the EKS cluster.
Status The status of the cluster. (CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETING, FAILED, UPDATING)

Elastic Container Registry

This tab provides details about the Elastic Container Registry present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Elastic Container Registry.

Elastic Container Registry
Repository Name Name of the Elastic Container Registry.
Repository URI The unique identifier for a specific repository.
Scan On Push Indicates if image scanning is enabled on push.
Image Tag Mutability Specifies whether image tags are mutable.
Creation Time The time when the repository was created.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the 'Database' tab:

RDS Instances

This tab provides details about the RDS Instances present in the Amazon account. Learn more about RDS Instances

Instance ID The unique identifier of the instance.
Region Name The region in which the RDS instance is running. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
State The current state of this instance. The possible values for this field are available, creating, failed, rebooting, etc.
DB Engine Name The name of the database engine associated with this instance
Allocated Storage The storage space allocated to this instance in Giga Bytes
Aurora Cluster Name The name of the Aurora DB cluster.
Cluster Instance Role The role that is associated with the Aurora DB instance.
Cluster Group status The current state of this DB cluster group.


In this table, you can gather data for performance metrics of your Amazon DynamoDB such as its latency, request throughput and throttling errors. Optimize resource usage and improve application performance of your Amazon Dynamodb database. Learn more about DynamoDB monitoring

Name Name of the DynamoDB table.
Region Name of the AWS region where the current DynamoDB table resides. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
Total Provisioned Read CU Total number of provisioned read capacity units for a table.
Total Provisioned Write CU Total number of provisioned write capacity units for a table.
Storage Size (GB) Total size of the specified table (in GB).
Table Status Current status of the table.
Creation Date The date and time at which the table was created.

Note: DynamoDB Account Limits can be monitored only when DynamoDB is chosen for discovery. Also data collection can be performed only for the selected regions.

DynamoDB Account Limits

Region The ID of AWS region where the current DynamoDB account resides.
Region Name Name of the region at which the DynamoDB account is located.
Read Limit Region wise maximum read capacity unit limit.
Provisioned Read Number of provisioned read capacity units.
Write Limit Region wise maximum write capacity unit limit.
Provisioned Write Number of provisioned write capacity units.
Table Read Limit Table-wise maximum read capacity units that can be provisioned.
Table Write Limit Table-wise maximum write capacity units that can be provisioned.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the Integration tab:

ActiveMQ Brokers

In this tab, you can monitor all the available ActiveMQ brokers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about ActiveMQ Broker monitoring

Broker Name The name of the ActiveMQ broker. Single-instance brokers end with -1; high-availability brokers use -1 and -2 for redundancy.
Region The region of the broker.
Broker Instance Type The broker's instance type.
Public Accessibility Indicates whether applications outside the VPC hosting the broker's subnets can establish connections.
Deployment Mode Specifies the redundancy setup of the broker.
Storage Type The type of storage used by the ActiveMQ broker, such as EBS or EFS. Determines the data persistence method.
Broker State The state of the broker.

RabbitMQ Brokers

In this tab, you can monitor all the available RabbitMQ brokers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about RabbitMQ Broker monitoring

Broker Name The name of the RabbitMQ broker.
Region The region of the broker.
Broker Instance Type The broker's instance type.
Public Accessibility Indicates whether applications outside the VPC hosting the broker's subnets can establish connections.
Deployment Mode Specifies the redundancy setup of the broker.
Storage Type The type of storage used by the RabbitMQ broker, such as EBS or EFS.
Broker State The state of the broker.

SQS Services

In this tab, you can monitor all the available queues that are running within the SQS service. Learn more about SQS service monitoring

Queue Name Name of the queue.
Queue Type Type of the queue. (Standard/FIF0)
Region Shows the region where the queue was created. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
Arrival Rate The rate at which the messages are arrived in the queue per minute.
Completion Rate The rate at which the messages are processed and deleted in the queue per minute.
Created Time Displays the time when the queue was first created.

Migration & Transfer

Following are the list of services that are shown in the Migration & Transfer tab:

File Transfer Family

This tab provides details about the File Transfer Family servers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about File Transfer Family monitoring

Server ID The unique system-assigned identifier for the server.
Domain The domain of the storage system that is used for file servers.
Endpoint Type The type of the endpoint that is connected with the server. Possible Values: PUBLIC | VPC | VPC_ENDPOINT
No. of Users The number of users currently configured on the server.
State The state of the File Transfer Family server.

DMS Replication Instances

This tab provides details about the DMS Replication Instances present in the Amazon account. Learn more about DMS Replication Instance monitoring

Instance ID The unique identifier for the replication instance.
Region The location of the replication instance.
Instance Class The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance, as determined by the specified replication instance class.
VPC The ID of the VPC.
Availability Zone The availability zone of the instance.
Public Accessibility Indicates the accessibility state of the replication instance.
Instance State The status of the replication instance.

DMS Replication Tasks

This tab provides details about the DMS Replication Tasks present in the Amazon account. Learn more about DMS Replication Task monitoring

Task ID The unique identifier for the replication task.
Region The location of the replication task.
Type Indicates the type of migration for the task.
Migration Progress (%) The percentage of completion for the full load migration task (in %).
Instance ID The unique identifier of the replication instance.
Task State The status of the replication task.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the 'Network' tab:


This tab provides details about the API Gateway HTTP APIs present in the Amazon account. Learn more about API Gateway HTTP APIs.

HTTP API Name The name of the HTTP API.
API Endpoint The URL used to interact with the HTTP API resource.
Request Rate The total number of API requests served per minute by the API resource between the poll interval (in requests/min).
Overall Latency The average time between when a client receives a request from a client and returns a response between the poll interval (in ms).


This tab provides details about the API Gateway REST APIs present in the Amazon account. Learn more about API Gateway REST APIs.

REST API Name The name of the REST API.
Endpoint Configuration Type The deployment mode of the REST API resource.
API Key Source The key source of the REST API.
Request Rate The total number of API requests served per minute by the API resource between the poll interval (in requests/min).
Overall Latency The average time between when a client receives a request from a client and returns a response between the poll interval (in ms).

API Gateway WebSocket APIs

This tab provides details about the API Gateway WebSocket APIs present in the Amazon account. Learn more about API Gateway WebSocket APIs.

API Gateway WebSocket APIs
WebSocket API Name The name of the WebSocket API.
API Endpoint The URL used to interact with the WebSocket API resource.
Connect Request Rate The total number of messages sent per minute to the $connect route integration between the poll interval (in messages/min).
Message Rate The total number of messages sent per minute to the WebSocket API, either from or to the client, between the poll interval (in messages/min).

CloudFront Distributions

This tab provides details about the CloudFront Distributions present in the Amazon account. Learn more about CloudFront Distributions.

CloudFront Distributions
Distribution ID The distribution ID of the cloudfront.
Status The status of the cloudfront.
State The current state of the cloudfront. Possible value: Enabled/ Disabled.

Direct Connect

This tab provides details about the Direct Connect present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Direct Connect.

Direct Connect
Connection Name The name of the Direct Connect connection.
Location The location of the Direct Connect connection.
Bandwidth The bandwidth of the Direct Connect connection.
Connection State The state of the Direct Connect connection.

NAT Gateways

This tab provides details about the NAT Gateways present in the Amazon account. Learn more about NAT Gateways.

NAT Gateways
NatGateway ID The ID of the NAT Gateway.
Name The name of the NAT Gateway.
Connectivity Type The mode of connection of the NAT Gateway.
VPC ID The unique identifier of the NAT Gateway.
Status The status of the NAT Gateway.

Route 53 Health Checks

This tab provides details about the Route 53 Health Checks present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Route 53 Health Checks.

Route 53 Health Checks
Health Check ID The ID of the Route 53 Health Check.
Health Check Type The type of Health Check.
Fully Qualified Domain Name The domain name used to specify the endpoint that Route 53 checks for health.
Health Check Port The port number of the Route 53 Health check.
Health Check State The status of the Route 53 Health check.
Overall Health Check Status The overall status of the Route 53 Health check.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the Storage tab:

Elastic File Systems

This table provides details about the Elastic File Systems present in the Amazon account. Learn more about EFS Monitoring

Elastic File Systems
File System ID The ID of the file system.
Name The name of the file system.
File System State The current state of the file system.
Number of Mount Targets Total number of mount targets present in the file system.

FSx File Cache

This table provides details about the FSx File Cache present in the Amazon account. Learn more about FSx File Cache Monitoring

FSx File Cache
File Cache ID The ID of the FSx File Cache.
File Cache Type The type of cache.
Mount Name The name used when mounting the cache.
Data Storage Capacity The data storage capacity of the cache (in GiB).
DNS Name The Domain Name System (DNS) name for the cache.
Lifecycle State The lifecycle status of the cache. Possible Values: AVAILABLE/ CREATING/ DELETING/ UPDATING/ FAILED.

S3 Buckets

This tab provides details about the S3 buckets present in the Amazon account.

S3 Buckets Storage Statistics
Bucket Name The unique name of the S3 bucket.
Bucket Size The size of the S3 bucket in megabytes.
Bucket Location The geographical region where Amazon has stored this bucket. To know the list of regions supported, refer here.
Creation Time The time when the bucket was created.
Virtual Folders The number of folders present in this S3 bucket.
Number of Objects The number of objects stored in this S3 bucket.
S3 Buckets Request Statistics
Bucket Name The unique name of the S3 bucket.
Total Requests The total number of HTTP requests made to the bucket.
Requests/min Number of requests made per minute to the bucket.
Get Requests The number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in the bucket.
Put Requests The number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in the bucket.
First Byte Latency The per-request time (in milliseconds) from the complete request being received by the bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Total Request Latency The elapsed per-request time (in milliseconds) from the first byte received to the last byte sent to the bucket. This includes the time taken to receive the request body and send the response body, which is not included in First Byte Latency.
Bytes Downloaded The number of bytes downloaded (in MB) for requests made to the bucket, where the response includes a body.
Bytes Uploaded The number of bytes uploaded (in MB) that contain a request body, made to the bucket.
Client Errors The number of HTTP 4xx client error status code requests made to the bucket.
Server Errors The number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to the bucket.

You can perform the following admin actions on the S3 buckets from within Applications Manager.

  • Disable: Disables the monitoring of S3 bucket.
  • Enable: Enables the monitoring of S3 bucket.
  • Delete: Deletes the S3 bucket from Applications Manager console. Please note that the required S3 bucket instance should first be deleted from your AWS account before performing this action. Otherwise, Applications Manager will rediscover that S3 bucket and start monitoring again.

You can also view comparison reports based on attributes such as bucket size, virtual folders and number of object

  • 'Virtual Folder' metric is not supported upon using CloudWatch API to fetch Storage metrics.
  • To monitor S3 Bucket Request metrics, the same should be enabled in AWS console. We recommend using the name EntireBucket for a filter that applies to all objects. For more information, refer here.

Storage Gateways

This table provides details about the Storage Gateways present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Storage Gateways Monitoring

Storage Gateways
Gateway Name The name of the storage gateway.
Region The region of the storage gateway.
Gateway Type The type of the gateway. Possible Values: FILE_S3, VOLUME, STORED, CACHED.
Gateway Capacity Specifies the size of the gateway's metadata cache. Possible Values: Small, Medium, Large.
Host Environment The type of hardware or software platform on which the gateway is running. Possible Values: VMWARE, HYPER-V, EC2, KVM, OTHER, SNOWBALL.
EC2 Instance ID The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance that was used to launch the gateway.
Gateway State The current operational state of the gateway. Possible Values: RUNNING, OFFLINE, ONLINE, SHUTDOWN.

Storage Gateway File Shares

This table provides details about the Storage Gateway File Shares present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Storage Gateway File Shares Monitoring

Storage Gateway File Shares
File Share ID The unique ID of the file share.
Region The region of the file share.
File Share Name The name of the file share.
File Share Type The type of file share.
Default Storage Class Specifies the default storage class for objects uploaded to the S3 bucket by the S3 File Gateway. Possible Values: S3_STANDARD, S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING, S3_STANDARD_IA, S3_ONEZONE_IA.
File Share State The status of the file share. Possible Values: CREATING, UPDATING, AVAILABLE, DELETING.

Storage Gateway Volumes

This table provides details about the Storage Gateway Volumes present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Storage Gateway Volumes Monitoring

Storage Gateway Volumes
Volume ID The unique ID of the volume.
Region The region of the volume.
Attachment Status Indicates the current attachment state of a volume to a gateway. Possible Values: ATTACHED, DETACHED.
Used Volume (GB) The amount of data currently stored on the volume (in GB).
Available Volume (GB) Specifies the default storage class for objects uploaded to the S3 bucket by the S3 File Gateway. Possible Values: S3_STANDARD, S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING, S3_STANDARD_IA, S3_ONEZONE_IA.
Volume State The current state of the volume.


Following are the list of services that are shown in the Security tab:

CloudHSM Clusters

This table provides details about the CloudHSM Clusters present in the Amazon account. Learn more about CloudHSM Clusters Monitoring

CloudHSM Clusters
Cluster ID The ID of the CloudHSM cluster.
Region The region of the CloudHSM cluster.
HSM Type The type of HSM that the cluster contains.
Number of HSMs The total number of HSMs created in the cluster.
Mode The mode of the cluster. Possible Values: FIPS, NON_FIPS.
Cluster State The state of the cluster.

Key Management Service

This table provides details about the Key Management Services present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Key Management Service Monitoring

Key Management Service
Key Name The name of the key.
Region The region of the key.
Origin The source of the key material for the KMS key. Possible values: AWS_KMS, EXTERNAL, AWS_CLOUDHSM, EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE.
Key Spec Defines the type of key material in the KMS key.
Key Usage The cryptographic operations for which you can use the KMS key.
Days Until Key Material Expiration (day(s)) The number of days remaining until the imported key material in a KMS key expires at the time of polling (in days).
Key State The current status of the KMS key.

Secrets Manager

This table provides details about the Secrets Managers present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Secrets Manager Monitoring

Secrets Manager
Secret Name The name of the secret.
Region The region of the secret.
Description The description of the secret.
Rotation Lambda Function The ARN of the Lambda function that Secrets Manager invokes to rotate the secret.
Rotation Specifies whether automatic rotation is turned on for this secret.
Last Accessed Date The date that the secret was last accessed in the region.

Web Application Firewalls (ACLs)

This table provides details about the Web Application Firewalls present in the Amazon account. Learn more about Web Application Firewalls (ACLs) Monitoring

Web Application Firewalls (ACLs)
Name The name of the Web Application Firewall.
Region The region of the Web Application Firewall.
ACL ID The unique identifier for the web ACL.
Default Action The action to perform if none of the rules in the WebACL match.
Capacity( WCU(s)) The web ACL capacity units currently being used by this web ACL (in WCUs).
Description A description of the web ACL that helps with identification.

SNS Service

In this tab you can monitor region and topic-wise metrics like notification status (delivery and failure), SMS deliveries, messages throughput - sent and failed counts, subscription count and more. Learn more about SNS Service monitoring

Total Messages Published The total number of messages published throughout all the AWS supported regions.
Total Notifications Delivered The total number of messages delivered throughout all the AWS supported regions.
Total Notifications Failed The total number of messages failed throughout all the AWS supported regions.
Total Published Size (KB) The total size of messages published throughout all the AWS supported regions.
Notifications Delivered (%) The percentage of total delivered notifications.
Notifications Failed (%) The percentage of total failed notifications.
SMS Month-To-Date charges The total charges accrued since the start of the current calendar month for sending SMS messages in AWS supported regions. Unit - USD


Total Expenditure And Forecast
Month-to-Date Expenditure The total expenditure in the current month for an AWS account.
Current Month Forecast The cost forecast for the current month.
Services And Tax
Month-to-Date Services Cost The total cost in USD incurred by all the services [Excluding tax].
Month-to-Date Tax The total cost in USD by tax.
Month-to-Date Top Services by Spend
Month-to-Date Costs (USD) The Month-to-Date Spend by Service graph shows the top services that you use most and the proportion of your costs(USD) that that service contributed to [excluding forecasting and *tax*].
Month-to-Date Spend by Service
AWS Service The AWS services that you use.
Costs (USD) The cost in USD incurred for the month to date by the services.

Note: The Billing data will be available only for AWS Global accounts. The polling interval for the AWS Billing Statistics can be changed by going to the Settings tab, clicking Performance Polling under Discovery and Data Collection, and navigateing to the Optimize Data Collection tab. Choose Amazon for the Monitor Type & AWS Billing Dashboards for the Metric Name and change the Default Polling Status.(Default and preferred time interval is 24 hours).

Supported Regions

You can collect metrics, visualize resource usage and alert on operational behavior for all supported services across your AWS cloud environment for the following regions:

AWS Global Regions

Region NameRegion Code
Following regions are supported from Applications Manager v13600:
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
Canada (Central) ca-central-1
EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
EU (Ireland) eu-west-1
EU (London) eu-west-2
EU (Paris) eu-west-3
EU (Stockholm) eu-north-1
South America (Sao Paulo) sa-east-1
US East (N.Virginia) us-east-1
US East (Ohio) us-east-2
US West (N.California) us-west-1
US West (Oregon) us-west-2
Following regions are supported from Applications Manager v14780:
Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) ap-northeast-3
Europe (Milan) eu-south-1
Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1
Following region is supported from Applications Manager v16010:
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3
Following region is supported from Applications Manager v16340:
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) ap-south-2
Europe (Spain) eu-south-2
Europe (Zurich) eu-central-2
Middle East (UAE) me-central-1
Following region is supported from Applications Manager v16700:
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) ap-southeast-4
Israel (Tel Aviv) il-central-1

In case you want to monitor AWS in all the above-mentioned regions, choose the All Regions option under Global Regions in the Add/Edit monitor page. By default, this option will be selected.

Note: Do not specify other regions when All Regions option is selected. If other regions are chosen along with All regions, only the chosen regions will be considered while adding/updating the monitor.

AWS China Regions

The China regions are isolated from all other AWS (Global) regions and operated by AWS's Chinese partners separately from all other AWS regions. However, the cloud services offered in both AWS China regions are the same as those available in other AWS (Global) regions. From Version 13620, we support monitoring of Amazon Web Services in AWS China regions. Here is a list of regions available in the AWS China account:

  1. China (Beijing)
  2. China (Ningxia)

The default Account Type when adding a new Amazon monitor is AWS Global. Choose AWS China as the Account Type to monitor services in the AWS China regions.

AWS Gov Cloud Regions

AWS Gov Cloud (US) gives government customers and their partners the flexibility to architect secure cloud solutions. This is designed to host sensitive data, regulated workloads, and address the most stringent US government security and compliance requirements. AWS Gov Cloud regions are operated by employees who are US citizens on US soil, and are accessible only to US entities and root account holders who pass a screening process.

From version 15390 onwards, we support monitoring of Amazon Web Services in AWS Gov Cloud regions. Following are the list of regions available in the AWS Gov Cloud account:

  1. US East (US-Gov-East)
  2. US West (US-Gov-West)

The default Account Type when adding a new Amazon monitor is AWS Global. Choose AWS Gov Cloud as the Account Type to monitor services in the AWS Gov Cloud (US) regions.


1. Some instances of EC2, RDS, S3, SNS are not being discovered for data collection

There are two ways of authenticating information in the requests made to AWS to collect data:
    • Signature version 2 (S2) and
    • Signature version 4 (S4)

In the following regions, AWS supports only signature version 4 signing process: [US East (Ohio), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London)]. If you are using AWS services from the regions which supports only S4, Applications Manager will not discover them as they require S4 signing process.

Solution: Upgrade to Applications Manager Version 13600 (or newer). We have upgraded to the latest aws jar and support both signing processes in AWS. From Version 13600, we also support all 15 regions available currently. (Learn more)

Note: To connect to cloud services and access external data, make sure your internet connection is active. If a proxy server is needed in your environment to reach external websites, configure theses proxy settings in the Settings tab. Refer here to know the hosts used for Amazon monitoring in Applications Manager.

2. When child monitors are not discovered or when no data in AWS and its child monitors.

  • Check the list of APIs mentioned in this page and make sure the IAM user has all the required API permissions.
  • Check the region in which the user has created the resources in AWS and make sure the same region is supported/discovered in Applications Manager. Learn more

3. No data in EC2 Instance in OS level metrics.

Most of the times, the issues occurs due to the wrong configuration in agent configuration file, using which the Cloudwatch agent fetches the data from the EC2 instances.

Applications Manager can fetch the data from CloudWatch based on the following:

  • Namespace - AWS allows the user to have any namespace, but only 'CWAgent' as namespace is supported in Applications Manager
  • Dimensions - Only 'InstanceId' as dimension is supported in Applications Manager. If any additional dimensions are configured in agent configuration file, then it is not supported. It looks for only the 'instanceid' dimension.

In every data collection of EC2 instance monitor, first we look for 'Memory' metrics in Windows/Linux instances, and then we check for 'Disk' metrics. Make sure users are configured similar to the metrics mentioned in this page sample configuration files.

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