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WebLogic Servers

Creating a new WebLogic server monitor

Supported Versions: WebLogic versions 14.x and above, 12.x, 10.x (11g), 9.x, 8.x, 7.x, 6.1

Prerequisites for setting up WebLogic server monitoring: Click here

Using the REST API to add a new WebLogic monitor: Click here

To create a new WebLogic monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select WebLogic Server.
  3. Enter a Display Name for the monitor.
  4. Enter the IP Address/ hostname of the host.
  5. Select the version of your Weblogic Server from drop-down menu.
  6. From the box, select whether SSL is enabled or not.
  7. Enter the port number in which WebLogic is running.
  8. Enter the credential details like WebLogic Version, Username, and Password for authentication, or select the required credentials from the Credential Manager dropdown by enabling the Select from Credential list option.
  9. Choose one of the following from Discover Clusters and Serversoption:
    • Do not discover: Clusters and managed servers will not be discovered.
    • Discover but do not monitor metrics: Clusters and managed servers will be discovered and added as separate monitors, but will be in unmanaged state.
    • Discover and monitor metrics: Clusters and managed servers will be discovered, added as separate monitors and metric data will be collected.

    Note: Clusters are added as Cluster Monitor type.

  10. Enter the polling interval time in minutes.
  11. If you are adding a new monitor from a Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  12. Provide the monitor-specific authentication information, such as user name and password.
  13. Choose the Monitor Group from the combo box with which you want to associate WebLogic Server Monitor (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  14. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers WebLogic server from the network and starts monitoring them.
Note: The ports that need to be opened when the Weblogic Monitor is behind the firewall: Two-way communication between WebLogic listening port (Default : 7001) and Applications Manager web server port (default : 9090).

Monitored Parameters

Oracle WebLogic Monitoring offered by Applications Manager, sufficiently tracks the performance of the most critical applications.WebLogic servers are monitored based on a few parameters or the attributes. These attributes in the WebLogic monitoring tool provide information about the functioning of the Monitors of WebLogic server and you can also receive alarms based on the thresholds configured on the numerical attributes of the server.

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations. Click on the individual monitors listed, to view the following information.

Click on the monitor name to see all the performance details listed under respective headings:

WebLogic Cluster
WebLogic Server

WebLogic Cluster

Displays the entire list of Weblogic Clusters available on the network. Following are the list of metrics that are monitored in a WebLogic Cluster:

Note: Clusters will be automatically discovered when the WebLogic server monitor is added with the option Discover Clusters and Servers configured while adding the monitor. In case the clusters are not discovered or if you wish to discover WebLogic clusters, you can do so by updating the already-added WebLogic monitor with the option Discover Clusters and Servers configured as per your requirement, under Monitor Actions → Edit Monitor.

Cluster Configuration Details

Cluster configuration details are important for defining and configuring WebLogic clusters. They ensure proper communication, load distribution, and coordination among the cluster members, resulting in a robust and scalable cluster environment.

Name The name refers to the unique identifier assigned to the WebLogic cluster. It is used to distinguish one cluster from another within the WebLogic domain.
Cluster Address The cluster address is the network address that identifies the cluster as a whole. It is typically an IP address or a DNS name that allows communication between the cluster members. The cluster address enables the server instances in the cluster to discover and communicate with each other.
Load Algorithm The load algorithm, also known as the load balancing algorithm, determines how incoming requests are distributed among the server instances in the cluster. WebLogic Server provides various load balancing algorithms, such as Round Robin, Weighted Round Robin, Random, Weighted Random, and Custom. The load algorithm ensures even distribution of requests to optimize resource utilization and improve performance.
Multicast Address Multicast is a communication mechanism that allows messages to be sent to multiple recipients simultaneously. The multicast address is the IP address used for multicast communication within the cluster. It enables cluster members to discover each other and join the cluster.
Multicast Port The multicast port is the port number used for multicast communication within the cluster. All cluster members listen on this port to receive multicast messages and discover other cluster members. It is essential for cluster formation and communication.
Buffer Size The buffer size specifies the size of the buffer used for multicast messages. It determines the maximum size of the messages that can be sent and received within the cluster. The buffer size should be configured appropriately to accommodate the expected message size and prevent message loss or truncation.

Cluster Performance Details

Cluster performance details provide insights into the multicast communication and coordination within the WebLogic cluster. They help identify any network misconfigurations, overlapping multicast issues, or potential communication problems between clusters. Monitoring these metrics helps ensure efficient and reliable cluster performance.

Name The name refers to the unique identifier assigned to an individual WebLogic server within the cluster. It distinguishes one server from another in the cluster.
Foreign Fragments Dropped Count This metric represents the number of multicast fragments received by the server that were dropped because they belonged to a foreign cluster. When multicast messages are sent within a cluster, servers from other clusters may receive them due to network misconfiguration or overlapping multicast addresses. In such cases, the foreign fragments are dropped by the server since they are not relevant to its cluster.
Foreign Fragments Sent Count This metric represents the number of multicast fragments sent by the server that belong to other clusters. In some cases, due to network misconfiguration or overlapping multicast addresses, a server may inadvertently send multicast fragments that belong to other clusters. This metric indicates the count of such sent fragments.
Foreign Fragments Received Count This metric represents the number of multicast fragments received by the server that belong to other clusters. Similar to the "Foreign Fragments Dropped Count," this metric indicates the count of multicast fragments received by the server that are intended for other clusters due to network misconfiguration or overlapping multicast addresses.
Multicast Messages Lost Count This metric represents the number of multicast messages that were lost during transmission. It indicates the count of multicast messages that were not successfully received by the server.
Resend Requests Count This metric represents the number of resend requests made by the server. Resend requests occur when a server needs to request the retransmission of multicast fragments that were not successfully received or were lost during transmission. This metric indicates the count of such resend requests made by the server.

Managed Servers

This table displays the list of Managed Servers that are present in the WebLogic cluster along with their corresponding health and availability. Clicking one of the Managed Servers will redirect you to the WebLogic server monitor dashboard of that server.

WebLogic Server

JVM Heap Usage

Minimum Heap Size The minimum amount of heap memory that was used by the WebLogic server (in KB).
Maximum Heap Size The maximum amount of heap memory that was used by the WebLogic server (in KB).
Average Heap Size The average amount of heap memory that was used by the WebLogic server (in KB).
Total Heap Size The total amount of heap memory allocated to the WebLogic server (in KB).
Current Used Heap Size The amount of heap memory currently used by the WebLogic server (in KB).
Current Used Heap Size (%) The percentage of the amount of heap memory currently by the WebLogic server (in %).
Server Response Time
Server Response Time Amount of time taken by the server to respond to a user request. Here, it is calculated as the time taken by the WebLogic Server to establish a connection and respond to a request from Applications Manager. You can also track the minumum, maximum, average and current response time of your WebLogic Servers.


Displays the entire list of Weblogic Clusters available on the network along with their corresponding health and availability. Clicking on one of the clusters will redirect you to the WebLogic cluster monitor dashboard of that cluster.

Non Clustered Managed Servers

This table displays the list of WebLogic Servers that are not part of any cluster along with their corresponding health and availability. Clicking on one of the Managed Server will redirect you to the WebLogic server monitor dashboard of that server.

Web Applications

Web Applications - Top 5 with the Highest User Sessions for last one hour: Provides a graphical representation of the top 5 web application that have the highest number of user sessions for the last one hour.
Session Details of Web Applications
Name Name of the Web Application.
Number of Active Sessions Specifies the number of sessions that are currently active in the web application.
Maximum Number of Sessions Refers to the highest number of sessions that were open for a web application.
Total Number of Sessions Refers to the total number of sessions that were opened since deployment of the web application.
Number of Servlets Refers to the total number of servlets of a web application.
State The current health state of the web application. Possible values include:
  • HEALTH_CRITICAL - Immediate action is required to prevent the component's failure
  • HEALTH_FAILED - The component has failed and must be restarted
  • HEALTH_OK - The server component is healthy
  • HEALTH_OVERLOADED - The component is functioning normally but it is experiencing an overload of work
  • HEALTH_WARN - The component may encounter problems in the future
  • LOW_MEMORY_REASON - Reason code indicating that the server is experiencing low memory.

Upon clicking the web application listed, you will be able to view the Servlet details of that web application. Following are the list of servlet metrics that are monitored for that web application:

Note: Data collection for Servlet metrics are disabled by default. To enable data collection, enable the Servlet Metrics option for the required WebLogic servers, under Settings → Performance Polling → WebLogic.

Servlets with Highest Invocation Count - Last One Hour: Provides a graphical representation of the servlets that have the highest invocation count for the last one hour.
Servlets with Highest Execution Time - Last One Hour: Provides a graphical representation of the servlets that have the highest execution time for the last one hour.
Servlet Details of Web Applications
Name Name of the servlet.
Exec. Time (High) Highest execution time recorded for the servlet during a specific period (in ms). It indicates the maximum time taken by the servlet to process a request and generate a response. High execution time could indicate performance issues or resource-intensive operations within the servlet.
Exec. Time (Low) Lowest execution time recorded for the servlet during a specific period (in ms). It indicates the minimum time taken by the servlet to process a request and generate a response. Low execution time typically implies efficient processing and optimal performance.
Exec. Time (Average) Average execution time recorded for the servlet during a specific period (in ms). It is calculated by dividing the total execution time by the number of requests processed. Average execution time provides an overall measure of the servlet's performance and response time.
Invocation Count Number of times the servlet has been invoked or called to process requests. It indicates how frequently the servlet is being utilized by client requests. A higher invocation count generally suggests that the servlet is handling a significant workload.

Garbage Collector

Name Name of the Garbage Collector
Collection Count Total Collection count
Total collection time(seconds) Total time taken for garbage collection.
Last Start Time Start time of last Garbage Collection
Last End Time End time of last Garbage Collection
Last GC Duration (ms) Total duration of last garbage collection
Total Thread Count Total threads committed for a specific Garbage collector

Note: To view the impact of garbage collector on individual memory pools, you can click on View impact button.

Memory Pool

Name Name of the Memory Pool
Type Type of the Memory Pool
Commited memory (MB) Total commited memory
Initial memory (MB) Initial memory committed in a specific memory pool.
Max allocated memory (MB) Maximum allocated memory
Used memory (MB) Amount of memory used currently
Peak used memory (MB) Peak memory usage in the memory pool

Thread Pool

These metrics provide insights into the current state and utilization of the thread pool in WebLogic Server.

Name Name of the thread pool.
Total Threads Total number of threads allocated to the thread pool, indicating the maximum capacity or size of the thread pool, i.e., the maximum number of concurrent threads that can be active at any given time.
Idle Threads Number of threads in the thread pool that are currently idle (not processing any requests and waiting for new tasks to be assigned) and available for executing tasks.
Threads In Use Number of threads in the thread pool that are currently executing tasks or processing requests by actively serving client requests and performing their assigned tasks.
Pending Requests Count Number of requests that are waiting to be processed by the thread pool but haven't been assigned to a thread yet. These requests are queued and waiting for an available thread to become available.
Stuck Threads Number of threads that have been executing for a prolonged period and have exceeded a specified threshold or time limit, indicating whether a thread or task is experiencing issues or not progressing as expected, possibly due to a deadlock, infinite loop, or resource contention.
Standby Threads Number of additional threads that are kept ready in the thread pool to handle bursts of concurrent requests. They act as backups to ensure that the thread pool can handle sudden spikes in traffic without causing delays or performance degradation.
State The current health state of the thread pool. Possible values include:
  • HEALTH_CRITICAL - Immediate action is required to prevent the component's failure
  • HEALTH_FAILED - The component has failed and must be restarted
  • HEALTH_OK - The server component is healthy
  • HEALTH_OVERLOADED - The component is functioning normally but it is experiencing an overload of work
  • HEALTH_WARN - The component may encounter problems in the future
  • LOW_MEMORY_REASON - Reason code indicating that the server is experiencing low memory.
Thread Pool Usage for last one hour - Provides insights into the current state and utilization of the thread pool in WebLogic Server for the last one hour.
Number of Pending Requests for last one hour - Provides a graphical representation of the number of requests that are pending in the queue for the last one hour.

Database Connection Pool

Connection Pool
Name Name of the database connection pools that enables caching of database connection in the monitor easier through pools.
Threads waiting for connection Mentions the number of threads waiting for the connection.
JDBC Active Connections Mentions the number of active connections made to the monitor.
Connection Pool Size Specifies the number of database connection pool.
Pool State Specifies the state of the pool. (Running/Suspended)
JDBC Connection Leak Count There can be some problems in connections that are checked out from the connection pool but are not returned back to the pool and they are specified using the parameter.
JDBC Active Connection in % Amount of active connections in %
State The current running state of the JDBC component. Possible values include:
  • Running - The component is currently functioning properly
  • Suspended - The component is currently suspended
  • Shutdown - The component is currently non-functional

Java Message Service (JMS)

JMS Details
Name The name of JMS server.
Current Bytes The current number of bytes stored on this JMS server.
Pending Bytes The current number of bytes pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.
Messages Bytes The number of bytes received on this destination since the last reset per minute.
Current Messages The current number of messages stored on this JMS server.
Pending Messages The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.
Messages Received/Min The number of messages received on this destination since the last reset per minute.
State The current health state of the JMS server. Possible values include:
  • HEALTH_CRITICAL - Immediate action is required to prevent the component's failure
  • HEALTH_FAILED - The component has failed and must be restarted
  • HEALTH_OK - The server component is healthy
  • HEALTH_OVERLOADED - The component is functioning normally but it is experiencing an overload of work
  • HEALTH_WARN - The component may encounter problems in the future
  • LOW_MEMORY_REASON - Reason code indicating that the server is experiencing low memory.

Store-and-Forward (SAF) Service

SAF Details
Name Name of SAF Agent in Weblogic.
Current Conversations The current number of conversations.
Conversations/Minute The total number of conversations per minute since the last reset.
Current Remote EndPoints The current number of remote endpoints to which this SAF agent has been storing and forwarding messages.
Remote EndPoints/Minute The rate at which this SAF agent has been storing and forwarding messages per minute.

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

Note: Data collection for EJB metrics are disabled by default. To enable data collection, enable the EJB Metrics option for the required WebLogic servers, under Settings → Performance Polling → WebLogic.

EJB Details
Name Name or identifier of the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) component being monitored.
Type Type or category of the EJB component. It helps identify whether the EJB is a Session Bean, Entity Bean, or Message-Driven Bean.
Activation Number of instances that are currently activated or in use.
Passivation Number of instances that have been passivated or made idle.
Threads Waiting Number of threads that are currently waiting or blocked while attempting to invoke the EJB component. It helps assess the concurrency and potential bottlenecks in EJB invocations.
Cached Beans Number of EJB instances that are currently cached or held in memory for efficient access. Caching helps improve performance by reducing the overhead of creating and destroying instances.
Used Beans Number of EJB instances currently in use or actively handling invocations. It indicates the workload and utilization of the EJB component.
Idle Beans Number of idle or unused EJB instances that are available in the pool. It helps monitor resource availability and assess whether the pool is adequately sized to handle the workload.
Timeout Transactions Number of transactions that have timed out while executing on the EJB component. It helps identify potential issues with long-running transactions or performance bottlenecks.
Rollback Transactions Number of transactions that have been rolled back or aborted while interacting with the EJB component. It helps monitor transactional integrity and assess the success rate of transactions.
Committed Transactions Number of transactions that have been successfully committed while interacting with the EJB component. It helps track the successful completion of transactions and assess the overall transactional behavior.
Top 5 - EJBs with the Highest Instance Count for last one hour: Provides a graphical representation of the top 5 EJBs that have the highest instance count for the last one hour.
Top 5 - EJBs with the Highest Cache Count for last one hour: Provides a graphical representation of the top 5 EJBs that have the highest cache count for the last one hour.
Top 5 - EJBs with the Highest Transaction Timeout Count for last one hour: Provides a graphical representation of the top 5 EJBs that have the highest transaction timeout count for the last one hour.

Monitoring Custom Attributes

You can also monitor custom attributes for your WebLogic Server by clicking on Add Attributes option located on the right side of the monitor dashboard. Learn how to add custom WebLogic attributes

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