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EUM Dashboard

The performance metrics of all the end user monitoring (EUM) monitors configured in Applications Manager will be displayed in the End User Monitoring Overview dashboard under the User Experience tab. This dashboard provides you an overview of the performance of your monitors tracked using EUM agents along with their health status from different locations. The metrics shown include the total number of EUM monitors and their current status (Clear, Critical or Warning), the category to which the monitor belongs to, and their health status from the locations configured.

A green dot indicates health status is ‘clear’ from that specific location, a red dot indicates ‘critical’ status while an orange dot indicates 'warning' health status. Click the dot icon to drill down into the monitor performance from that specific location. Click the reports icon in the EUM dashboard to view the 'At a Glance' report for the monitor. The 'At a Glance' report includes charts for availability, response time and outage report of the monitor from different locations.

You can also view performance details based on the monitor type. For example, to view information about DNS monitors, click the DNS Monitor icon.

EUM Agent Details

Click the 'Locations' link present in the right top corner of the 'End User Monitoring Overview' dashboard to view details about the EUM agents being used to collect performance data. This screen shows the following agent configuration details:

Parameter Description
Name The name of the EUM agent
IP Address The IP address of the EUM agent
Port The port at which the agent is running
Status Current status of the agent (whether the agent is up or down)
Poll Interval The time interval in which the EUM agent contacts the Applications Manager server
Browsers supported for RBM Playback Displays the list of browsers that are supported for RBM Playback.
Agent Version The version of the EUM agent currently in use
Last Updated at The time at which agent collected information from the Applications Manager server
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