Microsoft Azure, formerly known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft's public cloud computing platform. It provides a range of cloud services, including those for computing, analytics, storage, and networking. Users can pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications, or run existing applications, in the public cloud.
Applications Manager connects with Microsoft Azure through Azure APIs to determine the health status and other performance counters. Users can now monitor several Microsoft Azure services, all under a single window. With Applications Manager's Microsoft Azure monitoring tool, you can:
In this help document, you will learn how to get started with Azure monitoring along with the list of parameters that are monitored using Applications Manager.
For a comprehensive list of all the Microsoft Azure monitoring features supported by Applications Manager, refer to the official documentation here.
Prerequisites for monitoring Azure metrics: Click here
Using the REST API to add a new Azure monitor: Click here
To create a new Microsoft Azure monitor, follow the steps given below:
Note: Alerts for resource deletion will persist until the corresponding monitor is removed from Applications Manager.
Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Microsoft Azure under the Cloud Apps table. Displayed is the Microsoft Azure bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:
Microsoft Azure Monitor provides a concise overview of the Azure services within the selected subscription. Click on the monitor name to access all service details monitored in Microsoft Azure Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:
Refer to the table given below to view the categories of the Microsoft Azure monitor along with their respective child monitors and help pages:
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the Microsoft Azure monitor. |
Subscription ID | Subscription ID of the Azure subscription. |
Azure Services | The services that are monitored under this subscription. |
Account Type | The type of Microsoft Azure account. |
Discovery Mode | The discovery mode chosen while creating the monitor. |
Tenant ID | Tenant ID of the Active Directory. |
Client ID | Client ID of the Active Directory Application. |
Child Monitor Discovery | The Child Monitor Discovery mode. |
Advanced Settings | Indicates whether the Advanced Settings have been enabled or not. |
Timeout | Timeout Duration in seconds. |
Associated Groups | The monitor groups to which the monitor is associated. |
Last Polled at | Specifies the time at which the last poll was performed. |
Next Poll at | Specifies the time at which the next poll is scheduled. |
Parameter | Description |
Analytics | |
Number of Synapse Analytics Workspaces | Total number of Synapse Analytics workspaces under this subscription. |
Containers | |
Number of Azure Container Apps | Number of Azure Container Apps available. |
Number of Azure Container Instances | Number of Azure Container Instances available. |
Number of Azure Container Registries | Number of Azure Container Registries available. |
Number of Azure Kubernetes Service Clusters | Number of Azure Kubernetes Service Clusters available. |
Compute Resources | |
Number of Azure Web Apps | Total number of Azure Web Applications. |
Number of Azure App Service Plans | Total number of Azure App Service Plans. |
Number of Azure Functions | Total number of Azure Functions. |
Number of Azure Virtual Machines Provisioned | Total number of Virtual Machines under this subscription. |
Number of Azure Virtual Machines Running | Total number of Virtual Machines in running state. |
Number of Azure VM Scale Sets | Total number of Azure VM Scale Sets. |
Database Resources | |
Number of Azure Cosmos DBs | Number of Azure Cosmos DBs available. |
Number of Azure MariaDB Servers | Number of Azure MariaDB Servers available. |
Number of Azure MySQL Servers | Number of Azure MySQL Servers available. |
Number of Azure PostgreSQL Servers | Number of Azure PostgreSQL Servers available. |
Number of Azure Redis Caches | Number of Azure Redis Caches available. |
Number of Azure SQL Databases | Number of Azure SQL Databases available. |
Number of Azure SQL Elastic Pools | Number of Azure SQL Elastic Pools available. |
Number of Azure SQL Managed Instances | Number of Azure SQL Managed Instances available. |
Integration | |
Number of Azure Event Hub Clusters | Number of Azure Event Hub Clusters available. |
Number of Azure Event Hub Namespaces | Number of Azure Event Hub Namespaces available. |
Number of Azure Logic Apps (Consumption) | Number of Azure Logic Apps (Consumption) available. |
Number of Azure Logic Apps (Standard) | Number of Azure Logic Apps (Standard) available. |
Number of Azure Relays | Number of Azure Relays available. |
Number of Azure Service Bus Namespaces | Number of Azure Service Bus Namespaces available. |
Storage Resources | |
Number of Azure Backup Vaults | Number of Backup Vaults available. |
Number of Azure Premium Storage Accounts | Number of Premium Storage Accounts available. |
Number of Azure Standard Storage Accounts | Number of Standard Storage Accounts available. |
Number of Azure Recovery Service Vaults | Number of Recovery Service Vaults available. |
Number of Azure Storage Sync Services | Number of Storage Sync Services available. |
Security | |
Number of Azure Key Vaults | Number of Azure Key Vaults available. |
Number of Azure Key Vault Managed HSMs | Number of Azure Key Vault Managed HSMs available. |
Network Resources | |
Number of Azure Application Gateways | Number of Azure Application Gateways available. |
Number of Azure Bastions | Number of Azure Bastions available. |
Number of Azure Connections | Number of Azure Connections available. |
Number of Azure DNS Zones | Number of Azure DNS Zones available. |
Number of Azure ExpressRoute Circuits | Number of Azure ExpressRoute Circuits available. |
Number of Azure Firewalls | Number of Azure Firewalls available. |
Number of Azure Front Door And CDN Profiles | Number of Azure Front Door And CDN Profiles available. |
Number of Azure Basic Load Balancers | Number of Basic Load Balancers available. |
Number of Azure Standard Load Balancers | Number of Azure Standard Load Balancers available. |
Number of Azure Network Interfaces | Number of Azure Network Interfaces available. |
Number of Network Watcher Connection | Number of Network Watcher Connection available. |
Number of Azure Private DNS Zones | Number of Azure Private DNS Zones available. |
Number of Azure Private Endpoints | Number of Azure Private Endpoints available. |
Number of Azure Private Link Services | Number of Azure Private Link Services available. |
Number of Azure Public IP Addresses | Number of Azure Public IP Addresses available. |
Number of Azure Traffic Manager Profiles | Number of Azure Traffic Manager Profiles available. |
Number of Azure Virtual Networks | Number of Azure Virtual Networks available. |
Number of Azure Virtual Networks Gateways | Number of Azure Virtual Networks Gateways available. |
Parameter | Description |
Workspace Name | The name of the workspace. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the Resource Group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the resource. |
By clicking on the synapse workspace's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Synapse Analytics monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Compute' tab:
Parameter | Description |
Plan Name | Name of the App Service Plan. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group of the App Service Plan. |
Location | Location of the app service plan. |
OS Type | The OS Type of the app service plan. Possible values: Linux/Windows. |
Tier | Service tier of the resource SKU. |
Provisioning State | Provisioning state of the App Service Plan. Possible values: Canceled, Deleting, Failed, InProgress, Succeeded. |
By clicking on the app service plan's name, you will be redirected to the Azure App Service Plan monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Web App Name | Name of the Web App. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group of the Web Apps. |
Location | Location of the app service. |
Web App Usage | State indicating whether the app has exceeded its usage quota. Possible values: Exceeded, Normal. |
Web App State | Current state of the app. Possible values: Running, Stopped. |
By clicking on the app service web app's name, you will be redirected to the Azure App Service (Web App) monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Function App Name | Name of the Function App. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the Resource Group. |
Location | Location of the resource. |
Function App State | The current state of the app. Possible values: Running, Stopped. |
By clicking on the function app's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Functions monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Virtual Machine Name | Name of the VM. |
Resource group name | The resource group which has this VM. |
Location | Location at which the VM is set up. |
OS Type | VM's Operating system. |
Public IP Address | Public IP of the VM. |
Status | State of the VM. |
You can perform the following admin actions on the Azure Virtual Machines (VMs):
By clicking on the Virtual Machine's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Virtual Machine monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
VM Scale Set Name | Name of the VM Scale Set. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the VM Scale Set. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed. |
By clicking on the VM scale set's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Containers' tab:
Note: Azure Container App monitoring is supported for Azure Gov Cloud accounts from Applications Manager v173000.
Parameter | Description |
App Name | Name of the container app. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the container app. |
Creation Time | The timestamp of container app creation. |
Running Status | The running status of the container app. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the container app. Possible values: Cancelled/ Deleting/ Failed/ InProgress/ Succeeded |
By clicking on the container app's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Container App monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Registry Name | Name of the container registry. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU tier based on the pricing plan. Possible values: Basic, Classic, Premium, Standard. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the container registry at the time the operation was called. Possible values: Canceled, Creating, Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the container registry's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Container Registry monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Instance Name | Name of the container instance. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the container group. |
OS Type | The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Possible values: Linux/Windows. |
SKU | The SKU of the container group. Possible values: Standard, Confidential, Dedicated. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the container group. |
By clicking on the container instance's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Container Instance monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
ClusterName | Name of the Kubernetes cluster. |
Resource Group Name | Specifies the Resource Group of the Kubernetes cluster. |
Cluster Location | Location where the cluster resides. |
Cluster Status | Current status of the Kubernetes cluster. (Running or Stopped) |
By clicking on the cluster's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Kubernetes Service monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Database' tab:
Parameter | Description |
Cosmos DB Name | Name of the Cosmos DB. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Location | Geo location where the resource resides. |
Cosmos Type | Type of Cosmos DB. Possible Values: Cassandra, Gremlin, MongoDB, No SQL, Table. |
Created At | Time and date of creation. |
Provisioning State | Provisioning state of the resource. |
By clicking on the Cosmos DB's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Cosmos DB monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Server Name | Name of the Maria DB server. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Location | Geo location where the resource resides. |
SKU | The name of the deployed SKU. |
Tier | The tier of the deployed SKU. Possible values: Basic, GeneralPurpose, MemoryOptimized. |
State | The state of the MariaDB server. |
By clicking on the Maria DB server's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Database for MariaDB Server monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Server Name | Name of the MySQL server. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Location | Geo location where the resource resides. |
SKU | The name of the deployed SKU. |
Tier | The tier of the deployed SKU. Possible values: Basic, GeneralPurpose, MemoryOptimized. |
State | State of the Server. |
By clicking on the MySQL server's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Database for MySQL Server monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Server Name | Name of the PostgreSQL server. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Location | Indicates the location/region of the PostgreSQL server. |
SKU | The name of the SKU (Stock-keeping-Unit), displayed in the format <tier>_<family>_<cores>. Eg. B_Gen4_1, GP_Gen5_8. |
Tier | The tier of the particular SKU. Possible values: Basic, GeneralPurpose, MemoryOptimized. |
Server Type | Type of the PostgreSQL server. Possible values: Single, Flexible. |
State | Current status of the PostgreSQL server. Possible values: Disabled, Dropping, Ready, Starting, Stopped, Stopping, Updating. |
By clicking on the PostgreSQL server's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Cache Name | Name of the Redis Cache. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Location | Geo location where the resource resides. |
SKU Name | The type of Redis Cache deployed. Possible values: Basic, Standard, Premium. |
Cache Type | The type of the Redis Cache resource. Possible values: Cache (Standard/Premium), Enterprise. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the Redis Cache. |
By clicking on the Redis cache's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Cache for Redis monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Database Name | Name of the Azure SQL Database. |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource group. |
Database Location | Location of the SQL database |
Database Server | Name of the SQL server. |
Database Usage | Amount of space currently used in the database (in GB). |
Total Database Size | Total amount of space allocated to the SQL database (in GB). |
Database Status | Status of the Azure SQL database. |
By clicking on the SQL Database's name, you will be redirected to the Azure SQL database monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Pool Name | Name of the Azure SQL Elastic Pool. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Server Name | The name of the server. |
SKU Tier | The tier or edition of the particular SKU. Possible values:
State | The state of the elastic pool. Possible values: Creating/Disabled/Ready. |
By clicking on the Elastic Pool's name, you will be redirected to the Azure SQL Elastic Pool monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
InstanceName | Name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance. |
Resource Group Name | Specifies the Resource Group of the SQL Managed Instance. |
Location | Indicates the location/region of the SQL Managed Instance. |
Tier | The tier or edition of the particular SKU (Basic or Premium). |
Storage Usage | Indicates the amount of storage utilized by the SQL Managed Instance. |
Total Storage Space | Total amount of storage space allocated for the instance (in GB). |
Virtual Core Count | The number of vCores. Possible values: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 64, and 80. |
Instance State | Current state of the SQL Managed Instance. |
By clicking on the SQL Managed Instance's name, you will be redirected to the Azure SQL Managed Instance monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Integration' tab:
Note: Azure Event Hub Cluster monitoring is supported for Azure Gov Cloud accounts from Applications Manager v173000.
Parameter | Description |
Cluster Name | Name of the Event Hub Cluster. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU tier of the cluster. Possible Values: Dedicated. |
Status | The status of the cluster resource. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: Active, Canceled, Creating, Deleting, Failed, Scaling, Succeeded, Unknown. |
By clicking on the Event Hub Cluster's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Event Hub Cluster monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Namespace Name | Name of the Event Hub Namespace. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU tier of the namespace. Possible Values: Basic/Standard/Premium. |
Status | The status of the cluster resource. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. |
By clicking on the Event Hub Namespace's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Event Hub Namespace monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
App Name | Name of the Logic App. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Creation Time | The timestamp of the resource creation. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the service. Possible values: refer here. |
By clicking on the Logic App's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Logic App (Consumption) monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
App Name | Name of the Logic App. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
App State | The current state of the app. |
By clicking on the Logic App's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Logic App (Standard) monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Relay Name | Name of the Relay. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the Azure Relay. |
SKU Tier | The name of this SKU. Possible values: Standard. |
Creation Time | The time the namespace was created. |
Status | The status of the Azure Relay. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the Azure Relay. |
By clicking on the Relay's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Relay monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Namespace | Name of the Service Bus Namespace. |
Resource Group | Specifies the Resource Group of the Service Bus Namespace. |
Location | Indicates the location/region of the Service Bus Namespace. |
Tier | Indicates the tier used in the Service Bus Namespace. Possible values: Basic, Standard and Premium. |
Status | Status of the Service Bus Namespace. |
By clicking on the Service Bus Namespace's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Service Bus monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Network' tab:
Parameter | Description |
Application Gateway Name | Name of the Azure Application Gateway. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Tier | The tier of the application gateway resource. Possible values: Standard, Standard_v2, WAF, WAF_v2. |
Operational State | The operational state of the Application Gateway. Possible values: Running, Starting, Stopped, Stopping. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the Application Gateway. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Updating, Deleting. |
By clicking on the Application Gateway's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Application Gateway monitoring dashboard.
Note: Azure Bastion monitoring is not supported for Azure China accounts as the metrics namespace is not available.
Parameter | Description |
Bastion Name | Name of the Azure Bastion. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU of the Bastion host. Possible values: Developer/ Basic/ Standard/ Premium |
Communication Status | The recent communication status of the bastion. 1 if all communication is good, and 0 if it's bad. (Aggregation Type: Average) |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: Deleting/ Failed/ Succeeded/ Updating |
By clicking on the Bastion's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Bastion monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Connection Name | Name of the Azure Connection. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Connection Type | Type of the connection. Possible values: ExpressRoute, IPsec, VPNClient, Vnet2Vnet. |
Connection Status | The status of the connection. Possible values: Connected, Connecting, NotConnected, Unknown. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state. Possible values: Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the Connection's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Connection monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Zone Name | Name of the Azure DNS Zone. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the DNS Zone. |
Zone Type | The type of DNS zone. Possible values: Public, Private. |
By clicking on the DNS Zone's name, you will be redirected to the Azure DNS Zone monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Circuit Name | Name of the ExpressRoute Circuit. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU tier of the Azure service. Possible values: Basic, Local, Premium, Standard. |
Billing Model | The billing model of the Azure service. Possible values: MeteredData, UnlimitedData. |
Circuit Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the circuit. Possible values: Enabled, Disabled. |
By clicking on the ExpressRoute circuit's name, you will be redirected to the Azure ExpressRoute Circuit monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Firewall Name | Name of the Azure Firewall. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU | The SKU of the Firewall. Possible values: Premium, Standard, Basic. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the Firewall resource. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Updating, Deleting. |
By clicking on the Firewall's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Firewall monitoring dashboard.
Note: Azure Front Door and CDN Profile monitoring is not supported for Azure China accounts as the metrics namespace is not available.
Parameter | Description |
Profile Name | Name of the Front Door and CDN Profile. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Type | The type of profile used by portals to differentiate between the traditional CDN profile and new AFD profile. Possible values: cdn, frontdoor. |
SKU | The SKU tier of the Front Door and CDN Profile. Possible Values: Standard_Microsoft, Classic_AzureFrontDoor, Premium_AzureFrontDoor, Standard_AzureFrontDoor. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the Front Door and CDN Profile. Possible values: Creating, Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the Front Door and CDN Profile's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Front Door and CDN Profile monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Load Balancer Name | Name of the Azure Load Balancer. |
Resource Group Name | Specifies the Resource Group of the Load Balancer. |
Location | Indicates the location/region of the Load Balancer. |
SKU | Possible SKUs (Stock-keeping-Unit) are Basic, Standard and Gateway Load balancer. |
Provisioning State | Current provisioning state of the Load Balancer. Possible values: Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
Parameter | Description |
Load Balancer Name | Name of the Azure Load Balancer. |
Resource Group Name | Specifies the Resource Group of the Load Balancer. |
Location | Location where the load balancer resides. |
SKU | Possible SKUs (Stock-keeping-Unit) are Basic, Standard and Gateway Load balancer. |
Tier | Possible Tiers are Regional and Global. |
Basic LB Provisioning State | Current provisioning state of the Load Balancer. Possible values: Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the Load Balancer's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Load Balancer monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Network Interface Name | Name of the Network Interface. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the Resource Group. |
Location | The location of the Network Interface. |
Virtual Machine | The name of the Virtual Machine to which the Network Interface is attached. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the network interface resource. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Updating, Deleting. |
By clicking on the Network Interface's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Network Interface monitoring dashboard.
Note: Azure Network Watcher Connection monitoring is supported for Azure Gov Cloud accounts from Applications Manager v173000.
Parameter | Description |
Connection Name | Name of the Connection. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Connection Monitor Type | The type of connection monitor. Possible values: MultiEndpoint, SingleSourceDestination. |
Connection Test Status | The Connection monitor test result. Possible values: Indeterinate, Passed, Warning, Failed. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Updating, Deleting. |
By clicking on the Network Watcher Connection's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Network Watcher Connection monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Zone Name | Name of the Private DNS Zone. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: Canceled, Creating, Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the Private DNS Zone's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Private DNS Zone monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Endpoint/ Link Service Name | Name of the Endpoint/ Link Service. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: Deleting/Failed/Succeeded/Updating. |
By clicking on the Private Endpoint/Private Link Service's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Private Endpoint/Private Link Service monitoring dashboard.
Note: Azure Public IP Address monitoring for Azure China accounts is supported only for the Standard SKU due to limitations in metrics.
Parameter | Description |
IP Address Name | Name of the Public IP Address. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU | The type of SKU of the Azure service. Possible Values: Standard, Basic. |
IP Address | The IP address associated with the public IP address resource. |
Provisioning State | The provisioning state of the public IP address resource. Possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Updating, Deleting. |
By clicking on the Public IP Addresses's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Public IP Addresses monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Profile Name | Name of the Traffic Manager Profile. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Traffic Routing Method | The traffic routing method of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values: Geographic, MultiValue, Performance, Priority, Subnet, Weighted. |
Profile Monitor Status | The profile-level monitoring status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values: CheckingEndpoints, Degraded, Disabled, Inactive, Online. |
Profile Status | The status of the Traffic Manager profile. Possible values: Enabled, Disabled. |
By clicking on the Traffic Manager profile's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Traffic Manager profile monitoring dashboard.
Note: Azure Virtual Networks monitoring is not supported for Azure China accounts due to metric limitations.
Parameter | Description |
Virtual Network Name | Name of the Virtual Network. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the Resource Group. |
Location | The location of the Virtual network. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state. Possible values: Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating. |
By clicking on the Virtual Network's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Virtual Network monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Gateway Name | Name of the Virtual Network Gateway. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Gateway Type | Type of the Virtual Network Gateway. Possible values: ExpressRoute/LocalGateway/VPN. |
VPN Type | Type of the VPN gateway. Possible values: Routebased/Policybased. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the virtual network gateway resource. Possible values: Deleting/Failed/Succeeded/Updating. |
By clicking on the Virtual Network gateway's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Virtual Network Gateway monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Security' tab:
Parameter | Description |
Vault Name | Name of the Key Vault. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU name to specify the type of vault. Possible Values: Standard/Premium. |
Creation Time | The timestamp of the key vault resource creation. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. Possible values: RegisteringDns, Succeeded. |
By clicking on the Key Vault's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Key Vaults monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Vault Name | Name of the Key Vault Managed HSM. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
SKU Tier | The SKU name to specify the type of vault. Possible Values: Custom_B32/Custom_B6/Standard_B1. |
Creation Time | The timestamp of the key vault managed HSM resource creation. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. |
By clicking on the Key Vault HSM's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Key Vaults Managed HSM monitoring dashboard.
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Storage' tab:
Note: Azure Backup Vault/Recovery Service Vault monitoring is not supported for Azure Global accounts as the metrics namespace is not available.
Parameter | Description |
Vault Name | The Azure Backup Vault's/Recovery Service Vault's Name. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the Vault. |
SKU Tier | The SKU Tier of the Vault. (Supported only in Recovery Service Vaults) |
Provisioning State | Provisioning state of the Vault. Possible values: Failed/Provisioning/Succeeded/Unknown/Updating. |
By clicking on the Backup Vault's/ Recovery Service Vault's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Backup Vault/Recovery Service Vault monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Storage Account Name | The Azure Storage Account Name. |
Resource Group | Resource Group where the Storage Account is allocated in. |
Location | Region where the storage account is provisioned. |
Replication Type | The replication type used by the Storage account. Possible values:
Primary Status | Status of Storage Account. Possible Values:
Provisioning State | Provisioning state of Storage Account. Possible values:
By clicking on the Storage Account's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Standard Storage Account monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Storage Account Name | The Azure Premium Storage Account's name. |
Resource Group | Resource Group where the Premium Storage Account is present. |
Location | Region where the Premium Storage Account is present. |
Replication Type | The replication type used by the Premium Storage account. Possible values: Premium_LRS and Premium_ZRS |
Primary Status | Status of Premium Storage Account. Possible Values: Available, Unavailable. |
Provisioning State | Provisioning state of the Premium Storage Account. Possible values: Invalid, Creating, Deleting, Succeeded, Failed, and Cancelled. |
By clicking on the Premium Storage Account's name, you will be redirected to the Azure Premium Storage Account monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Sync Service Name | The name of the Sync Service. |
Resource Group Name | The name of the resource group. |
Location | The location of the resource. |
Creation Time | The timestamp of the storage sync service creation. |
Status | The status of the storage sync service. Possible values: Online/Offline. |
Provisioning State | The current provisioning state of the resource. |
By clicking on the Storage Sync Service's name, you will be redirected to the Storage Sync Services monitoring dashboard.
Parameter | Description |
Expense per day | The total cost incurred on the previous day. |
Current billing cycle | Present invoicing period. |
Total cost till date | Total cost incurred since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Cost forecast | Current Billing Cycle Forecast cost. |
Previous billing cycle expenditure | The total cost incurred during the previous billing cycle. |
Top 10 costs by services | |
Service Cost | Top 10 costs by services graph shows the top services that you use the most, since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Costs by services | |
Service Name | Name of the services. |
Service Cost (USD) | Total cost in USD incurred per service since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Top 10 costs by resource groups | |
Resource group cost | Top 10 costs by resource groups graph shows the top resource groups with the highest costs, since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Costs by resource groups | |
Resource Group Name | Name of the resource groups. |
Resource Group Cost (USD) | Total cost in USD incurred per resource group since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Top 10 costs by regions | |
Region Cost | Top 10 costs by regions graph shows the top regions with the highest costs, since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
Costs by regions | |
Region Name | Name of the regions. |
Region Cost (USD) | Total cost in USD incurred per region since the beginning of the current billing cycle till the current date. |
The following is the list of services displayed in the 'Management' tab:
Parameter | Description |
Quota Name | The name of the resource quota being monitored. |
Region | The geographical location of the quota. |
Provider | The cloud service category associated with the quota. |
Current Usage | A visual representation of how much of the quota has been used, shown as a progress bar. |
Quota Limit | The maximum allowed quota for the resource in the specified region. |
Quota Used | The actual amount of the quota that has been consumed. |
Quota Utilized (%) | The percentage of the quota that has been used. |
This table displays the status of client secret expirations across all Azure AD applications within the tenant, providing visibility into upcoming expirations (next 30 days) and past expirations (last 10 days). For tenants with multiple subscriptions, enable client secret expiry monitoring for one subscription/monitor in Applications Manager.
Parameter | Description |
Client Secret ID | The unique identifier of the client secret. |
Application | The name of the Azure AD application the client secret belongs to. |
Expires On | The date and time of the client secret's expiration. |
Days to Expire | The number of days until the client secret's expiration. A value of 0 days with the status 'Expired' means the secret expired recently, within the past 10 days. |
Status | Colour coded messages represent the current status of the client secret:
Note: The Client Secret Expiry Details metric is mapped under Performance polling. To adjust the polling interval, navigate to Settings → Performance Polling. In the Optimize Data Collection tab, select Microsoft Azure as the Monitor Type and Client Secret Expiry Details as the Metric Name. Choose 'Configure a custom interval' and set the polling interval to at least 12 hours.
1. Error: "Authentication Failed. Access is denied for the provided Azure Organizational Account Credentials"
This error message is displayed upon adding a New Azure monitor using Azure Organizational Account mode. For troubleshooting steps, refer to this link.
2. Error: "Azure Services discovery failed for subscription <subscriptionID>. Invalid Application key"
This error message is displayed upon editing a new Azure monitor using Azure Organizational Account/AD Application & Service Principal mode. For troubleshooting steps, refer to the link given below for respective modes:
3. Error: "Connection to the database failed with error: Cannot open server <ServerName> requested by the login. Client with IP address <SomeIP> is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range"
This error message is displayed in the monitor details page/Edit monitor page of the Azure SQL Database monitor. For troubleshooting steps, refer to this link.
4. Error: "Connection to the database failed with error: The TCP/IP connection to the host <Azure SQL server>, port 1433 has failed.
Error: "Connection timed out: no further information. Verify the connection properties. Make sure that an instance of SQL Server is running on the host and accepting TCP/IP connections at the port. Make sure that TCP connections to the port are not blocked by a firewall."
This error message is displayed in the monitor details page/Edit monitor page of the Azure SQL Database monitor. For troubleshooting steps, refer to this link.
For more troubleshooting steps on Microsoft Azure monitoring, refer to our FAQs.
Thank you for your feedback!