This section explains how to use the AddMonitor API to add monitors of the category type Cloud Apps. The following monitors are supported:
Supported HTTP methods: POST
Allowed roles: Administrator
For Applications Manager versions till 15170:
For Applications Manager versions 15180 onwards:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=Amazon&accessKey=[ACCESSKEY]&SecretAccessKey=[SECRETACCESSKEY]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&AccountType=[ACCOUNTTYPE]&AmazonServices=[SERVICES]&GlobalRegions=[GLOBALREGIONS/False] &ChinaRegions=[CHINAREGIONS/False]&AWSGovCloudRegions=[GOVCLOUDREGIONS/False]&AdvancedSettings=[True/False]&discoverchild=[yes/no/unmanage]&DeletedResourceAction=[Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete]&StopDiscovery=[True/False]&AWSServicesToStopDiscovery=[SERVICES]&NameFilterRegex=[.*[a-zA-Z0-9-_.].*]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Amazon |
AmazonServices | The Amazon Services that you want to monitor. Possible values are:
accessKey | The access Key ID of the AWS account with API access.
Note: Click here to know more about access keys. |
SecretAccessKey | The secret access key of the accessKey for the AWS account. |
AccountType | The account type. Possible values are
GlobalRegions* | List of global regions that you can choose from when AwsGlobal AccountType is chosen. Possible values are: All-Regions, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-east-1, ap-south-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-4, ap-south-1, ap-northeast-3, ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-central-2, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, eu-north-1, eu-south-1, eu-south-2, me-south-1, me-central-1, il-central-1, sa-east-1, af-south-1 or False. Note: Specify the value All-Regions only if you want to monitor from all the above-mentioned regions. Do not enter other region values when All-Regions is specified. |
ChinaRegions* | List of China regions that you can choose from when AwsChina AccountType is chosen. Possible values are: cn-northwest-1, cn-north-1 or False. |
AWSGovCloudRegions* | List of US GovCloud regions that you can choose from when AwsGovCloud AccountType is chosen. Possible values are: us-gov-west-1, us-gov-east-1 or False. |
discoverchild* | Enables configuration options for discovery of child monitors. Possible values are yes, no, and unmanage. |
AdvancedSettings* | Enables advanced settings, when checked. Possible values are True or False. |
discoverInterval* | Time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
DeletedResourceAction* | Actions to be performed on the resources deleted in Amazon console. If this parameter is not used, by default it is 'Alert'. Possible values are Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete.
Note: DeletedResourceAction will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
StopDiscovery* | Prevents discovery of resources under chosen service. Possible values are either True or False. |
AWSServicesToStopDiscovery* | Services for which further discovery of resources must be prevented. Available services are:
NameFilterRegex* | Regex to filter EC2 instances and adds the instances that match the regex alone.
Note: Regex may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen(-), underscore(_), and period(.) symbols. To ignore characters, specify .* at the beginning/end/middle one or more times. |
Note: Parameters with * have been added from Applications Manager version 15180 onwards.
For Applications Manager versions till 15170:
For Applications Manager versions 15180 onwards:
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
displayname | Display name of the monitor. |
type | Type of monitor to be added. The value should be GoogleCloudPlatform. |
GCPServices | Google Cloud Services like Compute, Storage, Filestore, etc. Available services are ComputeEngine, CloudStorage, CloudFilestore and KubernetesEngine. |
ProjectID | Unique ID of the project to be monitored. |
provider | Name of the OAuth Provider created in Applications Manager. Refer here for steps to add new OAuth Provider. |
advancedsettings | Enables additional settings. Possible values are either True or False |
deletedresourceaction | Actions to be performed on the resources deleted in GCP console. If this parameter is not used, by default it is 'Alert'. Possible values - Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete |
stopdiscovery | Prevents discovery of resources under chosen service. Possible values are either True or False |
servicestostopdiscovery | Services for which resources should not be discovered. Available services are ComputeEngine, CloudStorage, CloudFilestore and KubernetesEngine. If this option is not used, then the value should be False. |
discoverInterval | Time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Office365. |
Office365TenantName | The tenant name used by the Microsoft 365 subscription. |
Office365Useremail* | The Microsoft 365 user email with admin privileges. |
Office365Password* | The Microsoft 365 user account password. |
Office365Services | Required services to monitor. Supported services are "ExchangeOnline,SharepointOnline,MicrosoftTeams" |
Timeout | The Timeout interval in seconds. |
ServiceHealth | Option to enable Service Health monitoring. (True or False) |
TenantID* | Tenant ID of the tenant in which the application is created. |
ClientID* | Client ID/Application ID of the application created |
ClientSecret* | Client Secret created in the application created. |
Note: Please note that the parameters marked with * are mandatory, while the ones marked with * are optional and applicable only when Service health is enabled.
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Office365. |
Office365TenantName | The tenant name used by the Microsoft 365 subscription. |
Office365Services | Required services to monitor. Supported services are "ExchangeOnline,SharepointOnline,MicrosoftTeams" |
TenantID* | Tenant ID of the tenant in which the application is created. |
ClientID* | Client ID/Application ID of the application created |
ClientSecret* | Client Secret created in the application created. |
UsePowerShell | To monitor Exchange Online Mailboxes & SharePoint Sites via PowerShell.The value will be either True or False. |
Office365Useremail* | The Microsoft 365 user email with admin privileges. |
Office365Password* | The Microsoft 365 user account password. |
Timeout | The Timeout interval in seconds. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
Please note that the parameters marked with * are mandatory, while the ones marked with * are optional and applicable only when UsePowershell is enabled.
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type* | Type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'MicrosoftAzure'. |
displayname* | Preferred display name of the monitor. |
SubscriptionID* | Subcription ID of the Azure subscription to be monitored. |
AzureServices* | Azure services to be monitored. Provide the services as comma-separated values. The possible values are:
AzureAccountType* | The account type of your Azure account. Possible values are
DiscoveryMode* | Mode of resource discovery. The value should be 'AzureSPApp'. |
ClientID* | Client ID of the Microsoft Entra (Previously Azure Active Directory) application created in Azure portal. |
TenantID* | Tenant ID (Directory ID) of Microsoft Entra ID (Previously Azure Active Directory). |
AppKey* | Password of the Microsoft Entra (Previously Azure Active Directory) application created in Azure portal. |
ChildDiscovery | Enables configuration options for discovery of child monitors. Possible values are unmanage, monitor and regexFilter. |
DiscoveryFilterRegex* | Filters Azure Resources and adds the monitor that match the regex alone. Click here to learn about the possible attributes and module types.
AdvancedSettings | Enables advanced settings, when checked. Possible values are True or False. |
urlRetry | Enabling this option will automatically retry APIs that fail due to network connectivity, during data collection. Possible values are True or False.
Note: urlRetry will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertResources | Enables alerts for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are True or False.
Note: AlertResources will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertSeverity | Defines the severity level of alerts shown for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are Critical or Warning. |
RaiseAlerts | Specifies the alert to be shown for resource creation, deletion, or both. Possible values are Created or Deleted or Both.
Note: Alerts for resource deletion will persist until the corresponding monitor is removed from Applications Manager. |
DeletedResourceAction | Actions that are to be performed on the resources deleted in the Azure console. If this parameter is not used, by default it is set to 'Alert'. Possible values are Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete.
Note: DeletedResourceAction will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type* | Type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'MicrosoftAzure'. |
displayname* | Preferred display name of the monitor. |
SubscriptionID* | Subcription ID of the Azure subscription to be monitored. |
AzureServices* | Azure services to be monitored. Provide the services as comma-separated values. The possible values are:
AzureAccountType* | The account type of your Azure account. Possible values are
DiscoveryMode* | Mode of resource discovery. The value should be 'AzureOrgAccount' |
AzureOrgUserName* | Organizational account created in Azure portal. |
AzureOrgPassword* | Password of the organizational account. |
ChildDiscovery | Enables configuration options for discovery of child monitors. Possible values are unmanage, monitor and regexFilter. |
DiscoveryFilterRegex* | Filters Azure Resources and adds the monitor that match the regex alone. Click here to learn about the possible attributes and module types.
AdvancedSettings | Enables advanced settings, when checked. Possible values are True or False. |
urlRetry | Enabling this option will automatically retry APIs that fail due to network connectivity, during data collection. Possible values are True or False.
Note: urlRetry will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertResources | Enables alerts for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are True or False.
Note: AlertResources will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertSeverity | Defines the severity level of alerts shown for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are Critical or Warning. |
RaiseAlerts | Specifies the alert to be shown for resource creation, deletion, or both. Possible values are Created or Deleted or Both.
Note: Alerts for resource deletion will persist until the corresponding monitor is removed from Applications Manager. |
DeletedResourceAction | Actions that are to be performed on the resources deleted in the Azure console. If this parameter is not used, by default it is set to 'Alert'. Possible values are Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete.
Note: DeletedResourceAction will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
Timeout | The timeout value, in seconds. Default value is 300. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
type* | Type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be 'MicrosoftAzure'. |
displayname* | Preferred display name of the monitor. |
SubscriptionID* | Subcription ID of the Azure subscription to be monitored. |
AzureServices* | Azure services to be monitored. Provide the services as comma-separated values. The possible values are:
AzureAccountType* | The account type of your Azure account. Possible values are
DiscoveryMode* | Mode of resource discovery. The value should be 'AzureOAuth'. |
OAuthVal* | Indicates the OAuth value. Refer here for steps to add new OAuth Provider. |
ChildDiscovery | Enables configuration options for discovery of child monitors. Possible values are unmanage, monitor and regexFilter. |
DiscoveryFilterRegex* | Filters Azure Resources and adds the monitor that match the regex alone. Click here to learn about the possible attributes and module types.
AdvancedSettings | Enables advanced settings, when checked. Possible values are True or False. |
urlRetry | Enabling this option will automatically retry APIs that fail due to network connectivity, during data collection. Possible values are True or False.
Note: urlRetry will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertResources | Enables alerts for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are True or False.
Note: AlertResources will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
AlertSeverity | Defines the severity level of alerts shown for resource creation and deletion in the Azure Portal. Possible values are Critical or Warning. |
RaiseAlerts | Specifies the alert to be shown for resource creation, deletion, or both. Possible values are Created or Deleted or Both.
Note: Alerts for resource deletion will persist until the corresponding monitor is removed from Applications Manager. |
DeletedResourceAction | Actions that are to be performed on the resources deleted in the Azure console. If this parameter is not used, by default it is set to 'Alert'. Possible values are Alert/Stop/Unmanage/Delete.
Note: DeletedResourceAction will be effective only when AdvancedSettings is enabled. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
Note: Please note that the parameters marked with * are mandatory.
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
displayname | The display name of the OpenStack monitor |
type | The type of the monitor you want to add. For OpenStack, it should be "OpenStack" |
baseAuthURL | The Base Authentication URL for OpenStack. Eg: http://controller:5000 |
tenantName | The Project Name associated with User of OpenStack account. |
username | The Username of OpenStack account. |
password | The Password of OpenStack account. |
isProxyNeeded | Specifies if a proxy is required for monitoring. Possible values are yes or no. |
isProjectScopedToken | Specifies if the authorization scope is set to Tenant/Project. Possible values are True/False. |
Error Handling:
4601 - The Authentication URL should not be empty.
4602 - The Tenant Name should not be empty.
The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.
Field | Description |
displayname | Name of the Oracle Cloud monitor |
type | Type of monitor to be added. Value should be OracleCloud. |
TenancyOCID | Oracle Cloud Identifier for the tenancy. |
UserID | Oracle Cloud Identifier for the user. |
OracleServices | Type of service to be monitored. Available services are Compute, Database, OracleCloudLoadBalancer, and Storage. |
PEMFilePath | File path in which the file contains the private key. |
Fingerprint | Obtained by uploading public key to the Oracle Cloud console. |
RegionsToMonitor | List of regions to be monitored. |
stopdiscovery | Prevents discovery of resources under a particular service. |
ActionOnTerminatedResources | Actions to be performed on terminated resources. |
advancedsettings | Enables additional settings, when checked. |
servicesToNotDiscover | Services for which discovery should not be enabled. Available services are Compute, Database, OracleCloudLoadBalancer, and Storage. |
discoverInterval | The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes. |
https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor? apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=OracleCloud&displayname=oraclecloudrest&TenancyOCID=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaagltesttesttesttest26h5ksdo6fgbvbcmj377dnoka73rq&UserID=ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaabz2skyed3j3kwxsgqtesttesttesttestoczno4ew2ov7rr57wnuza&OracleServices=Compute,Storage,OracleCloudLoadBalancer,Database&PEMFilePath=C:\Users\APMuser\.oci\oci_api_key.pem&Fingerprint=ea:e1:f8:68:a1:7f:ds:df:as:sd:d7:62:9e:53:f0:1f&RegionsToMonitor=eu-frankfurt-1,us-ashburn-1&stopdiscovery=False&ActionOnTerminatedResources=Unmanage&advancedsettings=False&servicesToNotDiscover=Compute&discoverInterval=10
Thank you for your feedback!