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ListServer API

ManageEngine Applications Manager provides List Server API that allows the user to list information about the server by the following categories:

  1. Listing all the server details
  2. By particular server name
  3. By IP Address of server

APIs for ListServer

1. Listing all the server details

API for XML Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=all

API for JSON Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=all

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

2. By particular server name

API for XML Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=[ Server ParentNode Name ]

API for JSON Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=[ Server ParentNode Name ]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

3. By IP Address of server

API for XML Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&ipaddress=[ IP Address of server ]

API for JSON Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListServer?apikey=[ API Key ]&ipaddress=[ IP Address of server ]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User

Request Parameters

Field Description
apikey The key generated from "Generate API " option in the Settings tab.
type Indicates the type of server details that are to be listed. Possible values are:
  • all - Lists the details of all the servers in Applications Manager.
  • <Server ParentNode Name> - Lists the details of specified server in Applications Manager, where,
    <Server ParentNode Name> is the ParentNode in IpAddress table.
ipaddress IP address of the server.

Sample Requests

1. Listing all the server details


2. By particular server name


3. By IP Address of server


Response Parameters

Parameter Description
Name Name of the Server
Parent IP Parent Network IP address of the Server
resourceid Resource ID of the Server
Type Server Type like Windows
DISPLAYNAME Display Name of the Server like XP1
IPADDRESS IP Address of the Server
Service Details Contains information about the services running in the server.
  • Service DISPLAYNAME - Display Name of the Service
  • TYPE - Type of the service like SNMP
  • RESOURCEID - Resource ID of the Service
  • RESOURCENAME - Resource Name of the Service
  • DESCRIPTION - Description of the Resource like Network Resource
  • ATTRIBUTEID - Service Attribute ID
RCALink Link to Root Cause Analysis details
DetailsPageLink Link to the Details page of the Server

Sample Response

<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListServer">
<response response-code="4000">
<Server DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549" RESOURCEID="10000038" Name="pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com" PARENTIP="" IPADDRESS="" TYPE="Windows 7">
<Service ATTRIBUTEID="2100" RESOURCEID="10000043" DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549_Apache Server_9090" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" RESOURCENAME="IF-pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com_Apache-server_9090" DetailsPageLink="/showresource.do?resourceid=10000043&method=showResourceForResourceID" RCALink="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000043&attributeid=2100" TYPE="Apache"/>
<Service ATTRIBUTEID="152" RESOURCEID="10000044" DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549-9090" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" RESOURCENAME="IF-pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com_Port-Test_9090" DetailsPageLink="/showresource.do?resourceid=10000044&method=showResourceForResourceID" RCALink="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000044&attributeid=152" TYPE="Service Monitoring"/>
<Service ATTRIBUTEID="15" RESOURCEID="10000055" DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549_Tomcat Server_9090" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" RESOURCENAME="IF-pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com_Tomcat-server_9090" DetailsPageLink="/showresource.do?resourceid=10000055&method=showResourceForResourceID" RCALink="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000055&attributeid=15" TYPE="Tomcat"/>
<Service ATTRIBUTEID="2000" RESOURCEID="10000149" DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" RESOURCENAME="IF-pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com_IIS-server_80" DetailsPageLink="/showresource.do?resourceid=10000149&method=showResourceForResourceID" RCALink="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000149&attributeid=2000" TYPE="IIS"/>
<Service ATTRIBUTEID="3301" RESOURCEID="10000154" DISPLAYNAME="pavankumar-0549 dot net" DESCRIPTION="Network Resource" RESOURCENAME="IF-pavankumar-0549.csez.zohocorpin.com_.NET" DetailsPageLink="/showresource.do?resourceid=10000154&method=showResourceForResourceID" RCALink="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000154&attributeid=3301" TYPE=".NET"/>

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