Mikrotik IPFIX Configuration

You can perform Mikrotik IPFIX configuration using the following steps:

set enabled=yes;
set interfaces all;
set cache-entries 32M;
set active-flow-timeout 1m;
set inactive-flow-timeout 15s;

add dst-address={NETFLOW_SERVER_IP} port={NETFLOW_SERVER_LISTENER_PORT} version=9;
set v9-template-refresh 5m;
set v9-template-timeout 20;

Use the following steps to configure Mikrotik through the GUI:

  • Connect to MikroTik device GUI.
  • Now add target by clicking '+'.
    1. Enter the ip address of the NetFlow Analyzer installed server in "Address".
    2. Enter the Listener port of NetFlow Analyzer server (This can be taken from Settings->Basic settings->Server Settings) in "Port".
    3. Select the version as 9 in "Version".
    4. Enter 5 in "v9 Template Refresh".
    5. Enter 20 in "v9 Tamplate Timeout".
    6. Click "OK".
    7. Enter
  • After adding the target, click "Settings" to configure the traffic flow settings.
    In the General tab,
    1. Enable the check box "Enabled" for sending the flows.
    2. Select "all" in "Interfaces" select box.
    3. Selct "32k" in "Cache Entries" selct box.
    4. Enter "00:01:00" in "Active Flow Timeout".
    5. Enter "00:00:15" in "Inactive Flow Timeout".
    6. Click "OK".
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