Troubleshooting guide for Export Flow

Ping failure

Export Flow uses Ping to check the reachability of the device. The Ping may fail due to one of the following reasons.
Ping Failed -

  1. IpAddress
    • IP address is invalid.
    • Unable to reach the ipaddress.
  2. HostName
    • Unable to resolve the hostname - Try to add device using the ipaddress.
    • ICMP ping may be blocked in the network - contact

SNMP errors 

Export Flow uses SNMP to fetch the device and interface information. The SNMP may fail due to one of the following reasons.

Possible reasons for SNMP V1/V2:

  1. Request Timed Out
    • SNMP Port is occupied.
    • Community string specified for SNMP is invalid.
    • SNMP response time is greater than configured SNMP timeout.
    • Access list/Firewall is blocking SNMP(UDP) packet.
    • SNMP is not configured in the device.

Possible reasons for SNMP V3:

  1. Request Timed Out
    • SNMP Port is occupied.
    • SNMP response time is greater than configured SNMP timeout.
    • Access list/Firewall is blocking SNMP host.
    • SNMP is not configured in the device.
  2. An authorization failed
    • SNMP V3 user in NetFlow Analyzer do not have access privilege in the Device.
  3. Wrong PrivPassword
    • SNMP V3 private password in NetFlow Analyzer is invalid.
  4. Invalid Context Name
    • SNMP V3 context name in NetFlow Analyzer is invalid.
  5. The authProtocol or the authPassword is wrong
    • SNMP V3 Authentication Protocol or Authentication password in NetFlow Analyzer is invalid.
  6. The privProtocol or the privPassword is wrong
    • SNMP V3 Encryption Type or Encryption password in NetFlow Analyzer is invalid.
  7. The authentication and/or Privacy credentials is not supported
    • SNMP V3 Authentication or Encryption type in NetFlow Analyzer does not match with the device.

Telnet/SSH failure 

Export Flow uses Telnet/SSH protocol to execute the flow export commands in the device. The Telnet/SSH protocol may fail due to one of the following following reasons,

  1. The maximum number of connections are reached for the device.
    • Try again after some time.
    • Close SSH/Telnet connection from other logged in device.
    • Increase the number of connections allowed for this device.
  2. Telnet/SSH protocol failed.
    • Telnet/SSH is disabled or Telnet/SSH port number is changed.
  3. Login has failed for the device. Check the credentials.
    • Telnet/SSH credentials provided is invalid.
  4. Login into Enable mode has failed for the device. Check the enable credentials.
    • Enable UserName and Enable Password provided does not match.

If the above troubleshooting steps have not cleared the problem. Contact

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