Free training - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

Shutting Down and Uninstalling


Shutting Down NetFlow Analyzer

Follow the steps below to shut down the NetFlow Analyzer server. Please note that once the server is successfully shut down, the MySQL/Pgsql database connection is automatically closed, and all the ports used by NetFlow Analyzer are freed.



  1. Navigate to the Program folder in which NetFlow Analyzer has been installed. By default, this is Start > Programs > ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
  2. Select the option Shut Down NetFlow Analyzer
  3. Alternatively, you can navigate to the bin folder and invoke the shutdown.bat file.
  4. You will be asked to confirm your choice, after which the NetFlow Analyzer server is shut down.


  1. Navigate to the /bin directory.
  2. Execute the file.
  3. You will be asked to confirm your choice, after which the NetFlow Analyzer server is shut down.
  4. Also you can execute systemctl stop OpManager.service--> This will stop the service.


Uninstalling NetFlow Analyzer


  1. Navigate to Add/Remove Programs or Programs& Features in which NetFlow Analyzer is listed.
  2. Select the option Uninstall ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
  3. You will be asked to confirm your choice, after which NetFlow Analyzer is uninstalled.


  1. Navigate to the /_uninst directory.
  2. Execute the command ./uninstaller.bin
  3. You will be asked to confirm your choice, after which NetFlow Analyzer is uninstalled.
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