License Management


The License Management option lets you manage the interfaces exporting NetFlow data to NetFlow Analyzer, depending on the license that you have purchased.

The options visible under the Settings menu depend on the user level you have logged in as. Look up User Management to know more about user levels and the respective admin operations allowed.

The status box at the top of the page indicates the type of license currently applied, the total number of interfaces currently managed, and the number of days remaining for the license to expire.

Look up Licensing to know more about upgrading your license.

The Router List shows all the routers and interfaces from which NetFlow exports are received, and whether they are managed or not.


Managing a router/interface

To select the router and all its interfaces check the checkbox next to the router name. To select a specific interface, check the checkbox next to the interface name.

Once you have selected the required interfaces, click the Manage button to manage these interfaces. This means that flows received from these interfaces will be processed by NetFlow Analyzer, and traffic graphs and reports can be generated.

The maximum number of interfaces that can be managed, depends on the current license applied.


Unmanaging a router/interface

To select the router and all its interfaces check the checkbox next to the router name. To select a specific interface, check the checkbox next to the interface name.

Click the Unmanage button to unmanage these interfaces. This means that flows received from these interfaces will be dropped by NetFlow Analyzer. Once unmanaged, these interfaces will not be seen on the Dashboard or be listed in device groups. However they will still be listed in the Router List in the License Management page.


Deleting a router/interface

To select the router and all its interfaces check the checkbox next to the router name. To select a specific interface, check the checkbox next to the interface name.

Click the Delete button to delete these interfaces. This means that these interfaces are completely removed from all screens of the NetFlow Analyzer client.

However, if flows are still being sent from these interfaces to NetFlow Analyzer, they will reappear in the Dashboard. To prevent this, you need to disable NetFlow export from those interfaces.


Licensing New Interfaces

If a NetFlow packet is received from a new interface, and the number of interfaces presently managed is less than that allowed in the current license, this interface is listed under Router List on the Dashboard with a message saying new flows have been received. You need to then click the License Management option and change this interface's status to Managed in order to include this interface in the list of managed interfaces, and also generate traffic graphs and reports for the same.

If a NetFlow packet is received from a new interface, and the number of interfaces presently managed is equal to that allowed in the current license, you need to either unmanage any other managed interfaces, and then manage this interface, or leave this interface in New status. In any case graphs and reports can be generated only for managed interfaces.

At any time you can buy more licenses by clicking on the Buy Online image.

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