
NetFlow Analyzer has many reporting options available based on Interfaces and IP groups out of box.

Explore the following sections to know more about the Reports available in NetFlow Analyzer.

Reports Description
Search Report Search Report provide you the options to generate reports based on search criteria. We have 2 different kind of search reports Global search and Custom search reports.
Compare Report Allows you to compare statistics of bandwidth utilization of different interfaces or IP groups for same time or different time periods.
More Reports Allows you to generate reports like Consolidated Report, Protocol Distribution Report, IPGroup Consolidated Report and Capacity Planning Report.
Schedule Reports Allows you create schedule automatic report generation daily, weekly, monthly and export to your email address. 
Billing Allows you Add and generate billing reports based on utilization of Speed or Volume
Forensics Allows you to generate reports based on the RAW data collected in NetFlow Analyzer
WAAS  Allows you to view data based on the CM added in NetFlow Analyzer UI
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