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WAAS: Introduction


WAAS Dashboard

WAAS reports details you on the central manager you have created and the devices associated with it. You can access WAAS reports using Reports . Select WAAS Dashboard from the Reports tab. You can view the reports based on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly along with custom reports.

The Accelerator Group gives you the list of WAAS Accelerator Engines grouped together for easy identification purposes. You can also view their reduction percentage, Status, and a brief description about the group.

You can also view the top 10 WAE's by compression percentage as a pie chart. The report displays WAN, LAN and compressed Traffic along with the reduction percentage.


WAAS Device List

The WAE devices List displays all the devices listed in the WAN Accelerator Engine. The top ten devices are listed first. you can locate the devices using the simple search option by indicating the name, IP address, Status, Location or MAC address of the device. By clicking on the device name you can view the WAE Reports.


WAE reports

You can view these reports by clicking on any of the devices in the WAE device list. The WAE reports page gives you detailed statistics of every device associated with a specific Central Manager. This Report Details you on:


Application Reduction: The amount of compression each mapped application has gone through. By Clicking on the application name you can view reports indicating bandwidth reduction by location, bandwidth optimization trend and pass through summary trend of the specific Application.


Bandwidth Reduction by Location: This details on the WAN, LAN, and amount of traffic compression for each application along with the increase in bandwidth capacity due to compression.


Pass Through Summary Trend: Denotes the unoptimized traffic that passes through the WAE. You can view graph based on peer traffic, intermediate traffic,overload traffic and policy applied.


WAE Device Connection Statistics:

Lists the conversations that passed through the selected WAE device and their corresponding statistics. Using this you can view the Source, destination of the conversation, their respective ports, type of policy applied, and the duration of each conversation. You can also view the type of policy applied, the initial amount of traffic and compressed traffic in bytes along with the compression ratio.


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