Group Settings

This settings allows you to created various different kinds of groups based on device, interface, IP address etc for reporting purpose in NetFlow Analyzer.

Options available in Group Settings:

Setting Description
Device Group Device Group allows you to create Device Group in NetFlow Analyzer to allows access to various diff users.
Interface Group  Interface Groups allows you to create Interface groups in NetFlow Analyzer for reporting purpose and allowing access to different user.
IP Group Allows you to create groups based on IP address for reporting.
Application Group Allows you to create groups based on applications discovered in NetFlow Analyzer. 
DSCP Group Allows you to create groups based on DSCP codes discovered in NetFlow Analyzer. 
Access Point Group Allows you to create groups based on Access Points discovered in NetFlow Analyzer.
SSID Group  Allows you to create groups based on SSID.
AS Group  Allows you to create groups based on the Autonomous Systems

Device Group

NetFlow Analyzer lets you create device groups, which consist of a set of routers. A device group can contain any number of routers, and a router can belong to any number of device groups.

The Device Group Management option lets you create, manage, and delete device groups. Initially, when no device groups have been created, you will see a message that lets you start creating device groups.

Note The options visible under the Admin Operations menu depend on the user level you have logged in as.

Creating a Device Group

Follow the steps below to create a new device group:

  1. Click the Add button to create a new device group
  2. Enter a unique name to identify the device group. The same name is displayed in the Device Group menu on the left, and will be listed under Available device groups when managing a user.
  3. Use the Device Group Description box to enter useful information about the device group

  4. Select the routers needed for this device group from the list of available routers displayed

Once all values have been entered, click the Save button to create this device group and begin generating traffic reports for the same.

Managing a Device Group

Click on an existing device group to modify its properties. You can change all properties of the device group except its name. Once you have made changes to the properties of this device group, click the Save button to save your changes. 

Select a device group and click the Delete button   under Actions to delete the device group. When a device group is deleted, it is removed from the Device Group List and the Device Group menu. All users assigned to this device group will not see this device group on their Dashboard.

Interface Group

Interface Group allows you to combine interfaces in order to monitor traffic. This can be useful for grouping multiple sub-interfaces into a single logical entity.Follow the steps below to create a new interface group:

  1. Click the Interface Group tab next to the Device Group tab
  2. Enter a name to identify the interface group in the Interface Group Name box .
  3. Use the Interface group speed box to enter the speed limit for the interface group

  4. Select the routers needed and the interfaces under them for this interface group. By selecting a router ,by default, all interfaces are selected. You can selectively unselect the unwanted interfaces from the list.
  5. Click on Add to save the changes. 

The Interface group that is created is listed in the Dashboard view in the "Interface View" tab.The Interface group name, the In-Traffic & Out-Traffic for the last 1 hour can be seen in it.By clicking on the interface group name it is possible to further drill down to view further details. To delete a particular interface group select the interface group and click on delete

Modifying an interface group

You can modify any interface group, later, by selecting the particular interface group to be modified and clicking on the "Modify" tab.

IP Group

  1. Navigate to the Settings option in NetFlow Analyzer UI.
  2. Click on NetFlow listed in the top menu bar.
  3. Navigate to the Group Settings option available in the left menu bar and select IPGroups.
  4. Click on Add button available on that page and make the selection as required. .
  5. Select the routers needed and the interfaces under them for this interface group. By selecting a router ,by default, all interfaces are selected. You can selectively unselect the unwanted interfaces from the list.
  6. Use the IP group speed box to enter the speed limit for the IP group
  7. Click on Add to save the changes.
Field Description
IP Group Name Enter a unique name to identify this IP group
IP Group Description

Enter descriptive information for this IP group to help other operators understand why it was created.

IP Group Based on Select whether you want to define this IP group based on IP address, DSCP names or port-protocol or the combination of any of the three.
Specify IP/IP Range/Network Select the IP address, address range, or network that this IP group is based on. Use the Add More option to add additional specifications.
Include/Exclude/ Between sites

Include option includes the particular the IP address, address range, or network.

Exclude option excludes the particular the IP address, address range, or network.

Between sites option allows you to group the traffic between sites, which can be defined by two networks or IP addresses.

Filter based on DSCP names Allows you to set filters based on the DSCP names of the applications.
Associated Interfaces If you need to filter this IP group further, based on devices or different interface combinations, click the "Select Devices" link and select the different devices and interfaces whose traffic needs to be included in this IP group.
IP Group Speed Enter the interface speed (in bits per second) for calculating percentage of traffic for this IP group.
Note If you add a new combination of ports and protocol, a popup opens stating that this combination of ports and protocol has not been mapped to any application. Add the combination as a new application in the same popup, and click Update to update the Application Mapping list with the new application.

Managing IP Groups

Click the IP Group Management link in the Admin Operations box to view the list of IP groups created so far. The current status of the IP Group is also shown as Enabled or Disabled. Select the IP group that you want to modify, and click the Modify button to edit its settings. Once you are done, click Addto save and activate the new changes. To change a IP group's status from Enabled to Disabled or vice-versa click on the current status of the IP Group. It is possible to Enable or Disable all the IP Groups at once by using the "Enable All" and "Disable All" buttons.

To delete an IP group, select the IP group and click the Delete button. Deleting an IP group removes the IP group from the list of IP groups managed. All users assigned to this IP group will not see this IP group listed on their Dashboard.

Unmanaging an IP group will lead to bill generation for the particular IP group, IF that IP group has been selected for billing.

Bulk loading IP Groups

NetFlow Analyzer allows bulk loading of IP group using the XML file(ipGroup.xml) contained in the location: OpManager\troubleshooting. using this file it is possible to define multiple IP groups at once. A sample configuration code looks like:

<CONF_IPGroup> <IPGroups ip_group_name="Engineering" ip_group_desc="description in detail" ip_group_speed="1000000"> <GrpIPAddress addr_id="" flag="include"/> <GrpIPNetwork netmask_addr_id="" network_addr_id="" flag="include"/> <GrpIPRange netmask_addr_id="" start_addr_id="" end_addr_id="" flag="exclude"/> <ApplicationNames port="80" protocol="TCP"/> <Selected_Devices> <Router Router_Name=""> <Interface interface_name="IfIndex1" /> <Interface interface_name="IfIndex3" /> </Router> </Selected_Devices> </IPGroups> </CONF_IPGroup>

Within this configuration it is possible to have any number of GrpIPAddress or GrpIPNetwork or GrpIPRange or ApplicationNames with Inteface selection.

It is also possible to add specific criteria/exceptions to the group definition such as:

  • configuring an IP group with just one network
  • configuring an IP group with just one address
  • configuring an IP group with just one range
  • configuring an IP group with just port and protocol

The user has to ensure that an IP group with the same name does not already exist and that the IP group name does not exceed 50 characters.

If all the IP groups are loaded successfully, you can see the message "All ipgroups are succesffully loaded" in the User Interface. If you try to load the same IP groups twice, you can see the message "Error in loading. IPGroup with name ':grp1' Already exists." in the User Interface. If there is no such file in the directory, you can see the message "OpManager_HomeTroubleshootingipGroup.xml is not found." in the User Interface.

After adding the IP group(s) it is possible to selectively include/exclude a IP Network/ IP Address/ IP Range from the user interface of the product.

Enabling WAN using IP Group Management

IP Group Management lets you monitor departmental, intranet or application specific traffic exclusively. You can create IP groups based on IP addresses and/or a combination of port and protocol.Now, using IP Group Management you can also monitor wan round trip time for specific IP address or IP range and analyze the latency and quality of service between two locations.

In order to enable WAN RTT monitoring using IP Group Management you need to specify the individual IP address or IP range. You can also monitor range latency between two different sites under IP group option.The IP address under the specified IP group acts as the destination IP address while you have to specify the source IP address. Using the include and between sites option you can monitor WAN performance for individual and range of IP addresses but for for IP networks.The added monitor can be viewed under the traffic tab of IP groups along with the average WAN round trip time details. Click on the check box that reads "Also Enable WAN RTT" to enable WAN RTT monitoring under IP Group Management.

Generate consolidated reports based on utilization for IP groups.

Application Group

Application Groups allow you to define your own class of applications by including one or more applications. For example, you might want to classify all your database applications like Oracle, MySql, MS-Sql in to one group called the DataBase group. Initially when no application groups have been created a message to that effect is displayed. The Application Group report can be viewed on the Application tab for each interface.

Adding an Application Group

Follow the steps below to add a new application group:

  1. Click the Add button to proceed to the Add Group Screen
  2. Enter the Group Name and the Group Description (eg.) DataBase Group - Contains the Oracle DB and MySql DB
  3. Choose the applications from the list of applications in the left pane
    • Select an application by clicking on it.
    • Use the " >> " button to include the selected application to the right pane - "Selected Applications" list.
    • Add as many applications as you want to this group.
  4. Click on update for the application group to be created with the list of applications you had selected.

You may create additional Application Groups by clicking on the Add button and following the above steps.

Modifying an Application Group

Click on the Application Group you wish to modify.

You can only change the Application Group description and the list of selected applications. It is not possible to change the application group name.

Once you are done, click the Save button to save your changes.

Deleting an Application Group

Select the application group you want to delete and click on the "Delete" button. You are asked for a confirmation to delete and if you confirm the group is deleted.

DSCP Group

Quality of Service is used to measure, improve and guarantee transmission rates, error rates and other characteristics in a networkes setting. The DiffServ model for DSCP Mapping was developed to differentiate IP traffic so that the traffic's relative priority could be determined on a per-hop basis. Using DSCP Mapping you can name the DiffServ code points and monitor their traffic in troubleshooting reports under the DSCP tab. Note that the DSCP reports can be viewed on the Troubleshooting page by clicking on the DSCP tab.The DCSP group is very valuable in the deployment of QoS.

Adding a new DSCP Group

Follow the steps below to add a new application group:

  1. Click the Add button to proceed to the Add Group Screen
  2. Enter the Group Name and the Group Description (eg.) DataBase Group - Contains the Oracle DB and MySql DB
  3. Choose the DSCP Names from the list of names in the left pane
    • Select a name by clicking on it.
    • Use the " >> " button to include the selected DSCP Name to the right pane - "Selected DSCP Names" list.
    • Add as many DSCP Names as you want to this group.
  4. Click on Save for the DSCP Group to be created with the list of DSCP Names you had selected.

You may create additional DSCP Group by clicking on the Add button and following the above steps.

Modifying a DSCP Group

Select the DSCP Group you wish to modify and click on the "Modify" button.

Note You can only change the Group description and the list of selected applications. It is not possible to change the DSCP group name.

Once you are done, click the Save button to save your changes.

Deleting a DSCP Group

Select the DSCP Group you want to delete and click on the Delete button.

Setting Description

Access Point Group

Access Point Groups allows users to group multiple Access Points for monitoring traffic. This helps in reporting and also allows access to different users.

Adding an Access Point Group

Follow the steps below to add a new Access Point Group.

  1. Click the Add button to proceed to the Add Access Point screen.
  2. Enter the group name and select the Access Points to be added.
  3. Click on Save for the Access Point Group to be created.

Editing an Access Point Group

Select the Access Point group to be edited and modify the group requirements.

You can only change the Access Point Group description and the list of selected applications. It is not possible to change the Access Point group name.

Deleting an Access Point Group

Click on the delete icon next to the Access point group name to delete the group.

SSID Group

Multiple SSIDs can be grouped into a single reporting entity to monitor traffic and can be assigned to different users.

Adding a SSID Group

Follow the steps listed below to add a new SSID Group.

  1. Click the Add button to proceed to the Add SSID Group screen.
  2. Enter the group name and description.
  3. Select the available SSIDs and Associate Access Points.
  4. Click on Save for the SSID Group to be created.

Editing a SSID Group

Click on the SSID Group you wish to modify.

You can only change the SSID Group description and the list of selected applications. It is not possible to change the SSID group name.

Once the required changes are done, Click Save.

Deleting a SSID Group

Click on the delete icon next to the SSID Group name to delete the group.

AS Group

Multiple Autonomous Systems can be grouped into a single reporting entity to monitor traffic collectively.

Adding an AS Group

Follow the steps listed below to add a new AS Group.

  1. Click the Add button to proceed to the Add AS Group screen.
  2. Enter the group name and description.
  3. Select from the available Autonomous Systems.
  4. Click on Save to create the new AS group

Deleting an AS Group

Click on the delete icon next to the AS group to delete the group.

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