The steps to configure NetFlow for your Cisco WLC are given below:
Step 1 : Configure the Exporter by following these steps:
Step 2: Configure the NetFlow Monitor by following these steps:
Step 3: Associate a NetFlow Monitor to a WLAN by following these steps:
There is another method to create an exporter i.e using CLI. Follow the steps below:
Create an Exporter by entering this command:
config flow create exporter exporter-name ip-addr port-number
Create a NetFlow Monitor by entering this command:
config flow create monitor monitor-name
Associate or dissociate a NetFlow monitor with an exporter by entering this command: config flow {add | delete} monitor monitor-name exporter exporter-name
Associate or dissociate a NetFlow monitor with a record by entering this command: config flow {add | delete} monitor monitor-name record ipv4_client_app_flow_record Associate
or dissociate a NetFlow monitor with a WLAN by entering this command: config wlan flow wlan-id monitor monitor-name {enable | disable}
View a summary of NetFlow monitors by entering this command:
show flow monitor summary
View information about the Exporter by entering this command: show flow exporter {summary | statistics}
Configure NetFlow debug by entering this command:
debug flow {detail | error | info} {enable | disable}