Understand predefined filter

Understand predefined filter

Sifting the voluminous data to retain particular information is what filtering is all about. It is often essential to selectively display and view data. For instance, you can have a single report based on a form and three different kinds of audience. Your audience might be of different demographics and the kind of information they are looking for might be different as well. In such a case, you can create three separate reports for the three audience types. This is easily achievable with the use of Filter feature.

The predefined filter functions based on the principle that records that match the specified criteria must be displayed when the report loads for the user. So, the report features only those records.

List Report

For example, if you have a Student Register application with a report that details the Student Profile that includes personal information and department details, filter will help you effectively compartmentalize the information based on departments. You can add a criteria that filters records matching a specific department to appear in a report. Thus, each department could be a filter criteria based on which the records are displayed.

In the image below, the field value English in the Department field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

In the image below, the field value Biochemistry in the Department field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

The filtered reports could be accessed using browser, phone, and tablet.

Spreadsheet Report

For example, if you have a Student Register application with a report that details the Student Profile that includes personal information and department details, filter will help you effectively compartmentalize the information based on departments. You can add a criteria that filters records matching a specific department to appear in a report. Thus, each department could be a filter criteria based on which the records are displayed.

In the image below, the field value English in the Department field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

In the image below, the field value Biochemistry in the Department field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

Calendar Report

For example, if you have an event management application with a report that details the venue and timings of events that happen in various locations and attendees in each event, filter will help you effectively compartmentalize the information. You can add a criteria that filters records matching a specific location to appear in a report. Thus, each location could be a filter criteria based on which the records are displayed.

In the image below, the field value New York in the Location field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

In the image below, the field value California in the Location field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

Timeline Report

For example, if you have an employee management application with an Attendance report that has in-time and out-time details of employees belonging to different shifts, filter will help you effectively compartmentalize the information. You can add a criteria that filters records matching a specific shift timing to appear in a report. Thus, each shift could be a filter criteria based on which the records are displayed.

In the image below, the field value First Shift in the Shift field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

In the image below, the field value Second Shift in the Shift field serves as the criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed:

Kanban Report

For example, if you have an event management application with a report that details the venue and timings of events that happen in various locations and attendees in each event, filter will help you effectively compartmentalize the information. You can add a criteria that filters records matching a specific location to appear in a report. Thus, each location could be a filter criteria based on which the records are displayed.

In the image below, the value Texas of Address field serves as a criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed.

In the image below, the value New York of Address field serves as a criterion based on which the records are filtered and displayed.

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