Understand predefined quick filters

Understand predefined quick filters

Quick filters make narrowing down to specific records easier. Filtering must be based on certain conditions that the user deems suitable to drill down to the records that must be displayed eventually. Choice field values and date-time field values serve as filter options. If your form contains any of these field types, the corresponding field names will be displayed in the report as quick filters.

List Report

For instance, you have a report that captures students' details of your institution. The report has choice fields such as department, year of study, and head of the department. You have a case where you want to view the records of students belonging to a particular depatment of a particular year; say first year students belonging to the department of Physics. On clicking the filter icon, the choice field values will be displayed. You must select Physics and First Year. The relevant records will appear. 

You will find the filter options in browser, phone, and tablet. In phone and tablet, selecting filter will lead you to a separate screen wherein you need to select the parameters based on which the records must be filtered.

Spreadsheet Report

For instance, you have a report that captures students' details of your institution. The report has choice fields such as department, year of study, and head of the department. You have a case where you want to view the records of students belonging to a particular depatment of a particular year; say first year students belonging to the department of Physics. On clicking the filter icon, the choice field values will be displayed. You must select Physics and First Year. The relevant records will appear.

Calendar Report

For instance, you have a report that captures details of events held across. The report has a choice field on the the Type of event. You have a case where you want to view the records that are of cert event types. On clicking the filter icon, the choice field values will be displayed. You must select the event. The relevant records will appear.

Timeline Report

For instance, you have a report that has details of the operation theater bookings, surgeons, and timings. The report has choice fields such as department, and operation theater. You have a case where you want to view the records of particular department that has scheduled surgeries. On clicking the filter icon, the choice field values will be displayed. You must select the department. The relevant records will appear.

Kanban Report

For instance, you have a report that captures status of delivery details. The report has choice fields such as status and delivery person. You have a case where you want to view the records of deliveries handled by one person. Click the filter icon and the choice field values will be displayed. You must select the person. The relevant records will appear.

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