  • Administrative Settings
  • Personalization
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ADAudit Plus provides users with the functionality to configure user accounts based on personal priorities and requirements. The Personalize option enables you to set locale,timezone settings and change an existing password.

To change the Password

  1. Enter the existing password in the Old Password field.
  2. Enter the new password in the New Password field.
  3. Enter the new password again for confirmation in the Confirm Password field.
  4. Click the Save changes button.

Subsequently, you will have to use the new password to login to the client.

To reset the default admin password

  1. Login to ADAuditPlus server, open command prompt as admin and navigate to ADAuditPlus\bin folder.
  2. Execute resetADAPPassword.bat.
  3. Press any key to continue and then wait for the command line utility to load.
  4. Login with credentials - username : adap , password : adap
  5. Type "account reset-password -u admin" and press Enter.
  6. Copy the unique password that's generated for the ADAudit Plus' default admin account.
  7. Log in to ADAudit Plus as the default admin using the password that you just copied and change it by following the steps under Change the password.

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