Configuring auditing for GPO settings changes
Enable audits for GPO settings changes to monitor critical GPO settings changes, such as computer and user configuration changes, password policy changes, permission changes, and administrative template changes, in real time. You can find the relevant reports under Active Directory > GPO Setting Changes.
Follow the steps below to enable and configure GPO settings change auditing:
- Open ADAudit Plus.
- Go to Admin > Configuration > GPO settings changes.
- Select the Domain from the drop-down.
- Enable GPO settings changes. The Primary Domain Controller Name will be automatically selected. If it is not selected, you can click the Discover PDC button.
- Choose whether you want to audit with or without an agent.
- Click Save.
Note: Ensure that the share path \\"machine_name"\sysvol is accessible from the machine that has ADAudit Plus installed on it.

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