  • General Configuration
  • Exclusion Configuration
  • Global exclude configuration
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Global Exclude Configuration

Global Exclude Configuration in ADAudit Plus lets you minimize event noise by excluding certain high volume system events that can be considered nonessential. The Global Exclude Configuration page contains a set of predefined rules for specific event categories, with the option to add and modify custom rules according to your requirements.

Global Exclude Configuration

To add custom rules, click on Add Exclude Rule. Listed below are commonly excluded events along with the variable name to be excluded. For example, to exclude logon event ID 4776 triggered by a particular user, use the Logon Account variable name.

Event ID Variable name
Logon To exclude logon events by a particular user:
4776 Logon Account
4768 Account Name
4771 Account Name
Directory service To exclude directory service events by a particular user:
5136 Account Name
5137 Account Name
5141 Account Name
4662 Account Name
To exclude directory service events on a particular attribute
5136 LDAP display Name
Process tracking To exclude process events by a particular user
4688 Account Name
4689 Account Name
Account management To exclude account management events by a particular user (caller user name):
4720 Subject Account Name
4738 Subject Account Name
To exclude account management events on a particular user (target user):
4720 Account Name
4738 Account Name

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