  • Data Source Configuration
  • Windows file server
  • Configure Windows file servers
  • In bulk
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Configure Windows file servers - In bulk

To configure Windows file servers in bulk:

  1. Create a CSV file by the name 'servers.csv' in the location <installation dir>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\bin. From the Encoding tab, save the document in UTF-8 format.→ Open the file, enter the names of all file servers (that you want to audit) in adjacent lines, and separate them using commas.

    For example, to add the file servers Test-FS1, Test-FS2, and Test-FS3; open the servers.csv file and enter: Test-FS1, Test-FS2, Test-FS3

  2. Create a CSV file by the name 'shares.csv' in the location <installation dir>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\bin. From the Encoding tab, save the document in UTF-8 format → Open the file, enter the names of all file shares (that you want to audit) in adjacent lines, and separate them using commas.

    \\SERVERNAME\testfolder2, \\SERVERNAME\testfolder3; open the shares.csv file and enter: \\SERVERNAME\testfolder1, \\SERVERNAME\testfolder2, \\SERVERNAME\testfolder3

  3. Navigate to <installation dir>\ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\bin. → Open command prompt and execute 'cmdUtil.bat'. → Enter ADAudit Plus' default admin credentials. Note: ADAudit Plus’ default username and password are both 'admin'. And execute the following command: →

    config server add -machinetype fs -shares all (or) single (or) shares.csv -issacl true (or) false -isauditpolicy true (or) false

    After -shares, enter 'all' to audit all shares, 'single' to audit one random share, and 'shares.csv' to audit the selected shares.

    After -issacl, enter 'true' to automatically configure the required object level auditing settings and 'false' to manually configure the required object level auditing settings.

    After -isauditpolicy, enter 'true' to automatically configure the required object access audit policy and 'false' to manually configure the required object access audit policy.

    For example, if you want to audit selected shares in all file servers and configure the required object access audit policy and object level auditing settings automatically; execute the following command:

    config server add -machinetype fs -shares shares.csv -issacl true -isauditpolicy true

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