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  • High-availability configuration
  • High availability setup
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High availability setup

Database and DataEngine configuration

PostgreSQL database

  1. Copy the contents under the pgsql folder (<Product_home\pgsql) in the primary server and paste them in the database server.
  2. In the database server, open Command Prompt as an administrator in the directory <pg_home>\bin, and run the following command to register the database service:
  3. pg_ctl.exe register -N "ManageEngine ADAudit Plus - Database" -D ..\data -S demand

  4. Modify the postgresql.conf file under <pg_home>\data by adding the following entry:
  5. listen_addresses = '*'

  6. Modify the pg_hba.conf file under <pg_home>\data by adding the following entries:
  7. host all all md5
    host all all <DB Server ip addr >/32 md5
    host all all <Primary Server ip addr>/32 md5
    host all all <Standby Server IP addr>/32 md5
    host all all <Public ip addr>/32 md5

  8. Start the ManageEngine ADAudit Plus - Database service on the database server.
  9. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the database_params.conf file under <Product_home>\conf by replacing localhost with the database server name/ip address in the following line:
  10. url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:33307/adap

Microsoft SQL Server Database

  1. Copy the database_params.conf file under <Product_home>\conf on the primary server and paste it into <Product_home>\conf on the standby server.


  1. Download the DataEngine zip from DataEngine_1_2_0 and unzip the contents in the DataEngine Server.
  2. Open Command Prompt as an administrator in the directory <DataEngine home>\bin and run the batch file Unpack.bat.
  3. Run the following command to install the DataEngine service:
  4. wrapper.exe -i ..\conf\wrapper.conf

  5. Copy the data and db folders under <Product_home>\apps\dataengine_xnode on the primary server and paste them in <DataEngine_home> on the DataEngine server.
  6. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the dataengine-xnodes.conf file found in conf\DataEngine\engines\xnode by adding the server name and replacing local with remote as shown below:
  7. xnode.host = <DataEngine server name>
    xnode.location = remote

  8. In the DataEngine server, modify the dataengine-xnode.conf file found in apps\dataengine-xnode\conf by adding the key below to enable remote request processing.
  9. xnode.connector.accept_remote_request=true

  10. In the primary server, copy the xnode.connector.password value from the dataengine-xnodes.conf file found in conf\DataEngine\engines\xnode. Paste this value into the dataengine-xnode.conf file found in apps\dataengine-xnode\conf on the DataEngine server and into the dataengine-xnodes.conf file found in conf\DataEngine\engines\xnode on the standby server.
  11. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the datarepositories.conf file found in conf\DataEngine\xnode\datarepository by adding the server name as shown below:
  12. xnodes = <DataEngine server name>

  13. Start the ManageEngine ADAudit Plus - DateEngine service.

Product configuration

  1. Start the database service on the database server in case of PostgreSQL.
  2. Start the ADAudit Plus service on the primary server.
  3. Follow these steps to run the query:
    • In the primary server, log in to the ADAudit Plus web console.
    • Go to the Support tab and in the Support Info tile, click More.
    • Under the ADAuditPlus DB Query section, run the following query:
    • select max(config_id) from adshaconfiguration

      For PostgreSQL:

      insert into adshaconfiguration values (<value from query1 + 1>, 3, '<primary server name>', '<standby server name>', 'Postgres', '<public ip>', '', '', null)

      For Microsoft SQL:

      insert into adshaconfiguration values (<value from query1 + 1>, 3, '<primary server name>', '<standby server name>', 'mssql', '<public ip>', '', '', null)

  4. In both the primary and standby servers, copy the ifcheck.exe, iflist.exe, ipadd.exe, and ipdel.exe files from <Product_home>\tools\fos\bin and paste them into <Product_home>\bin.
  5. In both the primary and standby servers, copy the fos.conf file from <Product_home>\tools\fos, paste it into <Product_home>\conf, and modify the IP properties and share name as follows:
  6. #IP address properties
    #Server specific - use ipconfig to find IP address
    ipaddr=<ip4 address>
    #Server specific - to find run iflist.exe and use the 'Adapter Name' from the result
    publicIP.Ifname=<Adapter Name>
    #Server specific - use ipconfig to find subnet mask
    publicIP.netmask=<subnet mask>
    #Common IP for HA. It should be static IP
    publicIP.ipaddr=<common IP address>
    #Name of the share

  7. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the wrapper.conf file under <Product_home>\conf by adding the following entries:
  8. wrapper.event.wrapper_stop.command.argv.1=..\bin\ipdel.exe
    wrapper.event.wrapper_stop.command.argv.2=<value of public IP to be unbound>

  9. In both the primary and standby servers, copy the module-startstop-processors.xml file from <Product_home>\tools\fos\conf and paste it into <Product_home>\conf\Persistence.
  10. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the customer-config.xml file under <Product_home>\conf by adding the following entries:
  11. <configuration name="VersionHandler"
    <configuration name="StartDBServer" value="false"/>

  12. In both the primary and standby servers, modify the product_detail.conf file under <Product_home>\conf\product_detail.conf by changing the below entry:
  13. IS_HA_ENABLED=true

  14. Rename the product installation folder as MEADAP on both instances and assign full control permission for the machine accounts of both instances and database servers.
  15. Share the product installations of both instances, granting share permissions for all three machine accounts as shown in the image below:

High availability setup

Note: Here, ADAP-DC1 is the database server, ADAP-MS2 is the primary server, and ADAP-MS3 is the standby server.

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