  • General Configuration
  • Reports
  • Schedule report configuration
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Schedule reports

Reports in ADAudit Plus can be set to be scheduled at specific time intervals. You can configure them to be stored at a defined storage path and automatically emailed to designated recipients.

Create a scheduled report

  1. Log in to ADAudit Plus.
  2. Navigate to the Admin tab > Schedule Reports > + Schedule New Reports.
  3. Enter the Schedule Name and a Description in the respective fields.
  4. Select the Domain Name from the drop-down menu.
  5. Configure the Select Reports, Report Frequency, Storage, and Email Notification settings.
  6. Click Save or Save & Test Now to finish creating the scheduled report.

Select reports

  1. Under the Available Reports column, click a report category to view the list of available reports that can be scheduled. You can find both the default reports and user-defined reports here.
  2. Click Add >> to add a particular report to the Selected Reports column.

Note: For certain reports that require granular object selection, an additional pop-up window will open once you click Add>>. Based on the report type, a list of users, computers, or groups will be displayed, from which you can select your desired objects to schedule reports for.

Report frequency

Every scheduled report requires a set frequency.

Frequency Description
Run Once
  1. Select the date and time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Generate report on tab. The schedule will run once at this time.
  2. Select the desired period under the Generate report for tab.
    • Selecting Last will generate reports of the last "N" number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Before will generate reports from the beginning of the product's usage to the last "N" number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Pre-Defined will generate reports of the same or previous day, week, month, or year from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Custom Range will generate reports for the selected custom time range.
  1. Select the time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Generate report on tab. The schedule will run at this time, then every hour after that.
  2. Select the desired period under the Generate report for tab.
    • Selecting Last 60 minutes will generate reports of the last 60 minutes from the scheduled time. For example, if the schedule time is 02:15, the report will contain data from 01:15 to 02:15.
    • Selecting Previous hour will generate reports of the full hour before the scheduled time. For example, if the scheduled time is 02:15, the report will contain data from 01:00 to 02:00.
  1. Select the time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Generate report on tab. The schedule will run every day at this time.
  2. Select the desired period under the Generate report for tab.
    • Selecting Last 6 hours, Last 12 hours, or Last 24 hours will generate reports of the last six, 12, or 24 hours from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Previous day will generate reports of the full previous day from 00:00 to 23:59.
  1. Select the day and time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Generate report on tab. The schedule will run every week at this time.
  2. Select the desired period under the Generate report for tab.
    • Selecting Last 7 days will generate reports of the last seven days from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Before 7 days will generate reports from the beginning of the product's usage to the last seven days from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Previous Week will generate reports of the full previous week (from Sunday to Saturday).
  1. Select the day of the month and time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Generate report on tab. The schedule will run every month at this day and time.
  2. Select the desired period under the Generate report for tab.
    • Selecting Last 30 days, Last 60 days, or Last 90 days will generate reports for the last 30, 60, or 90 days from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Before 30 days, Before 60 days, or Before 90 days will generate reports from the beginning of the product's usage to the last 30, 60, or 90 days from the scheduled time.
    • Selecting Previous month will generate reports for the previous full calendar month.
  1. Select the date and time for your scheduled report to be generated under the Start reporting from tab.
  2. Select the repeat frequency under the Repeat tab.
    • Selecting Minutes, Hours, or Days will generate reports every "N" number of minutes, hours, or days.
    • Selecting Weeks will generate reports every "N" number of weeks, with the additional option to choose specific days under the Perform on tab. For example, to generate reports on Thursday and Saturday every three weeks, select 3 Weeks and check Thursday and Saturday.
    • Selecting Months will generate reports every "N" number of months, with the additional option to choose specific days under the Perform on tab. For example, to generate reports on the first Thursday every three months, select 3 Months, and check Thursday and 1st week.
    • Selecting Years will generate reports every "N" number of years, with the additional options to choose specific days and months under the Perform on tab. For example, to generate reports on the first Thursday of May and June every three years, select 3 Years, check Thursday and 1st week, and check May and June.
  3. Select the time period of reports to be generated under the Generate report for tab. All the time periods from previous options are enabled at once.
  • If you have business hours configured, selecting All, Business, or Non-Business under Business Hour will filter the reports accordingly.
  • The expected time period of the reports is shown in green below the Generate report for tab, and it may vary slightly based on the report's set generation date and time.


  1. The scheduled reports are by default stored in the following path: <Installation Folder>\webapps\adap\schedule-reports.

    Note: You can enter a different storage path if needed. If so, the reports will no longer be viewable directly from the web console. If you are storing the reports externally, make sure strong data security measures are implemented, as the audit data may contain PII.

  2. The reports can be stored in PDF, XLS, HTML, or CSV formats.
  3. Check the Don't create extra folders checkbox to store all the files under the selected path without creating additional subfolders.

Email notification

In addition to storing the reports, you can also set to send them via email.

  1. Check the Email this scheduled Report checkbox.
  2. Enter your desired email addresses.
  3. Click Message Settings to configure the email message settings.
    • Select Attach Reports if you want the reports to be emailed as attachments in the format chosen in the Storage section.
    • Check the Send as a zip file checkbox if you want the reports to be attached as zip files.
    • Check the Attach Empty Reports checkbox if you want the reports to be attached even if they are empty.
    • Select Publish the reports and email the link alone to send only the link to the published reports.
    • Modify the email Subject and Content if needed, and click OK.
Note: The same schedule report settings are available when creating custom reports via the Analytics tab > Custom Report.

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