  • Data Source Configuration
  • NAS devices
  • EMC Isilon NAS device
  • Minimum privileges required
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Privileges required for effective EMC Isilon auditing

Certain minimum privileges are required to ensure the effective functioning of ADAudit Plus while auditing your EMC Isilon nodes. Create a dedicated ADAudit Plus Isilon user account and provide it with the below privileges.

For discovering zones,

  • Provide these privileges with read-only access

    Alternatively, you can provide these privileges from within the Isilon UI:

    Navigate to the Access tab, select Membership and Roles, click on Roles and assign Auth, SSH and Network roles.

    Privileges required for effective EMC Isilon auditing

  • Ensure that Smart Connect Zone (SC Zone) is configured for all the zones to be audited. The domain must be the Authentication Provider (lsa-activedirectory-provider) for the zone.
  • Verify that the cluster name or cluster DNS name is mapped to the node's IP address.
  • Secure Shell (SSH) must be enabled on port 22 on the Isilon cluster to be audited.

For discovering shares in a zone

The user configured under domain settings for the authentication provider must have read permission to the shares.

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