  • Administrative Settings
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  • Enable SSL
  • Automatic
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Steps for enabling SSL automatically

The following steps will guide you through enabling SSL automatically in ADAudit Plus:

Step 1: Generate certificate

Log in to ADAudit Plus with an account that has administrative privileges and navigate to Admin > General Settings > SSL Certification Tool > Generate Certificate.

  • In the Common Name field, enter the name of the server. For example, for the URL https://servername:9251, the common name is servername.
  • In the Subject Alternative Name (SAN), enter the name of the server.

    Note: The SAN should match the product URL.

  • In the Organizational Unit field, enter the name of the department that you want to be displayed in the certificate.
  • In the Organization field, enter the legal name of your organization.
  • In the City field, enter the name of the city as in your organization’s registered address.
  • In the State/Province field, enter the name of the state or province as in your organization’s registered address.
  • In the Country Code field, enter the two letter code of the country where your organization is located.
  • In the Password field, enter a password that consists of at least 6 characters to secure the keystore.
  • In the Validity (In Days) field, specify the number of days for which the SSL certificate will be considered valid.

    Note: When no value is entered, the certificate will be considered to be valid for 90 days

  • In the Public Key Length (In Bits) field, specify the size of the public key.

    Note: The default value is 2048 bits and its value can only be incremented in multiples of 64.

  • Select Generate CSR or Generate & Apply Self-Signed Certificate, based on the information provided below:
    • Generate CSR allows you to generate the CSR file and submit it to your CA. Using this file, your CA will generate a custom certificate for your server. Click Download CSR or manually get it by going to the <Install_directory>\Certificates folder. Once you have the certificate files from your CA, follow the steps listed under Apply Certificate to apply the SSL certificate.
    • Generate & Apply Self-Signed Certificate allows you to create a self-signed certificate and apply it instantly in the product. However, anyone accessing the product secured with a self-signed SSL certificate will see a warning indicating that the connection is not private. To secure the connection, follow these steps: Click on Advanced and select Certificate is not valid > In the Certificate Viewer window, click on Details > In the Certificate window, click on Install Certificate > In the Certificate Import Wizard, select Local Machine, click Next, click Browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click Next. You will receive an Import was successful message.

Step 2: Apply certificate

Log in to ADAudit Plus with an account that has administrative privileges and navigate to Admin > General Settings > SSL Certification Tool > Apply Certificate.

  • Choose Upload Option based on the certificate file type.
    • If your CA has sent you a ZIP file, select ZIP Upload and upload the file.
    • If your CA has sent you individual certificate files (user, intermediary, and root certificates), ZIP all the certificate files, select ZIP Upload and upload the file.
    • If your CA has sent you a certificate file (in PFX or PEM format), select Individual Certificates and upload the file.
    • If your CA has sent the certificate content,
      • Paste the content in a text editor and save it in CER, CRT, or PEM format, select Individual Certificates and upload the file, or
      • Select Certificate Content and paste the entire content.
  • If the certificate contains a password-protected private key, enter the password in the Private Key Passphrase field.
  • Note: Only Triple DES encrypted private keys are currently supported.

  • Click Apply > Restart ADAudit Plus for the changes to take effect.

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