Installing the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)
The GPMC must be installed on the machine used to run ADAudit Plus. Install GPMC in the machine running ADAudit Plus using the steps below:
For Windows Server 2012 and above
- Go to Start > Control Panel, and select Turn Windows features on and off under Programs.
- In the Add Roles and Feature Wizard window that opens, select Features.
- Check Group Policy Management, and click Next.
- Click Install.
For Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2
- Go to Start > Control Panel, and select Turn Windows features on and off under Programs.
- In the Server manager window select Features > Add Features.
- Check Group Policy Management, and click Next.
- Click Install.
Note: Once the GPMC is installed, open ADAudit Plus console > Reports > GPO Settings Changes > Group Policy Settings Changes. An error message will be displayed on top that says "Please install GPMC in the computer where ADAudit Plus is installed. After you install GPMC please Click here." Go ahead and click the Click here hyperlink to begin advanced GPO report generation in ADAudit Plus.
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