  • Migration
  • Migrate data between different versions of MS SQL
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Migrating data between different versions of MS SQL

ADAudit Plus allows administrators to store and retrieve Windows servers' audit log data from MySQL, MS SQL, or PostgreSQL databases.

MS SQL server has built-in methods to migrate data from one version to another.

MS SQL DB Migration using Import Data Method

Recommended for: Moving particular table data from one DB to another.

  1. Login to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Right click on the DB that you want the data moved to (Ex: adap_new). Select Tasks → Import Data.
  3. The SQL Server Import and Export wizard opens up → Click Next
  4. In the Data Source wizard, that opens up, specify: (In the Data source drop down, select SQL Server Native Client if it's not selected already.)
    • Server Name.
    • Authentication (Used to login to SSMS).
    • Database.
    • Click Next.
  5. Under the Destination wizard, enter the following: (In the Data source drop down, select SQL Server Native Client if it's not selected already. )
    • Server Name (will get automatically detected, you can change the destination, if you want).
    • Authentication.
    • Database (will get automatically detected, you can change the destination, if you want).
    • Click Next.
  6. Under Specify Table Copy or Query → Choose Copy Data From One or More Tables/Views → Next.
  7. Under Select Source Tables and Views → Choose the tables to be copied from source, select the tables from the left column using Edit Mappings → Select particular table operations → Next.
  8. Check the Run Immediately box → Next.
  9. Click Finish.

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