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Moving Firewall Analyzer's database, index to different directory in the same server

This procedure is applicable for Firewall Analyzer version 7.5 (Build 7500) onwards

How to find build number?

In the Firewall Analyzer web client, and click the About link in the top pane. You will find the build number mentioned below the build version. This is the build number of the currently installed Firewall Analyzer.

How to move PostgreSQL data to another drive in the same physical machine?

Follow the steps given below to move the database to a different drive:

  • Stop the Firewall Analyzer server/service, if it is running
  • Check the task manager for the process java.exe and postgres.exe, kill the process if any of these process is running
  • Copy the folder <Firewall Analyzer Home>pgsql to a folder in another drive (e.g., D:Firewallpgsql).i.e., the new location to which you want to move the data of PostgreSQL database
  • Rename the present data folder under pgsql folder as dataold and you can delete it later 
  • Open the setCommonEnv.bat/sh file, located under <Firewall Analyzer Home>bin directory

    For Windows: 
    Edit the following set database home line: 

    set DB_HOME=%SERVER_HOME%pgsql 
    set DB_HOME=D:Firewallpgsql 

    where, the D:Firewallpgsql is the new location for the PostgreSQL database 

For Linux: 
Edit the following set database home line: 

DB_HOME=<absolute path of desired location>/pgsql 

where, the <absolute path of desired location>/pgsql is the new location for the PostgreSQL database 

Note:​ The above line may slightly differ for various builds, however, ensure that, 

in Windows "set DB_HOME=%SERVER_HOME%pgsql" is changed to "set DB_HOME=<new drive with absolute path>pgsql
in Linux the line is changed to "DB_HOME=<absolute path of desired location>/pgsql". 
  • Save the file 

Changes in wrapper.conf file

  • Open the wrapper.conf file, located under <Firewall Analyzer Home>/server/conf directory
  • Change this below line db.home for service to the new PostgreSQL database home
  • Save the file 
  • Start the Firewall Analyzer server/service 
  • Check whether the data is correct and the D:Firewallpgsql directory size is getting increased

How to move MSSQL data to another drive in the same physical machine?

  1. Stop the Firewall Analyzer Server/Service.
  2. Login to SQL Server database with system administrator permissions.
  3. Find the current location of the data file and log file for the database firewall by using the following commands:
use firewall
  1. Detach the database by using the following commands:
use  master
sp_detach_db 'firewall'
  1. Copy the data file and log file from the current location (<MSSQL Home>datafirewall.mdf and <MSSQL Home>datafirewall_log.LDF)
    to the new location (<New location>firewall.mdf and <New Location>firewall_log.LDF).
  2. Re-attach the database and point to the new location by using the following commands:
use  master
sp_attach_db 'firewall' , '<New Location>firewall.mdf' , '<New Location>firewall_log.LDF'
  1. Verify the changed location by using the following commands:
use firewall
  1. Start the Firewall Analyzer Server/Service.

How to move the Firewall Analyzer's Indexes to a different drive/directory on the same server

  • Go to Archive Settings page.
  • Enable Change Raw Logs Indexing Location check box.
  • Modify the Log Indexing Location to the new location and save.
  • Move all the directories from previous location to the new location


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