VPN Reports - Firewall Reports

The VPN Reports shows usage statistics, protocols used, and other details across each VPN configured behind the firewall.

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The Top VPN Users table shows each user, along with duration of the VPN connection, the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic generated by each user.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each user:

Graph Description
Top VPN Protocol Groups List of Protocol Groups through which this User transferred higher volume of data.
Top VPN Hosts List of VPN Hosts used by this User..
Top Destinations List of Destinations Accessed by this User.
Top VPN Clients List of VPN Clients used by this User.
Top Conversations List of conversations started by this User.
VPN Summary The bandwidth used by this User across each VPN
VPN Usage - Non-working Hours VPN bandwidth used by this User after working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

The Top Failed VPN Users graph shows the top VPN users with number of failed login attempts across all VPNs behind this firewall (VPN tracker). The table below the graph shows each user, and the number of attempts.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each user:

Graph Description
Hosts List of VPN Hosts used by this User.
Hits Number of failed login attempts.

The Top VPN Hosts table shows the host names or IP addresses along with duration of the VPN connection, the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic generated by each host.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each host:

Graph Description
Top Protocol Groups The top protocol groups used by this host. This graph drills down further to show the top users using these protocols.
VPN Summary The bandwidth used by this host across each VPN
Top VPN Users List of VPN users connecting through this host.
Top Destinations The top Destinations Accessed by this host.
Top Clients The top clients used by this host.
Top Conversations The top conversations through this host.
VPN Usage - Working Hours VPN bandwidth used by this host during working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.
VPN Usage - Non-working Hours VPN bandwidth used by this host after working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

The Top VPN Clients table shows the host names or IP addresses along with the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic transferred by each client.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each host: 

Graph Description
Top Protocol Groups The top protocol groups Protocol Groups through which the client transferred higher volume of data.
Top VPN Users The top VPN users connecting through the Client.
Top VPN Destinations The top Destinations Accessed through Client.
Top Conversations The top conversations connecting through Client.
VPN Summary The list of VPNs used by Client
VPN Usage - Working Hours VPN Usage during Working Hours by client, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.
VPN Usage - Non-working Hours VPN Usage during non Working Hours by client, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

The Top VPN Protocol Groups graph shows the top protocol groups used by VPNs behind this firewall. The table below the graph shows each protocol group, along with the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic generated by each protocol group.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each protocol group: 

Graph Description
Top VPN Hosts The top hosts behind the VPN using these protocol groups. This graph drills down further to show the top users using these protocols.
VPN Summary The bandwidth used by this protocol group across each VPN
Top Destinations List of Destinations Accessed through this protocol group.
Top Clients List of Clients using this protocol group.
Top Conversations List of VPN conversations through this protocol group.

The VPN Summary shows the total bandwidth used by each VPN behind this firewall. The table below shows the VPN gateway used, the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic generated by each VPN.

Drill down from the graph to see the following details for each VPN: 

Graph Description
Top Protocol Groups The top protocol groups used by this VPN. This graph drills down further to show the top hosts using these protocols.
Top VPN Hosts The top hosts or IP addresses using this VPN
Top Destinations The top Destinations Accessed through Client.
Top Clients The top clients using the VPN
Top Conversations The top conversations through VPN.
VPN Usage - Working Hour Bandwidth used by this VPN during working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.
VPN Usage - Non-working Hour Bandwidth used by this VPN after working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

The VPN Traffic Usage Trend graph shows the hourly trend in VPN traffic across all VPNs configured behind this firewall. The table below the graph shows the the number of hits, and the total bytes of traffic received and sent for each hour of the day by all the VPNs.

The Group VPN Details table shows the VPN usage details of each VPN user group. The table contains the VPN Groups, Hits, Duration, and Total Bytes (MB) of the group wise VPN details. Drill down to see the following details for each user: 

Graph Description
Top VPN Protocol Groups List of Protocol Groups through which this User transferred higher volume of data.
Top VPN Hosts List of VPN Hosts used by this User..
Top Destinations List of Destinations Accessed by this User.
Top VPN Clients List of VPN Clients used by this User.
Top Conversations List of conversations started by this User.
VPN Summary The bandwidth used by this User across each VPN
VPN Usage - Working Hour VPN bandwidth used by this User during working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.
VPN Usage - Non-working Hours VPN bandwidth used by this User after working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

On drilling down to the raw log details, the table shows the VPN session time details of each user. The table contains the user names of the Users, Start Time, End Time and Duration of the VPN sessions. 


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