Add Device Failure Message

Sometimes, an error might prevent you from adding new devices to OpManager? Here is a list of error messages and the corresponding reasons on why a particular error is triggered and solutions on how to resolve them.

Device not reachable


When the device you are trying to add is not reachable from the OpManager server, this error is displayed. This error is triggered when you are attempting to add a device using its device name.


OpManager searches for the device using its device name. This error can be fixed by avoiding typos in the device name.

Note: When adding the device using its IP address, the device gets added even though it is not reachable, but the device status is classified as 'Device not Monitored'. OpManager periodically pings the device for availability and the status is updating accordingly.

Device already exists in OpManager


This error is caused by one of the following reasons

  1. Same display name is used for devices with different IP addresses.
  2. The IP address and display name of the new device is same as an existing device.
  3. The IP address has been mapped as the secondary device in Active-Passive mode of high availability configuration for some existing device. (Please refer this page.)


  1. When using the same display name for multiple devices with different IP address, make sure to disable the 'Unique System Display Name' option under Discovery > Discovery Settings Unique System Display Name.
  2. Also make sure devices with the same IP does not exist in OpManager.
  3. To monitor this device individually, you must remove it from the Active-Passive high availability mapping, and discover it again within OpManager. You can still map this device for high availability monitoring, but only in an Active-Active mode. [Check the steps to configure these modes here.]

Network IP is not allowed


This error is displayed when the network IP and device IP are the same.


Network IP turns out invalid when the IP that is standard to a network (.0) is configured for a device. Check for typos and make sure the correct value is entered. If the network IP is not configured for your network, enable the 'ADD_DEVICE_IP_ENDING_0' property as 'TRUE' in the file from the directory <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager and restart the service to use this IP (.0).

Also ensure that the device IP doesn't match the Network IP when it is fetched automatically.

Broadcast IP is not allowed.


This error is displayed when the broadcast IP and device IP are the same.


OpManager will not allow device addition, if the standard broadcast IP (ending with .255) is configured for a device. Proceed with device discovery once you confirm that the device IP and the broadcast IP is not identical. If the broadcast IP is not configured for your network, enable the 'ADD_DEVICE_IP_ENDING_255' property as 'TRUE' in the file from the directory <OpManagerHome>\conf\OpManager and restart the service to use this IP (.255).

Cannot add device. This edition of OpManager does not support adding more than {n} devices


Your device has run out of licensed devices that can be monitored. Here, {n} indicates the number of device that has exceeded the licensing limit.


Delete/Unmanage unwanted devices to make room for the new ones or purchase a license that can accommodate more devices.

Add Device Failed - Device Name: Problem in adding the device, please contact support with support information file


This error is exclusive to SNMP devices. This error is triggered even though the device you are attempting to add is reachable from the OpManager server. This is because the Sysname turns up empty when trying to fetch the device details.


Sysname is a mandatory field. Make sure this field is populated before attempting to add the device. To verify the status of the Sysname, query the SNMP device to check if the Sysname (. returns a value.

Unable to add device. The given IP address already exists as a subnet.


The IP address of the device to be discovered may be available in OpManager as a subnet address.


In OpManager, an specific address cannot be used as both a IP address and Subnet. The required device can only be added if the device IP doesn't exist as a Subnet in OpManager or if the 'DNS Name' of the device is resolved.

Other messages

Device addition might take a longer time than usual. Please check the Inventory after some time.


  • The device would have responded slowly to the OpManager server's request.
  • Due to the large number of interfaces in the device, the time taken for device addition may be longer than usual.


Check whether the device is reachable from the OpManager server continuously and without any hindrance. Also ensure that there is no delay in the protocol response chosen for the corresponding credential that is associated with the device(SNMP, WMI, etc). In some cases, the device would have been added in OpManager, but not notified. Please check the Inventory after few minutes of discovery to make sure the device is added.

Device Discovery has been initiated

The message 'Device Discovery has been initiated' will be displayed when two or more devices are discovered at the same time (separated by comma) via 'Add Device'. In such cases, the mentioned devices will be added into OpManager without an additional message confirming the completion of the discovery process. These devices will be listed under Inventory once the discovery progress notification shows the completion status.

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