After installation, all the OpManager-related files will be available under the directory that you choose to install OpManager. This is referred to as OpManager Home directory.
On Windows Machines
If you have chosen to install OpManager as Windows service, you will be prompted to start the service after successful installation. The Web Client is invoked automatically on installing as a Service. Enter the log-on details. The default user name and password is 'admin' and 'admin' respectively.
To later start OpManager as a Windows Service, follow the steps below:
To stop the ManageEngine OpManager service, right-click the ManageEngine OpManager service in the Services window and click Stop.
Alternatively, you can choose to start OpManager as a Windows Service using Command Prompt:
On Windows machines, an icon is displayed on the system tray to manage the application. You can start the client, start the server, and shut down the server using this icon.
On Linux Machines
To stop OpManager running on a linux machine, execute the file present in the <OpManager Home>/bin directory.
Alternatively, you can choose to start OpManager as a service:
Open a JavaScript-enabled Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
Type http://<host_name>:<port_number> in the address bar and press Enter. Here, <host_name> is the name of the machine in which OpManager is running and <port_number> is the port that you have chosen to run OpManager Web Server during installation.
[Note: If you have enabled SSL, connect as https://<host_name>:<port_number> in the address bar and press Enter.]
Type the User Name and Password and click Login. The default user name and password are 'admin' and 'admin' respectively.
If the client is not accessible, check if the port is not blocked by Windows Firewall.
Alternatively, if the OpManager server is running on Windows machines, you can start the Web client using
Start > Programs > ManageEngine OpManager > OpManager Web Client.
Right-click the tray icon and select Start Client option.