Layer 2 Map

Create a Layer2 map:

OpManager MSP renders the logical network topology diagram once you discover the networks and network devices. For a better visualization of the physical network connectivity in real networks and the consequences of a failure of a device, network topology map comes handy.

To create a Layer2 Map, go to Map > Layer 2 Maps > Create New.

Layer2 Map views:

After discovering your network topology, you can choose to view it in three different views, Radial Tree (default view), Node Link and Balloon Tree. You can switch between the views by clicking on their respective icon present in the top right corner.

Layer2 Map Settings:

Click on the settings icon to explore additional functions.

    • Import Devices:
      The devices that are discovered in Layer2 maps will not be added to OpManager MSP for monitoring purposes unless they have been imported.

      Click on Settings and choose Import Devices. A screen containing all the devices that have been identified by the Layer2 Map will be displayed. This list also includes the ones that have already been imported to OpManager MSP.

      From the list, select the devices that are yet to be imported to OpManager MSP and click on Discover. Discovery process will commence and a list of all the newly imported devices will be displayed in the device snapshot page.


    • Rediscover Map:
      This option is used when you want to rerun Layer2 discovery with-in the same device IP range specified in the discovery window. You can also perform Rediscovery by clicking on the refresh icon in the Layer2 section at the Map page


    • Save as Business View:
      The devices that are identified in the Layer2 Map can be saved as a Business view. To do this, click on Save as Business View, give the layout a name and press Save. The result can be viewed in the Business View section.
  • Export to Visio:
    Visio is a Microsoft owned graphic tool exclusively used for drawing network diagrams. The network map discovered in Layer2 Maps can be exported to Visio in an xml file.
  • Printer Friendly View:
    You can print a physical copy of your network layout using this option. Click on this button and you will be taken to the Print page. Choose your print preferences and click print. You can also save this layout to your PC as a PDF.


  • Delete Map:
    You can delete the created map by clicking on the Delete Map option. Once deleted, the map cannot be retrieved.

Locating Layer 2 Maps:

OpManager MSP automatically maps L2 devices when Layer 2 discovery is done. The resultant map can be viewed under the Layer 2 tab of the Maps Section.

Modifying Layer 2 Maps:

OpManager MSP allows you to perform edits on Layer2 Maps that have already been discovered. Click on Maps from the horizontal tab and scroll down to the Layer2 Maps section. In the Actions column, there is a provision to perform the following:

  • Re-Discovery:
    Click on the refresh icon to rediscover all the devices within the IP range specified during Layer2 device discovery. This is especially useful when:
    • You have added new devices to your topology.
    • You have updated the device template or interfaces that were connected to existing devices.
    • Made hardware changes to one or many devices.
  • Edit:
    You can edit the discovery parameters (such as modifying the IP range, editing the seed router, changing the discovery mechanism, set device dependency, change schedule discovery time) of the existing Layer2 Map and rerun the discovery process.



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