Monitoring TCP Services

OpManager provides out-of-the-box support for the following services: Web, HTTPS, FTP, IMAP, LDAP, Telnet, Oracle, POP, MySQL, SMTP, WebLogic, Finger, Echo, DNS, and NNTP. By default, during discovery, OpManager scans the devices for the following services: DNS and MSSQL. You can also select other services in the list. When they are found running on their default ports, OpManager starts monitoring the services.

Scanning Services during Discovery

By default, OpManager scans each device on the network for the services that are chosen during discovery.

To modify this list, go to Settings → Monitoring → Service Monitors. Select the required service and enable 'Scan during discovery', and click 'Save'.

OpManager allows you to change the settings for monitoring these services as per your network needs. You can configure new services that are not available in the list. OpManager can manage services running on standard TCP ports.

  • The list contains the service names and the corresponding port numbers. To edit the settings of any of the available services, click on the service name.
  • If you do not find the service you want to manage in the list, you can add the service by clicking Add Service. (Adding a New Service).

Viewing Service Status and Response Time

  • Navigate to Inventory → Devices and then click on a device to open its snapshot page. Now go to Monitors → Service Monitors. You can see the list of services managed in the device (if any), with their status and current response time.
  • You can also click on the service name to view the historical report on the response time and the availability chart of the service.

Configuring Alerts

  • By default, OpManager raises an alarm if a service is down. If required you can configure OpManager to raise an alarm if the service is unavailable for N number of times consecutively.
  • Go to the Device Snapshot → Monitors → Service Monitors, and click the Edit icon against the service on which you wish to configure the threshold or to modify the consecutive times condition.

Note: Threshold alert will be raised based on the response time of the service.

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