By configuring SNMP agent in lotus domino server, you can gather critical metrics about your server performance. Furthermore, the data collected by the SNMP agent can be integrated with a network monitoring solution such as OpManager, to provide centralized monitoring of all the devices in your network, which eases your monitoring efforts.
The Domino SNMP Agent is configured as a Windows Service and is set up to run automatically. This means that once the Domino SNMP Agent is configured, it is virtually always running, even when Domino is not. If you later upgrade Domino you should stop the LNSNMP and Windows SNMP Services before beginning the upgrade process.
CD C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino
net start lnsnmp
If you get the following error when trying to install the Domino SNMP Agent service (LNSNMP -Sc), make sure you have installed the Windows SNMP Service correctly.
Error opening registry key "SNMP"
Error Detail: RegOpenKeyEx error code 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.)
Full key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ExtensionAgents
Service deletion failed.
load quryset
load intrcpt
load collect
The SNMP agent has now been configured successfully.
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