Virtual network maps

OpManager provides you the option to visualise your entire virtual infrastructure based on the vendor, allowing you to take a quick glance of all your hosts and VMs (and clusters, in the case of Nutanix) and their current status.

VMware Maps:

To access VMware maps, click on Maps and the click the VMware tab. The list of vCenter servers available in your network will be displayed, along with general info about your server such as number of hosts and number of VMs. Click on any of the servers listed to view the visual mapping of vCenter, its hosts and VMs.


VMware Maps | OpManager help 


Hyper-V Maps:

To view the dependency map of your Hyper-V devices, go to the Hyper-V tab under Maps. You can see the Hyper-V hosts with info such as number of VMs, CPU and memory info. To view the visual representation of the mapping, click on any of the hosts to open up its map.


Hyper-V Maps | OpManager help 


Xen Maps:

OpManager automatically provides a map of your Xen hypervisor, guest and host machines, once they have been discovered. The list of Xen pools available can be viewed under Xen section in Maps section, along with general info about it such as number of hosts and VMs, total memory and number of CPU cores in use in that pool. Clicking on any of the listed IP addresses takes you to the map of that specific Xen pool, where the dependency between the master, the hosts and the VMs are displayed.


Xen Maps | OpManager help 


Nutanix maps:

On opening the Nutanix tab under Maps section, the list of clusters available are displayed along with their total hosts and VMs. To view the dependency under any of the clusters, click on it and the related hosts and VMs will be displayed in the Map view.


Nutanix Maps | OpManager help 

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