Migrating OpManager MSP
Please note that starting from version 12.8.510, the supported backup file extension has been changed from .zip to .7z.
Migrating OpManager MSP to a new server
- Click Support → About (via the image icon at the top right of the OpManager MSP web client) and note the build number of your existing OpManager MSP installation.
- Take a backup of your existing database.
- On the new server, download and install the same build of OpManager MSP.
- Install OpManager MSP and ensure it starts successfully. Then, stop the OpManager MSP service and proceed with the restoration process as follows:
- Copy the backup files to the new server.
- Open a command prompt (as an administrator) and navigate to the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup directory.
- Restore the backup file using the RestoreDB.bat command:
Example: ...\OpManager MSP\bin\backup>RestoreDB.bat "D:\backup\BackUp_APR25_2010_01_17_21_8051.7z"
Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.
- Copy the following files from the \OpManager MSP\Lib folder (for Version 12 and above) on the old server:
- AdventNetLicense.xml
- petinfo.dat
- product.dat
Paste these files into the same location on the new server, then restart the OpManager MSP service to update your license.
Migrating OpManager MSP from Linux to Windows
- On the Linux installation, click About and note the build number. Download the Windows setup of the same build and install it on a test machine.
- On the Linux server, take a backup by running the BackupDB.sh file in the /OpManager MSP/bin/backup folder.
Once the backup is complete, a file named BackUp_FEB28_2005_15_51.7z (with the current date and time) will be created in the /OpManager MSP/backup folder.
- On the Windows installation, create a folder named backup under \OpManager MSP, and paste the backup file from the Linux server.
- Run the RestoreDB.bat file in the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup folder on the Windows installation using the full path of the backup file:
Example: RestoreDB.bat "C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\OpManager MSP\backup\BackUp_AUG10_2012_02_39_44_9101.7z"
- Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.
Migrating OpManager MSP from Windows to Linux
- On the Windows installation, click About and note the build number. Download the Linux setup of the same build and install it on a test machine.
- On the Windows server, take a backup by running the BackupDB.bat file in the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup folder.
Once the backup is complete, a file named BackUp_FEB28_2005_15_51.7z (with the current date and time) will be created in the \OpManager MSP\backup folder.
- On the Linux installation, create a folder named backup under /OpManager MSP and paste the backup file from the Windows server.
- Run the RestoreDB.sh file in the /OpManager MSP/bin/backup folder on the Linux installation using the full path of the backup file:
Example: RestoreDB.sh "/opt/ManageEngine/OpManager MSP/backup/BackUp_AUG10_2012_02_39_44_9101.7z"
- Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.
Limitations of migrating to Linux from Windows
- WMI-based monitoring functionalities (e.g., event log monitoring, Windows services monitoring, file monitoring, folder monitoring) are not available on Linux.
- Monitoring of MSSQL/Exchange is not supported on Linux.
- Hyper-V monitoring is unavailable on Linux servers.
- Active Directory performance counters will not work.