Migrating OpManager MSP

Please note that starting from version 12.8.510, the supported backup file extension has been changed from .zip to .7z.

Migrating OpManager MSP to a new server

  1. Click Support → About (via the image icon at the top right of the OpManager MSP web client) and note the build number of your existing OpManager MSP installation.
  2. Take a backup of your existing database.
  3. On the new server, download and install the same build of OpManager MSP.
  4. Install OpManager MSP and ensure it starts successfully. Then, stop the OpManager MSP service and proceed with the restoration process as follows:
    • Copy the backup files to the new server.
    • Open a command prompt (as an administrator) and navigate to the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup directory.
    • Restore the backup file using the RestoreDB.bat command:
      Example: ...\OpManager MSP\bin\backup>RestoreDB.bat "D:\backup\BackUp_APR25_2010_01_17_21_8051.7z"
    Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.
  5. Copy the following files from the \OpManager MSP\Lib folder (for Version 12 and above) on the old server:
    • AdventNetLicense.xml
    • petinfo.dat
    • product.dat
    Paste these files into the same location on the new server, then restart the OpManager MSP service to update your license.

Migrating OpManager MSP from Linux to Windows

  1. On the Linux installation, click About and note the build number. Download the Windows setup of the same build and install it on a test machine.
  2. On the Linux server, take a backup by running the BackupDB.sh file in the /OpManager MSP/bin/backup folder.
    Once the backup is complete, a file named BackUp_FEB28_2005_15_51.7z (with the current date and time) will be created in the /OpManager MSP/backup folder.
  3. On the Windows installation, create a folder named backup under \OpManager MSP, and paste the backup file from the Linux server.
  4. Run the RestoreDB.bat file in the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup folder on the Windows installation using the full path of the backup file:
    Example: RestoreDB.bat "C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\OpManager MSP\backup\BackUp_AUG10_2012_02_39_44_9101.7z"
  5. Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.

Migrating OpManager MSP from Windows to Linux

  1. On the Windows installation, click About and note the build number. Download the Linux setup of the same build and install it on a test machine.
  2. On the Windows server, take a backup by running the BackupDB.bat file in the \OpManager MSP\bin\backup folder.
    Once the backup is complete, a file named BackUp_FEB28_2005_15_51.7z (with the current date and time) will be created in the \OpManager MSP\backup folder.
  3. On the Linux installation, create a folder named backup under /OpManager MSP and paste the backup file from the Windows server.
  4. Run the RestoreDB.sh file in the /OpManager MSP/bin/backup folder on the Linux installation using the full path of the backup file:
    Example: RestoreDB.sh "/opt/ManageEngine/OpManager MSP/backup/BackUp_AUG10_2012_02_39_44_9101.7z"
  5. Once restoration is complete, start the OpManager MSP service.

Limitations of migrating to Linux from Windows

  1. WMI-based monitoring functionalities (e.g., event log monitoring, Windows services monitoring, file monitoring, folder monitoring) are not available on Linux.
  2. Monitoring of MSSQL/Exchange is not supported on Linux.
  3. Hyper-V monitoring is unavailable on Linux servers.
  4. Active Directory performance counters will not work.
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