A Trigger initiates an action in a workflow based on the pre-configured criteria. There are two types of triggers
Alarm Trigger
An alarm trigger performs a workflow action when an alarm is generated based on the specified criteria. This alarm will trigger a workflow action. Eg. Let us assume that a General Trigger has been configured to perform a workflow action when a device misses 3 polls. A workflow action will be triggered, when an alarm is generated because the selected remote device missed 3 polls.
Scheduled Trigger
A scheduled trigger will perform a workflow action at the specified time irrespective of any other criteria.
Define Time & Delay/Recurring Trigger in Workflow
Define Time: Select one of the following options
Delayed Trigger: If you want to perform a delayed workflow action, after an alarm is triggered, enter the delay time in Trigger after (in minutes). If you don't want to trigger a workflow action if the alarm has been acknowledged in the meantime, you can select the 'Do not trigger if alarm is acknowledged' checkbox.
Recurring Trigger: This option helps you re-trigger the workflow action at regular intervals, till the alarm is cleared. Enter the Trigger interval and Restrict the number of triggers, if you want to restrict the number of times the trigger recurs.
For instance, if you set the trigger interval as 10 mins and restrict the number of triggers to 5 times, the workflow action will be triggered every 10 mins, for 5 times or till the alarm is cleared (whichever is the earliest).
If the number of times to trigger the workflow action is not specified, then the workflow action will be re-triggered indefinitely, till the alarm is cleared. If you do not want to trigger a workflow action in case an alarm has been acknowledged, you can select the 'Do not trigger if alarm is acknowledged' checkbox.