Viewing WAN Monitor Alerts

OpManager monitors the WAN links in your network and raises alarms to notify the user, whenever any network issues regarding the WAN links' availability, RTT, and traffic details occur.

How to view the WAN monitor alerts?

To view the alerts raised by WAN monitor, follow the below steps,

  • Go to Network tab, and select IPSLA.
  • Select WAN monitor, and select a WAN link.
WAN alerts

The Alarms raised for the particular WAN link will be displayed at the end of the page. The raised Alerts will have the following details,

  • Source name: The source device's name
  • Alarm Message: The alarm message
  • Severity: The severity of the issue
  • Technician: The technician assigned
  • Category: The category of the device
  • Date and time: Date and time on which the alarm was raised
WAN alerts

To gain in-depth insights into OpManager's WAN monitoring practices, explore the following help documents.

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