Installing OpManager MSP agent on devices using Windows SCCM

Microsoft System Center configuration Manager (SCCM) is an endpoint management and security solution that helps network admins manage devices & applications. Along with centralized infrastructure management, it also helps users apply security updates and patches easily across their entire network. To install OpManager MSP Agent using SCCM, kindly proceed with the following steps:

  • Navigate to "Settings -> Discovery -> Deploy agent" and then click on "Download agent."
  • Open the downloaded zip folder and copy the files OpManagerAgent.msi and OPMAgentServerInfo.json.
  • Create a shared folder by the name "OPMAgent".
  • Place the .msi and .json files from Step II into this folder.
  • Download the script from this page and save it as InstallOPMAgent.vbs under the same shared folder.
  • Open the System Center Configuration Manager(SCCM), and modify the below configurations.
  • Click on the "Content" tab under the "Install behaviour" section and enable the "Persist content in the client cache" option.
  • Click on "Ok".
  • Navigate to "Software Library -> Overview -> Application Management -> Packages"
  • Right click on "Packages" and select "Create Packages"
  • In the "Create package and program wizard" dialogue box that opens, fill in the respective information.
  • Select the checkbox "This package contains source files" and click on "Browse."
  • Select network path and enter the path of the shared folder (OPMAgent).
  • Select the architecture as "x86" and then click on next.
  • Select the program type as "Standard program" and then click on next.
  • Under the "Specify information about this standard program" dialogue box, fill in the following information and then click on next.
    1. Name: OpManager Agent
    2. Command Line: cscript InstallOPMAgent.vbs OpManagerAgent.msi
    3. Run: Hidden
    4. Program can run: If a user is logged on or not.
  • No changes are required in the "Specify the requirements for this standard program" page. Click next.
  • Confirm the settings once and then click on "Next".
  • The package is now successfully created.
  • Deploy the package to the computers.
  • On deploying the agents to the computers, OpManager MSP will automatically start monitoring your computer using agents.

For any queries related to the installation process, kindly get in touch with our support team.

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