OpManager MSP Failover Migration

Steps to migrate the Primary and Secondary setups to new servers  (Database/ Database server is not migrated)

[Important Note : These steps are not applicable for Virtual IP Failover]
  • Stop both Primary and Secondary servers and ensure that no java process is running in the background.
  • Take complete folder backup of both Primary and Secondary servers.
  • Extract the Primary server setup/backup to the desired location in the the new Primary server. 
  • Extract the Secondary server setup/backup to the desired location in the new Secondary server.
  • Open command prompt and execute the below mentioned commands one by one in both Primary and Secondary server.
cd <OpManager_Home>/bin
OpManagerService.bat -r
OpManagerService.bat -i
  • Once the above mentioned commands are completed successfully, start the Primary server.
  • Once the Primary server gets started, connect to the UI and ensure that it started properly.
  • Now start the Secondary server and ensure that it goes to the monitoring mode.

Steps to migrate the Primary Setup, Secondary Setup and Database to new servers

[Important Note : These steps are not applicable for Virtual IP Failover]
  • Stop both Primary and Secondary servers and ensure that no java process is running in the background.
  • Take complete folder backup of both Primary and Secondary servers.
  • Execute the following query in the SQL Management Studio: 
OPEN MASTER KEY DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<DB_Password>'; close master key;
    This query should be executed successfully with the message "Command Executed Successfully" as result.
  • Take complete OpManager Database backup.
  • Now restore the database to the desired MSSQL database.
  • Now extract the Primary server to the desired location in the new machine.
  • After completing extraction, navigate to <OpManager_Home>/bin and execute the command OpManagerService.bat -i
  • Now execute DBConfiguration.bat and configure proper values to point the Database to the Primary Server.
  • In <OpManager_Home>/conf/customer-config.xml update the value for the key "masterkey.password" with the DB Password used in Step 3.
  • Now start the Primary server.
  • Now extract the Secondary server to the desired location in the new machine.
  • Follow steps 7 to 9 for the Secondary server.
  • Now start the Secondary server and the Secondary server will go into monitoring mode.
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