Virtual IP Failover - Server Migration

Virtual IP Failover setup - server migration can be done in two ways.

a) Disable Failover, migrate only the Standalone setup to a new server and configure failover from start.

b) Move both setups to new servers and manually update few entries and steps.

Note: Please have folder backup and DB backups before proceeding to the following steps. Try the below steps locally before proceeding to try them elsewhere.

Disable the Failover, migrate server and then configure failover from scratch.

  1. Edit the conf\Persistence\module-startstop-processors.xmlfile in the Primary server, remove the below entries and save.
    1. ModuleStartStopProcessor
    2. ModuleStartStopProcessor CLASSNAME="com.adventnet.persistence.fos.FOS" PROCESSOR_NAME="FOS"/>
  2. Delete the itom_fos.conf file under conf directory.
  3. Connect to DB and run below queries.
    delete from FOSParams;
    delete from FOSNodeDetails;

    (Here, Failover has been disabled. Start the service and make sure it starts as a standalone setup. Take a backup of DB here if you wish to Migrate DB as well)

  4. Now move the OpManager MSP folder to the new server, and migrate the DB if required. Make sure the Standalone setup starts properly.
    Note: Do not start/use the Secondary server after migration
  5. Configure Failover from scratch.

Move both setups to new servers and manually update where required.

Note: The new server environment should match the prerequisites.

  1. Move both the OpManager MSP folders to new Primary and secondary servers respectively. Also migrate the DB to a new DB if required.
  2. (In the new primary server) Open command prompt as administrator and navigate to <OpManager_MSP_Home>/bin and execute networkAdapter.exe- Note down the resultant <primary_server_adapter_name>
  3. (In the new primary server) Edit the conf/itom_fos.conf,update the below keys and save.
    1. ipaddr=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_primary_server>
    2. fos.primary.server=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_primary_server>
    3. fos.secondary.server=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_secondary_server>
    4. publicIP.ipaddr=<virtual_ip_address>
    5. publicIP.Ifname=<primary_server_adapter_name&t;
    6. repl.remoteinstallationDir=<ShareName_Of_OpManager MSP_Home_Folder>

      Note: By default, the repl.remoteinstallationDir value will be OpManager MSP for Essential, OpManager MSPCentral for Central and OpManager MSPProbe for Probe. If you have installed Multiple probes on a Single server and configured FOS then provide the actual share name of the OpManager MSPProbe folder

  4. (In the new secondary server) Open command prompt as administrator and navigate to <OpManager_MSP_Home>/bin and execute networkAdapter.exe - Note down the resultant <secondary_server_adapter_name>
  5. (In the new secondary server) Edit the conf/itom_fos.conf,update the below keys and save.
    1. ipaddr=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_secondary_server>
    2. fos.primary.server=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_primary_server>
    3. fos.secondary.server=<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_secondary_server>
    4. publicIP.ipaddr=<virtual_ip_address>
    5. publicIP.Ifname=<secondary_server_adapter_name>
    6. repl.remoteinstallationDir=<ShareName_Of_OpManager_MSP_Home_Folder>

      Note: By default the value of repl.remoteinstallationDir will be OpManager MSP for Essential, OpManager MSPCentral for Central and OpManager MSPProbe for Probe. If you have installed Multiple probes on a Single server and configured FOS then provide the actual share name of the OpManager MSPProbe folder.

  6. If you use existing shared folder for the migrated FOS setup then make sure to remove the existing share and share the folder to new servers. Learn more (Follow the same steps in the above link if the new shared folder is going to be used)
  7. Connect to the DB and execute below queries.
    1. Delete from FOSNodeDetails;
      select * from FOSNodeDetails;

      Note: In below query, replace the old_primary and old_secondary with actual values from the above query result.

    2. Update FOSNodeDetails set IP='old_primary' where IP='<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_primary_server'>
    3. Update FOSNodeDetails set IP='old_secondary' where IP='<Ipaddress_or_hostname_of_new_secondary_server>';

      Note: Run the below query only if you are going to update the virtual IPAddress.


      Note: Run the below query only if you are going to update the shared folder.

  8. Share the Primary OpManager MSP folder to Secondary server and vice-versa.
  9. Start the Primary OpManager MSP first and then the secondary.
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