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Adding Print Servers

To configure and monitor the logs of Print Servers, follow the procedure below.

  • Navigate to Settings > Log Source Configuration > Applications. You can also click on the +Add button on the top-right corner of the Home page and select Application.
  • Next, select the General Application -> Add General Applications.
  • Choose the Application Type as Printer.
  • Expand the list by clicking the "+" icon to add a new device.
  • Choose from the drop-down menu to add Configured devices, Workgroup devices, domain devices, etc.
  • To add new devices manually, click on Configure Manually and enter Log Source.
  • If the device type is syslog, check the Add as Syslog device box. If the device type is Windows, enter Username > Password > Verify Credentials.
  • Click on Select and Add to add the log source.

Print Server Configuration

Enable Print Server Log: Go to Event Viewer > Application and Service Logs > Print Service. Right click on this and select 'Enable Log'. This will enable logging for the corresponding 'Admin', 'Debug' or 'Operational' processes. The logs can be viewed in Event Viewer.

Note: If the print server device is a 64-bit Windows OS machine (i.e., Windows Vista and above), carry out the following registry configuration:

  • Open the registry editor 'regedit' of the print server machine in the Command Line Window.
  • Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\
  • To create a new key, right click on eventlog, click new > key. You can name the key as Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational or Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Admin or Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Debug as per your logging process requirement.
  • For instance, if you need to enable logging for the Operation process, create a new key with the name Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational.

This will convert the log type to 'Administrative' thus enabling you to perform searches and generate reports out of these logs.

This configuration is not required for a 32-bit Windows OS versions.

In order to obtain the document name, you have to enable the audit policy:

Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Printers>Allow job name in event logs

(or) Registry edit:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers] "ShowJobTitleInEventLogs"=dword:00000001

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